NEW Toshiba expands the Regza family 100/120HZ LCD

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NEW Toshiba expands the Regza family 100/120HZ LCD

Post by staticbuddha »

After the great new of the Viewsonic 120HZ lcd I was pleased to find its bigger brother

more great news for shutter glasses and big BIG BIG screen size ,, yum ... 080p-lcds/

reads: IFA's apparently given Toshiba just the opportunity necessary to refresh its line of Regza LCDs, for those without the Resolution+ itch with a few new sizes and features. The existing entry-level XV line of 1080p LCDs gets 46- and 52-inch models, plus a gloss black design that helps it fit in at the Regza family reunion. The brand new RV line of 1080p LCDs bring similar features to the ZF Series, sans Resolution+ technology and one HDMI port, but with Active Vision M100 HD 100/120Hz 5:5 pulldown image processing intact. 37-, 42- and 46-inch sizes are confirmed for the October Euro launch, prices and U.S. availability for both TBD.

more news on this at

and it does sound as it its real 120HZ

part of this article read :The 120Hz is an important addition, normal HDTV’s run at 60Hz, Toshiba has doubles that frame rate. I saw TVs using 120Hz compared to 60Hz at CES this year, the difference in picture quality was impressive. Pricing on the 57” REGZA is $5999.99.

The price is heavy but then agin this will drop and I doubt you be looking at the 57" sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

other screens that are 120HZ -
JVC LT-47X898 ... ent;rb_mtx
Mitsubishi LT-46144 ... ent;rb_mtx
Sony KDL-46XBR4 ... ent;rb_mtx
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Post by ssiu »

I don't believe any of the 120Hz LCD HDTVs actually support 120Hz input signal, and none claimed S3D support. I think they take only 60Hz input signal and try to "smooth out" the video, but they are not suitable for S3D use.
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