nvidia news in german

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nvidia news in german

Post by stepsbarto »

... for those who speak german here's an interesting
article from nvision : http://www.golem.de/0808/61968.html

... I'm not good at translating but it says there will be an USB IR-controller
for new wireless nvidia shutterglasses ...for 120Hz LCDs


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Post by staticbuddha »

Nvision: 3D-Spiele via LCD eyeglasses and monitor with 120 Hertz
Flicker-free stereoscopy, but only with Nvidia maps

Nividia and Viewsonic show at present in San Jose on the fair “Nvision 08” a solution for plays with three-dimensional picture impression. The system is based on the well-known LCD debris hereditary grooves, which however particularly fast work here and besides by several viewers be used at the same time can. In addition, but a new monitor is necessary.
The principle of the stereoscopy is long-known, and for years again and again manufacturers try the 1990er to make it interesting also for private users. Usually failed however because of strong flickering, which caused the combination of monitor and LCD eyeglasses. Besides the PC must compute each picture for the left and right eye separately, needs thus approximately the double achievement as for 2D-Darstellung.

These pictures are shown alternating, the LCD Shutter in the eyeglasses darken in each case the eye, whose picture straight is not represented. Most payable solutions came so only on 30 Hertz per eye (60 Hertz on the display), which many humans notice still as strong flickering. With LC-displays of the Consumer class are possible usually also only up to 85 Hertz, which 42.5 Hertz would then result in by Shutter.

Nvidia has now however eyeglasses built, which work with 60 Hertz per eye, the associated monitor with 22 tariff diagonal comes from Viewsonic. Thus a very liquid representation results, how Golem.de already could try out. Most convincingly the 3D-Eindruck worked into the Innenleveln of “Devil May Cry” and with the running play “Racedriver Grid”.

Calculated of Nvidia “unreal Tournament did not favor 3” was impressive with LCD eyeglasses too: Some object edges fell apart, besides many elements are like the HUD and text messages still 2D and sting then formally in the eye. The hair cross trimmed Nvidia however on 3D, it would be otherwise also hardly to be constituted.

About the support of individual plays the user does not have to worry. Nvidia wants to have made approximately 350 titles fit the start with a profile in the driver for the 3D-Display. Only direct access: At the transmission box for the eyeglasses sits a turnable regulator, which can shift the vanishing point forward or in the back, which regulates thus the effect of the depth (POV).

Unreal Tournament 3 in 3D
Unreal Tournament 3 in 3D
The eyeglasses are steered by Infarot via a small box by USB at the PC hang. This box radiates in 270 degrees before the monitor and can be operated with several eyeglasses. Even if one stands strongly laterally beside the screen, the effect is clearly perceptible, the vanishing point shifts thereby which works however very realistically.

The eyeglasses possess a small accumulator, which is to hold on several hours. This is loaded by USB, in the enterprise is slack the nose bicycle. The wires which can be seen in the pictures are safety cables against theft. Because to buy one knows at present neither eyeglasses nor monitor, both is in the fourth quarter on the market to only come. Nvidia wants to then drive the eyeglasses out over its diagram map manufacturers, Viewsonic the monitor. Also the prices for both devices are not yet finally decided. (never)
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