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Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:03 pm
by Direlight
This is Ridiculus, I had dropped this issue, but not others.

Putting an end to this in a new thread, mods can delete/ban at this point, not posting on a forum where I get attacked for posting articles that are "not accurate". Even if that was true, I didn't write them. Oh and on another forum Palmer jumped on another guy same as me, most of his posts seem to be about this general subject, and not his current work.

What I said that basically has Palmer calling me newb liar this is all copy & paste quotes from this point.

My oh so awful post Palmer didn't like

You posted it here I think and Carmack wanted to look at it, pretty much randomly. He then saw where you were going with the spherical lens warping for wider FoV and then got the idea to correct for this using the software.
Palmer's fairly quick response.
He did not, actually. There were several pieces of software working with my Rift prototypes using native distortion correction before Carmack did it, and I also got it working in standard SBS 3D compatible software by using projector warping tools.

Carmack did a lot to help this project, but I assure you, the idea (and implementation) to warp games to work in the Rift was around a long time before he got his!

Now granted, it was a vague comment on my part and I clarify later, notice the instant negative tone develop *not by me* go back to my op and it's not insulting to anyone nor is it false as you'll see later.

I both clarify and agree with Palmer, my whole argument was about Doom 3, I *never* said any other program and Doom 3 BFG was under NDA at the time so Palmer could literally not of seen the code unless Carmack was breaking NDA, this was NEW code done days before e3. Here's me agreeing and clarifying i'm basing it on quotes from Carmack.
I don't understand what you guys are saying. Carmack said this an interview that it was just him working on the warp for doom 3 and there was even a quote about it only taking 24 hours or something like that, and I all ready said other people had done similar things. If that isn't what happened talk to him. Note Carmack didn't specify where the original idea came from just said he was the guy who did it working on Doom 3 BFG.

I agree other people use lens and displays at the same time and experiment with them on distortion etc.

I put it in bold this time.

I'll post the interview if I find it on youtube, it's like 20+ minutes long.
Palmer get's nasty, calling me a newb pretty much. FYI been following since shortly after e3 last year, and had heard of it before that when it was a kickstarter idea, yet I'm confused and not vet enough to comment (lol)
This is indeed all a matter of public record, just look back into my post history. You are basing all of this on articles with faulty information, of which there were many at the time (PC Gamer even claimed that Carmack designed the Rift without even mentioning me!).

I had many, many Rift prototypes before the one Carmack had. There were multiple demos with built in distortion correction, that is the only way the Rift can appear optically correct. All of this is part of the public record, you could easily find it if you look back in time on this very forum, because I posted about all of them over the past several years. Carmack duct taped a strap and a different motion tracking chip, all the latency stuff was on his own side. The Rift had low input latency on its own, Carmack did not improve that.
The core problem is that you are a relatively new member who does not remember first hand what happened, and are apparently not able/willing to go read about it. Instead, you are relying on clearly inaccurate old media articles to bolster some kind of claim that elements of the Rift were designed by someone else, and it is just not true.

We are talking about Doom 3 BFG, AGAIN D-O-O-M 3 BFG (nothing else), something Palmer is not an expert on nor was it possible for him to have first hand knowledge of what Carmack did to it. This was an internet thing between them, not "first hand". I'm assuming Carmack didn't break NDA, if he did then I guess him & Palmer both worked on Doom then, which still wouldn't totally invalidate my claim

And look here, Palmer has destroyed himself in my eyes.

to bolster some kind of claim that elements of the Rift were designed by someone else, and it is just not true

Really? You did every part? Really? You even use the word "elements" which means each piece. I didn't know you built LCD displays Palmer, and didn't know you were the sole designer and every single idea was 100% original. Oh and I never said you weren't the lead/main design, that was another user that posted the leep video who vaguely hinted at it. I'm the Doom 3 guy remember?

