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Sixense STEM Delayed 3 months

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:10 am
by V8Griff
Just announced on Kickstarter. ... 8#comments

I didn't back this at the time as I was concerned about various elements of both the technology and the design, but it's great to see that they are truly developing the product and not just productionising the original design.

They're getting some grief over the integration of the STEM unit into the hand controllers which is understandable in some ways as I'd thought that could be useful to move the units around if you wanted to add tracking to other devices. That said if it's a better solution then it needs to be implemented.

Some of the comments on the update highlight the misconceptions that people have of Kickstarter that it a shop selling products, when it's always been a route to assist in getting items developed that wouldn't normally see the light of day.

This is development and by it's nature when a better solution becomes apparent it's better to follow that path than rigidly stick to the original plan, frustrating but better than shipping a flawed product.

Re: Sixense STEM Delayed 3 months

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:22 am
by virror
Totally agree. I admit i was a bit depressed when i read it was delayed but i still think its for the best. Also the Rift CV1 will take its time anyway : p

Re: Sixense STEM Delayed 3 months

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:12 pm
by cybereality
No worries. I'd much rather them not rush something to market if they can make it better.