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3RD Person VR Done Right

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:48 am
by Dilip
I always believed that Virtual Reality need not to be Always and Must be FirstPerson. 3Rd Person when done right can also bring opportunity of immersion and can give healthy dose of 'Presence'.
This belief get more reinforced with one super cool wonderful game, which demoed in E3 and got many many positive reviews ....

Title that inspired by inventor Lucky's Tale from indie developer.

This title is live example that good Immersion / Presence and VR need not to be always First person only.
I believe game like Supreme Commander or Command and Conquer Generals or even Age of Empire can also look super cool in RIFT
As it can give perspective of GOD. Even 'Assassins Creed' or next 'Prince of Persia' too for that matter can look great in RIFT.

I also see great opportunity in VR for titles like BLACK & WHITE.