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Could Virtual Reality Make Real Waves in the Travel Industry?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:46 am
by metalqueen

As you return to reality and head off to work after the weekend, we've got a little food for thought to spark a few daydreams. This weekend, we read a very interesting story from the BBC about how a group of psychologists are using virtual reality "time travel" to help people who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder.

In a nutshell, patients enter a virtual world which allows them to interact with a situation they experienced in real life and come to terms with the decisions they made and now regret.

Obviously, the intent of the study has little to do with leisure travel, but the technology being used sure does. For example, the psychologists heading the study said that "participants could walk, talk and move similar to how they would in real life," and that "in virtual reality, the brain's low level perceptual system does not distinguish between the virtual and the real world; the brain takes what it sees and hears in a surrounding environment as given."

Read the whole story here.

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