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Need help. I'm trying to make my rift wireless.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:47 pm
by MJBF20
So here's what I got.

1 Head Tracking: I'm using my Asus Transformer tablet to transmit the oculus rift's head tracking via a program called usb redirector.

2 Power: I'm using a Concept Green Portable Charger (which does have 2 usb ports so it can power another device as well) to power the rift through a USB to Type M Barrel 5V DC Power Cable.

3 Video: I'm thinking of using a DVDO Air3 but this is the part I'm unsure about and the reason I'm posting this.

You see I don't mind spending a little over 200 at most for the video part but if it has too much lag... well let's just say it'll be a while before I get another one especially since I'm saving for a Virtuix Omni which is the main reason I'm doing this. So if you have any ideas please share them. Thanks.

PS: I don't mind using my tablet to stream the video to my oculus rift as long as the program I doesn't have noticeable lag.

PSS: The program or hardware has to support at least 1080p and hopefully 60 frames per second.

Re: Need help. I'm trying to make my rift wireless.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:16 pm
by tehretard23
Check this out @ the bottom of the page.

Re: Need help. I'm trying to make my rift wireless.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 2:35 pm
by MJBF20
I've been to this site and I checked all these. I'm going to list all of them and why they don't work for me.

1: ... ing-part-4 & - They use the Asus Wavi which for some reason is impossible to find for sale on the internet.

2: One of them lead to this page with ... ess-video/ - I'm not sure what the device is called but it's $2,000 so yeah.

3: - This one won't work for me because I got windows 8.

4: - The guy actually says himself "The system does compress the video feed and it has motion artifacts when turning." He goes on to say though "However due to the low resolution of the Oculus the effect seems less noticeable." However I may like to use it for Oculus Rift DK2 which supports 1080p so this one is a nope.

5: -I'm pretty sure he used this in his video Gigabyte SkyVision WS 100 HD Wireless HDMI Video Sync On-the-Go but the problem here is that the receiver gets hot according to reviews online. Why is that a problem? Well I plan on custom making a backpack to hold everything. So having a overheating device in my backpack doesn't sound to good to me.

So please just help me out. All I really need is an opinion on using the DVDO Air3 with my setup. Thanks.