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Search for content for DIY HMD

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:44 am
by Mettanine
Hi there,

I just built myself a little Oculus Rift-like HMD out of a Nexus 7 tablet, just to get a feeling for what VR is like.
In that regard, it works pretty well, however I'm limited to the environments I whip up myself in Unity free.
So my question would be if there are any demos/games/etc that would work with a self-made HMD.
Also, how would I get the sensor data to the PC, so the head tracking works? (as of now, my little tests are running on the Nexus itself).

Thanks in advance for any helpful insights.

Re: Search for content for DIY HMD

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:20 am
by Sid
2EyeGuy was kind enough to link this resource if that's of interest.

I've got no experience using a Nexus as a HMD, so I'm not sure if these demos would work or if headtracking would be viable. Maybe you could utilize a program like Splashtop or something similar?

Re: Search for content for DIY HMD

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:35 am
by Mettanine
Oh, I hadn't seen your reply yet and apparently I'm not getting a notification either.. :)
Anyway, thanks for the link, looks interesting.
I haven't had any luck with Splashtop. It only works with the integrated graphics on my laptop. There is also an nvidia chip in there, but when I activate that, Splashtop goes black. So basically I have given up. I had a little fun running around in my own little Unity-made worlds and am now even more excited for the release of the Rift. ;)