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Dirt 3

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:35 am
by Neil
Hi Guys!

It may be necessary to copy the Vireio Perception DLL files for the drivers to inject in this came. Please post your results here.


Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:39 pm
by Hicks
Looking foward to trying this.

I've tried pre 2.x Vireio and Vorpx beta.

Vorpx was far easier to get going, but the result in Vireio (d3d proxy may 2013 edition) was superior.

Do we still force directx9 mode?

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:55 pm
by Neil
Yes, you definitely need DX9 mode. Also, the head tracking only works from the in-car perspective. Have fun!


Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:12 am
by arian_susa

I am new here and I downloaded Vireio today. I was hoping that I could play Dirt 3 in 3d but it doesn't work, I copied all DLL files from C:/ Prog files/ Perception/ bin to map where the Dirt 3 is instaled and run vireio and then run the game but nothing changed.. Can someone please help me and tell me what to do?

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:26 am
by Neil
Did you force Dirt 3 to DX9 mode?

Please elaborate on the problems, etc. We also need specs, etc.


Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:59 pm
by mrbeginner
I have the same problem. I copy those 4 dll files same location with dirt3 and forced dx9 in hardware settings

I use dirt3fovchanger

This is dirt3_game.exe file if it helps?
I have change the 9800 gt to 560ti few month ago but still here is some memory traces..

