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Vireio not working.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:47 pm
by Siergiej
Hello, i cannot make any game work with Vireiro. When i am trying to lunch it its just crushes (Left4Dead2, Anitchamber). I am using last version of Vireo. I copied all dlls to source folder. Iam running game as administrator. Game runs only if i choose disable option. When i switch to any other one its not starting (Anaglyph, slide by slide, Occulus rift). May someone tell me what am i doing wrong ? Vierio sees the occulus profile.

Was trying with Occulus connected to usb 2.0 with resolution 1280x800 60hz with clone option and setting occulus as main screen
Occulus works with the project from the official site (with tracking)
hd 7970
i am using logitech mouse disabling drivers doesnt make any difference.
Windows firewall is turned off.