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Oculus on Facebook. Thought controlled tech? Future vision

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:18 pm
by neonmuse

Facebook has aquired Oculus rift (as you all know). I'm seeing mind blowing writing on the wall and I thought you guys might like a preview.

It’s about the evolution of social networking in a future that’s not far away. Thought controlled technology is accelerating fast. From thought controlled headbands, wheelchairs, cars, scientists placing memories in the minds of mice or causing dead animals to move using only thoughts: all of this is real. Actual. Today. Facebook and Oculus is a huge step to me

If you're into this stuff then check out my portrait of a new world.

- :woot R

Re: Oculus on Facebook. Thought controlled tech? Future visi

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:11 pm
by Fractalys
Why would you chip your wrist if your thoughts are in your brain?
Wouldn't it be better to think on/off instead of long pressing your wrist?

It's still a nice dystopion short movie.