21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Immersive Display Lite 2 v2.2 r1
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Logging started in D:\pelit\autopelit\Dirt3\dirt3_game.exe.log
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- warpconfig=D:\Windows\Temp\install\config2.xml
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- lic=D:\Windows\Temp\install\warpcore2.lic
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Device N[\\.\DISPLAY1] S[NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT ] F[desktop primary ]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Device N[\\.\DISPLAY2] S[NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT ] F[]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Device N[\\.\DISPLAYV1] S[RDPDD Chained DD] F[mirror ]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Device N[\\.\DISPLAYV2] S[RDP Encoder Mirror Driver] F[mirror ]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- Device N[\\.\DISPLAYV3] S[RDP Reflector Display Driver] F[mirror ]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- SM_CMONITORS = 1
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT = 1
21.01.2013 21:52:11.608 [00001498] --- SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN = 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN = 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN = 1360
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN = 768
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- SM_CXCURSOR = 32
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- Displays M[00010001] HDC[4d010d68] GDC[d60114f4] R[0,0 1360x768] N[\\.\DISPLAY1] F[1]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.609 [00001498] --- DONE
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings autoWarpEnable 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings autoWarpDelay 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings warpChildWindows 1
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings warpCursor 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings dbgLog 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings hideFrameFSWindow 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings hideBorderFSWindow 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings dx9ForceAdapter -1
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings winx 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings winy 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings winw 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Settings winh 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- GUI useFramebuffer 0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- GUI customImagesFolder
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Lic D:\Windows\Temp\install\warpcore2.lic F:0042a6b0
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Lic H:84DE-5108-84D8-0ABA U:X K:X
21.01.2013 21:52:11.611 [00001498] --- Lic U:0 S1:0 S2:0 S10:0 P: N:0 [00000000]
21.01.2013 21:52:11.696 [00001498] --- MFN D:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll SFN32 D:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll SFN64 D:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll
21.01.2013 21:52:11.724 [00001498] --- DirectX 9 API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:11.779 [00001498] --- OpenGL API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:20.149 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9 00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:20.174 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9 00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:20.514 [00001498] --- DirectX 10 API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:20.545 [00001498] --- DirectX 10.1 API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:20.576 [00001498] --- DirectX 11 API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:20.607 [00001498] --- DirectX DXGI API detected
21.01.2013 21:52:21.736 [00001498] --- IDXGIFactory 037da878 pIDXGIFactory 00b47d50
21.01.2013 21:52:21.771 [00001498] --- CreateDXGIFactory 1 00b47d50
21.01.2013 21:52:21.774 [00001498] --- CreateDevice11 00000000 887a0004
21.01.2013 21:52:21.774 [00001498] --- CreateDeviceAndSwapChain10.1 00000000 00000000 00208934
21.01.2013 21:52:21.777 [00001498] --- CreateDevice10.1 00000000 80004002
21.01.2013 21:52:21.777 [00001498] --- CreateDeviceAndSwapChain10 00000000 00000000 00208938
21.01.2013 21:52:21.787 [00001498] --- CreateDevice10 037da888 00000000
21.01.2013 21:52:21.826 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9 00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:21.855 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9Ex 0x00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:22.327 [00001498] --- IDXGIFactory1 037da868 pIDXGIFactory1 005c9d40
21.01.2013 21:52:22.327 [00001498] --- CreateDXGIFactory1 1 005c9d40
21.01.2013 21:52:22.330 [00001498] --- CreateDevice11 00000000 887a0004
21.01.2013 21:52:22.369 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9 00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:22.369 [00001498] --- MyDirect3D9::CreateDevice[037da888] Adapter=0 DeviceType=1 hFocusWindow=0012049c BehaviorFlags=00000050 BackBufferWidth=1360 BackBufferHeight=768 BackBufferFormat=22 BackBufferCount=1 MultiSampleType=0 MultiSampleQuality=0 SwapEffect=1 hDeviceWindow=0012049c Windowed=0 EnableAutoDepthStencil=1 AutoDepthStencilFormat=0000004b Flags=00000000 FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz=59 PresentationInterval=-2147483648
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- Direct3DDevice9::Direct3DDevice9[036d1f18]
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- WWW H[0012049c] C[NeonClass_41] W[DiRT 3] T[00001498] M[00010001] R[0 0 1360 768]
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- KbdMouse hookKbdMouseForWindow H[0012049c]
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- KbdMouse hookKbdForWindow H[0012049c] T[00001498] HK[008f032f] HM[0263058b]
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- Direct3DWarpContext[12880020]
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- Direct3DDevice9 036d1f18
21.01.2013 21:52:22.472 [00001498] --- Direct3DDevice9[036d1f18] BackBufferCount 1 BackBufferFormat 0016 1360x768 SwapEffect 1 Flags 00000000 PresentationInterval -2147483648[80000000] MultiSampleType 00000000 MultiSampleQuality 0
21.01.2013 21:52:22.474 [00001498] --- Direct3DCreate9 00000020
21.01.2013 21:52:33.544 [000012f0] --- CreateProcessInternalW*(00000004 [D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE\Client\\GFWLClient.exe] [GFWLClient.exe /NoAutoSignIn /NoInterface]) -> 00000001
21.01.2013 21:52:33.544 [000012f0] --- CreateProcessInternalA(00000000 [D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE\Client\\GFWLClient.exe] [GFWLClient.exe /NoAutoSignIn /NoInterface]) -> 00000001
21.01.2013 21:52:35.350 [00001498] --- KbdMouse processToggleWarpRequest
21.01.2013 21:52:35.350 [00001498] --- Displays setState 1
21.01.2013 21:52:35.362 [00001498] --- Win2Mon 0012049c (0 0 1360 768) 00010001
21.01.2013 21:52:35.362 [00001498] --- Grid viewport (1360x768)
21.01.2013 21:52:35.362 [00001498] --- MyDirect3DWarpContext[12880020] D3DX9_42.DLL found
21.01.2013 21:52:35.384 [00001498] --- MyDirect3DWarpContext[12880020] CreateAllWarpingResources S=1 R=29 MB=1733 MA=1725 MD=8
21.01.2013 21:52:37.739 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.739 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.790 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.790 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.840 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.840 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.942 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:37.942 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.044 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.044 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.145 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.145 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.247 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.247 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.348 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.348 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.450 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.450 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.551 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.551 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.653 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.653 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.755 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.755 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.857 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.857 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.959 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:38.959 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.061 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.061 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.165 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.166 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.269 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.269 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.377 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.377 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.478 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.478 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.581 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.581 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.682 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.682 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.787 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.787 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.888 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.888 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.994 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:39.994 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:40.095 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST
21.01.2013 21:52:40.095 [00001498] ??? TestCooperativeLevel 88760868 D3DERR_DEVICELOST

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:27 am
by Neil
What is Dirt3FOVchanger?

You shouldn't add any special hacks or anything. Vireio has an FOV changer that works with Dirt3 directly. That might be your problem.


Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:09 pm
by Hicks
I've lost my changer, but this was a great tool to adjust FOV in codemasters titles.

I remember using it on both Dirt 2 and 3 if I'm not mistaken.

Can somebody provide a link?

Currently, tracking does not work in Vireio, when the game runs - it tends to crash just before the first splash video.

