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TriDef Direct X11 non warp +Tridef DX9 Beta warp Rift tests

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:30 am
by Thegameveda
It is good to see people using TriDef with their Rifts , I first used TriDef as a tool to counter Rift nausea without the Warp several months ago. As my day 1 Rift original plays of games like ARMA III and Bioshock Infinite show.

The second tool I used to counter the Rift Nausea was the Zeiss headtracker which you will see moving the pov in both those videos.

Using this combination I was able to counter the nausea through the Rift headtracker and the warp .

However those were my first tests , much time has passed and people are waking up to the idea of mouse emulation in head tracking as well as the use of TriDef to generate the 3D.

Whilst the beta is cool it still brings the warp , you do not need the warp here for example is ARMA III Beta ( a night mission to stress your Rift LCD) played with Zeiss headtracking but with settings that cause no doubling of the foreground .

For those that do not understand I remove the warp to compare and look for that aspect of Rift nausea that the Warp is responsible or contributing to.

This is also a way to play without losing an FPS or extra GPU cycles need for a $3000 PC of the Gods.. to use your $300 hmd..

Now that the beta is out I am comparing the Zeiss headtracker's hardware mouse emulation to the Rifts Tridef software solutiion and also warped DX9 content to non warped DX11 here for instance is Ace Combat Assault Horizon (think about it) through the Tridef Beta

remember :

to use DX11 TriDef 3D : set the display to standard , and use a side by side setting in the model : hit num 0 and you can tweak foreground and background to correct problems

to use DX9 TriDef 3D : set the display to Oculus Rif Experimental , etc

Note however many games using this have a FOV smaller than rival hmds , hmd gaming is not the same as VR gaming ... and you may find dof axes head tracking completely useless for actually playing with skill.. and not use it at all , which may counter that Rift nausea for you when you are playing a 100 inch 3D visible pixel , screen door riddled single panel LCD game of Ace Combat ..

more to follow ...