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YEI Sensor Mouse HID

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:11 am
by TheVividLight
Hey all,

I finally received a YEI sensor the other day and have been trying to get it working as a full 360 degree pointing device for independent weapon tracking. I realize there is a freepie thread going on in the forums already, but since firmware versions and suite changes have now changed from the YEI end, I believe that most of the code is now defunct? I wanted to see if anyone else has had any experiences recently implementing the YEI tracker without using FreePie.

The suite now includes a Mouse HID/Joystick HID function which seems to work pretty well -- the only caveat being that once you look away from your initial tare position (such as when you have a oculus or other HMD on) the mouse jumps very sporadically. YEI support has stated that you need 2 trackers or to have a full 360 degree pointing device (2nd tracker attached to head or chest).

Has anyone had any luck doing this with only one sensor? I feel like there has to be a way to implement a 360 degree tracker around one of the 3 axis(s) with the other two being your up/down movement on the screen. So far I love the dang thing, and ive found more uses for it than I initially intended to :)

Re: YEI Sensor Mouse HID

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:57 am
by CyberVillain
It has? I haven't heard any reports from our users that latest Yei firmware does not work with FreePIE

Re: YEI Sensor Mouse HID

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:57 pm
by TheVividLight
My lack of ability to make simple scripts is astounding -- I was trying to make it 100x more complicated than it had to be... Contrary to YEI support, you don't need two trackers to make a 360 degree mouse (though I assume you might if you aren't using freepie) :) Though they did give me code to use trackers in unison for a very very accurate mouse w/ no need to tare manually and were overly helpful.

Another MTBS forum user (who also happens to work for YEI) posted some of his current work a week or so ago and now this topic is not relevant! could a mod please delete?