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DK2 review

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:46 am
by Mystify ... gly-games/

A good review all around. It makes me excited to try out mine next week. The main "bad" thing he lists is the lack of demos, which is a temporary issue. Most of his complaints are in reference to specific image quality issues. One of note is that dark scenes have a green haze, which would seem to be the result of the pentile screen. It seems like it should be correctable in software though; drop the green more on low lighting areas. While the screen technology seems to be a large improvement over the DK1, its not perfect, and still has some cases where things get juddery or smear. The comment that most worries me is that the field of view of the positional tracking camera was too small, and he would lose positional tracking sometimes, which is jarring. I wonder if the accelerometers could be used to patch the motion when you lose camera positioning. It may not be reliable enough to do for all of the tracking, but maybe it can be sufficient for those moments when your head slips out of view?