Vireio Perception 2.X Crash Protection Thread

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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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Vireio Perception 2.X Crash Protection Thread

Post by Neil »

Hi Guys!

Special credit to rarewave82 for discovering this fix for instant Vireio Perception 2.X crashes:
Hi, just to confirm..

Turning UAC off stops comodo from asking permission on executables and setting the option to trusted. I imagine other antvirus will behave in a similar way. This has been why I have had many issues with getting anything to work.

It's working fantastic now, thanks for all your hard work with the drivers.

This is the first time I experienced proper 3d, never mind VR, so just had my mind blown by Skyrim!
There are probably several programs that prevent Vireio from running properly. If you find a tool or virus protector or anything that interferes with Vireio's operation, please add it to this thread along with the name of its primary EXE file.

This thread will help fellow gamers, but it will also help us develop an eventual Vireio Perception adjustment that will detect and avoid these conflicts.

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