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RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:03 pm
by yuriythebest
all of this Rift talk has got me excited- I've created a quick proof of concept that would allow you to view stereoscopic panoramas (real life panorama photos) using the Rift ... indows.rar

can anyone with access to a rift test this? for I am but a poor ukrainian peasants without access to rifts

if this works I can add the ability to load other images

Re: RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:10 pm
by mediavr
Hi Yuri
it works smoothly and looks promising! It has less aliasing than VR Player for the Rift (which also supports stereo panoramas for instance). It would be good to have a dedicated stereo panorama player for the Rift I think (VR Player supports multiple devices, trackers and media types but is not intuitive to configure).

Your player needs an Esc exit key for full screen.

If you want a full 360 stereo panorama for demonstration with this you can use this one of mine if you like (equirectangularl format)

Feature requests:
support for partial (< 360) stereo panoramas in equirectangular (spherical) format eg. 1:1 means the panorama is 180 degrees wide 180 degrees high

support for cylindrical stereo panoramas

support for video stereo panoramas (mp4s at least)

support for keyboard and xbox controller navigation of playlists and video start/stop etc

support for drag and drop of spherical panoramas


Re: RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:05 am
by Skaven252
How do you get the parallax into a stereoscopic 360 panorama? Has it been stitched from a very large number of narrow slices? Because if you use a wide angle, the lines of sight get ever closer to each other towards the edges of the vision.

Thinking about the shape of panorama images, maybe a top/down stereo pairing would retain the pixel aspect of a panorama image better than side-by-side?

Re: RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:25 am
by mediavr
How do you get the parallax into a stereoscopic 360 panorama? Has it been stitched from a very large number of narrow slices? Because if you use a wide angle, the lines of sight get ever closer to each other towards the edges of the vision.
there are quite a few ways of stitching stereo panoramas -- but for action 360 scenes I use twin camera rigs with rapid rotations and many shots and assembly thin vertical slices as you suggest
.. see
You can get stereo 180 panoramas with one shot with twin cameras with circular fisheye lenses but the depth decreases to zero at the lateral edges of the format



Re: RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:03 am
by michalmoc
any news on this topic?

Re: RiftPanoramaViewer Proof of Concept

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:58 pm
by michalmoc
yes, this thing works !
there are some issue, I guess with stitching the panorama- especially at the back. And something about the second boat behind the red one (this maybe some time shift issue?)
Otherwise it is fine!