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[REQ] Tablet Rift using WiFi Streaming

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:15 pm
by jonschwab
I have a question, which I think may lead to a new option for DIY Rift devices. I haven't found a definitive answer on this subject.

I would like to use a new Nexus 7, with its 1080p screen to create a set of VR Goggles that can render video transmitted in real time from your desktop PC.
This would require a device driver on the computer to capture rendered video and stream over wifi.
This would require a program on Android that would take this stream and display it.
This follows in line with the NVidia Shield or the Wii U.

Off the shelf hardware, upgradeable as new phones and tablets use better screens.
Use of most/all current Windows/Linux based PC games and programs.
Future expansion to support Audio Stream
Future expansion to support head tracking using tablet/phone Accelerometers.
Support for Add-Hoc point to point networking, possibly cutting down on transmission delays.
Cordless, possibly with sound and head tracking too.

Weight and Packaging.
Transmission and Processing delays. (I just don't know how bad/good this could be).

As a computer and systems engineer, I can see this as viable, but haven't worked through the whole problem, and don't have experience with windows drivers or Android Dev.
Can a virtual display device be created for windows PCs that is seen as a standard HDMI capable screen?
Can video be rendered to such a device, and transmitted over WiFi without sacrificing speed? I have used screen scrapers before, but they always have noticeable lag.
Can Android/iOS receive a video stream at 1080p, and render directly to the screen? Just like youtube?
What other hurdles am I not seeing, or has this been talked about before?
