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Any way for PC to see Rift as gamepad analog stick?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:04 am
by n8rockerasu
Hoping somebody can help me with this. I'm looking for a way to add headtracking with my Oculus Rift for games that don't have mouse look. From the research I've done, VorpX allegedly pulls this off with an option that's actually called "gamepad emulation". I hate when games don't have mouselook or trackir (especially racing games), but there are a decent amount out there that have it mapped to analog sticks on the Xbox 360 controller (NASCAR 14, Next Car Game) or even the arrow keys on the keyboard (Roller Coaster Rampage).

I saw this post in the official Freepie thread of someone looking to do a similar thing...but I'm not sure if he ever got it sorted out. ... 120#p86136

Specific example of what I'm wanting:
1. NASCAR 14's cockpit view will allow you to look around inside.
2. When you use a keyboard for input, the mapping is broken up into "look left", "look back", "look right" controls that kind of just snap to the apex when the key is pressed.
3. When you use an Xbox 360 controller for input, it changes the mapping to "look around" which defaults to the right analog stick. You can change it...but considering it's one binding that covers 2 axis', that doesn't help a whole lot.
4. So, unless I'm just not thinking through it right, I need a way to get the Rift yaw and pitch (well, and roll, I guess...but that's not as critical, and I don't even know how that would work) to be the X and Y axis of the right stick on a 360 pad.

Is this at all possible? I've got ppjoy, Vjoy, Glovepie, Freepie...and I don't think I'm completely incompetent, lol. This is just a little beyond my understanding. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

Re: Any way for PC to see Rift as gamepad analog stick?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:16 pm
by cybereality
I don't think that would work very well, even if it were supported. Analog stick movement is non-linear (meaning larger deltas induce faster movement) meaning it would be very dizzying if attempted with head-tracking. You can try looking at Vireio Perception, which I believe is using some memory hacking to rotate the camera directly. However, it has a very limited set of working games and lot of stuff will just crash with it.

Re: Any way for PC to see Rift as gamepad analog stick?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:05 pm
by n8rockerasu
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I gave it a whirl with Perception and the game just crashed on me, haha. Couldn't even get it to load right.

I guess I'm just confused why it would need to work any differently than mouse look tracking. For instance, in the Tridef HMD settings, you can scale the headtracking by inputting numbers for X and Y. So, if straight forward is 0, 0...then you'd basically need to figure out what number gives you 90 degrees left/right and which number would give you 90 degrees up/down when your head is also in the corresponding position. Based on those "anchor points", wouldn't everything in between be smooth and natural by default?

I get what you're saying about analog being non-linear and having different speeds depending on how far it's pressed, but not all games function that way do they (or more they HAVE to function that way)? Like for the NASCAR game, the cockpit view doesn't spin around 360 degrees. It's 180 left/right (and probably even less than that up/down) So, if I just kept holding left on the stick, it's only going to go so far and then stop. Same for the other three directions. I honestly can't remember if the speed of the panning changes based on how much I press the stick though.

Again, that's my "common sense" layman's interpretation of it...and the only basis for comparison I have are the things I have been able to try that have worked. Maybe it's way more complex than I'm giving it credit for. But it just feels like there SHOULD be a solution, haha.