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To DIY or not to DIY?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:05 am
by kelsoanim
Hey guys, relatively new here (been lurking). I have a question I hope you can help me with. I have been really excited for the Oculus Rift and had previously decided to wait for the consumer version. However, with all of the great VR software being developed and Indie VR Jam stuff being made I don't think I can wait any longer. I had been planning to make a DIY Oculus but now I'm not sure that's exactly what I want and that I should maybe just get an Oculus Dev Unit. I am concerned mostly about compatibility with all of the great VR software and experiments being developed, such as the IndieCade VR Jam stuff, which is my primary interest in experiencing and experimenting with (+Skyrim...). If I make a DIY Oculus (ala Rod Furlan's design ... ulus-rift/) I want to make sure I can try all of the different VR experiences out there. At this point the DIY is a bit cheaper than the Oculus so that, combined with upgradability and just the fun of DIY, is the reason to go with it instead of the real deal. But if there is a software incompatibility issue I will definitely go with the Oculus dev kit. Do DIY's support all the software that's out there right now? Which option should I go with?

Re: To DIY or not to DIY?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:45 pm
by brantlew
Most of the content compiled specifically for the Rift (including all the Share, VR Jam stuff) will only work with the Rift because it requires the data from the Oculus sensor to compute orientation. You may be able to display the images in a DIY Rift, but it will not respond to your head movements.

I think building a Rift is a worthwhile endeavor just for the fun and understanding of the technology. But if you are interested in content - an official Rift is the way to go.

Re: To DIY or not to DIY?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:51 pm
by Fredz
Building a DIY HMD is not going to be cheaper either.

The Rod Furlan's design costs :
- $150 for the screen + board ;
- $100 for the tracker (which doesn't seem to be available anymore and doesn't have a magnetometer) ;
- $26 for the lenses ;
- $33 for the ultra-thin HDMI cable ;
- $15 for the ski mask ;
- and some more $ for foam-core.

That's already $324, and the Rift is at $300. And that's without shipping, which should be even more costly than for the Rift since the parts come from several sources.

Re: To DIY or not to DIY?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:53 pm
by kelsoanim
Thanks for the advice guys. I put in my order for a Dev Rift. Looks like they are shipping a bit faster now, should be getting it some time next month. Can't wait!