I used to use opentrack for tracking, and vireio for 3d. It's been so long since I used the DK1 I can't be sure.

But of course none of this works with DK2.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:23 am
by LordJuanlo
Here's the link, you must be registered at NoGripRacing forums to donwload it: ... ostcount=6

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:49 am
by Hicks
Thanks, Updated my FOV and Perception to 2.04.

Now Dirt 3 crashes completely.

I noticed when running the gui and selecting anything other than "Disabled" crashes the game.

Bugger, just when Opentrack realised a DK2 capable tracker.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:07 pm
by Hicks
I'm not sure what I did earlier.

But I deleted my Dirt 3 local files, then checked and deleted the folders.

I trashed my save game profile (My documents\My games\Dirt 3) and had steam re-download.

I ran the game in 2d to make sure everything worked.

Edited the xml to force Directx9 and ran the game again. All good.

Copied the Vireio files and now I get crashes again.

Deleted the Vireio files and went to my fallback (Vorpx - I've always hated this product as Vireio had a superior warp and tracking). Vorpx works in DX9 forced true and false.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:56 am
by DrBeef
Could you try increasing the minShaderCount in the profiles.xml, I wonder if VRBoost is kicking in prematurely.. I know Dirt 3 has an issue with VRBoost if it is active anytime other than during a race.. Also suggest you set the hot keyt so you can turn it on and off with ease.

I find Dirt 3 to be a very enjoyable experience in Vireio, though was amused to discover that you are only driving the front half of the car! (if you move backwards with the positional tracking on, you move out the back of the half-car).

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:05 am
by bigmike20vt

new here but had my rift DK2 since launch.

I have Dirt3, it has been updated to the steam edition. Does this cause any issues using Vireio? I ask because I read the steam version does not work with Vorpx.



Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:30 am
by DrBeef
I've always used the steam version with Vireio and it worked fine.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:43 am
by bigmike20vt
thank you for the reply. looks like i need to check it out then - at least whilst Dirt Rally gets tweaked :)

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:19 am
by bigmike20vt

ok I fired up Dirt 3 complete edition. forced it to direct 9, put my DK2 into extended mode.

the rift has the newest drivers

I copied the DLLs to the dirt 3 complete directory

and on loading, the screen is correctly split into both eyes and runs on my rift, however there is no head tracking. it does not crash or anything.

I tried changing view to cockpit and it seems to be in 3D in the in car view but clearly not playable if i cant look around. Any ideas what i am doing wrong?

edit. 2 incase it makes a difference this is the dirt3 complete edition with GFWL stripped out

edit..3 just fired up Dear Esther and that works a treat so it is DiRT related.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 12:05 pm
by bigmike20vt

sorry to bump again but incase anyone else has issues.

it seems DiRT3 complete does NOT work however DiRT 3 does.

after having no joy with complete i dug out my old dvd version, injected the DLLs and fired her up. FOV puts you a long way from the car but essentially it works fine.

dunno if it would be an easy fix for complete, or if there is even interest now dirt rally is coming but thought this may be of use to anyone else looking to get dirt 3 complete running


Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:29 am
by Eremeev
I tried on different computers, and not on one Vireio not detected any one game. Maybe I did something wrong, I tried to stick to the instructions. I have the latest version 2.1.6. I have windows 7 64 bit
a great desire to try Dirt 3, but I find dirt3 exe. PC says that the game is not supported.
Dirt 3, I run with the disc.

Re: Dirt 3

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:29 pm
by WiZard
New to Vireio and the DK2, so may be doing something wrong...

Running Windows 7 x64 with Oculus runtime 0.8, Vireio 3.0.1. and Steam Dirt 3 Complete edition.

Set Dirt 3 to 1920x1080, 75Hz, Vsync, Forced DX9.

Starting Dirt 3 without Vireio, it runs fine. Activating Vireio Perception causes all the menus and scenes to "fade to white" (both on the monitor and in the DK2...)
The image would appear, and then within a second or so, it would literally go completely white, making the game's menus invisible. Once I get into a race (by selecting menu items by memory, since I can't see them), the HUD works, but everything else is still white.

Tried installing an Old version of Dirt 3 from DVD (circa 2011), get the same result with this old, standard edition.

Edit: If I drive using the HUD's track display at the top, occasionaly the scene would change, causing it to briefly display (in full 3D on the DK2) rapidly fading to white again.