And now that interview & article I'm sure is dubious to you. ... ew-inside/

Some nice quotes

Part two is the most impenetrably techy, as he explains the exact challenges of building a VR headset, but Carmack occasionally surfaces from the jargon to say something incredibly concise and exciting. Like when he explains that this is the best VR demo that the world has ever seen, but that “maybe hidden in some NASA lab there’s something cooler than this, but I haven’t seen it.”

Ever seen---new, aka not Palmer's! Or is it Carmack's stealing your fame right there? It's one or the other.

Oh and Carmack had his own HMD he was working on , he actually told the reporter he used yours because he ran out of time on his and ID told him back to work, NOT because you're the greatest Palmer. He wanted to use *his* HMD with *his* warping code. Instead they used *your* hardware with *his* software. Do you understand now? If you don't too bad, here's the quote from the reporter

It’s worth noting that the prototype Carmack is demoing wasn’t made by him, but by another Texan builder of VR headsets. It’s using the same tech and principles as Carmack’s own version, which was unfortunately unable to make the trip to E3.

No confused reporter there, backing up what I said almost to the letter. Doom 3 BFG Rift edition was completed (basically) then cancelled, I didn't find out a reason but maybe someone out there does. Cancelled Doom 3 is the only evidence smart people need anyway.

Oh and a few months ago, a guy (unofficial forum) claims he sent you the what would become Oculus Rift design/business plan and he just wants credit on the wiki for that. He also claims Neil banned him for mentioning it. I would maybe think he's just scamming, but he claims he does not want money, and after other forum "scandals" and Palmer's 180 and quick responses on this subject, it's very possible.

Does not matter anyway, I will be supporting Oculus til something better comes out and I'm glad you're just an employee there and no longer have authority.

I will not be on a forum where I'm singled out by the moderator or big name and then have to read things like my opinion or facts don't matter because of this. Feel free to look at my posts here, the last few were discussing Rift improvements and I think I contributed to the forum at least as good as the next guy.

Hope the Rift is very successful too, sorry you couldn't accept my Doom 3 comment, you have some growing to do yourself.

Note to mods, this will be posted on slightly less culty forums, so if deleted will add to my case, keep that in mind. I broke no forum rules as far as I know and this is not OT. Last post anyway, I just wanted this particular group to read it.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:31 pm
by MrGreen

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:36 pm
by museumsteve
Seems like a bitter and rather pointless post to be honest.
It serves no purpose other than to cause arguments :roll:

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:43 pm
by mlabrams
reading that feels like seeing a real example of nerd rage. someones mad.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:49 pm
by Jose
I think the problem with the thread that Direlight was talking about was ultimately a language and semantics problem. e.g. What does "having an idea" actually mean, and does that imply that the "haver" is the originator?

He did use some words that can be interpreted in multiple ways, and he was a bit inconsistent in his choice of words. Also that he wrote so much did add more confusion to his meaning.

I am generally skeptical of anyone who feels that they must make an announcement that they are leaving a forum or social network.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:53 pm
by museumsteve
Jose wrote: I am generally skeptical of anyone who feels that they must make an announcement that they are leaving a forum or social network.

In instances like this, the mods have every right to delete the topic before it becomes a warzone. I'm sure forum ethics (in general) allow for threads to be removed if their sole purpose is to antagonise

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:02 pm
by WiredEarp
The funny thing is, the post in which he claims Palmer calls him a n00b, is actually an example of just how nice Palmer is. If I was in PalmerTechs shoes, I would have said something quite a bit nastier.

Also, this sentence:
The core problem is that you are a relatively new member who does not remember first hand what happened, and are apparently not able/willing to go read about it. Instead, you are relying on clearly inaccurate old media articles to bolster some kind of claim that elements of the Rift were designed by someone else, and it is just not true.
Is virtually exactly what I was going to say if this argument dragged on. The fact is, all these questions, rumors, etc, arose when the Rift was in the birthing process, we all debated them, and then came to an understanding as to the truth. This has given those who were on here around that time an advantage in separating fact from rumor. Palmer isn't really calling him a n00b at all (I wouldn't call anyone that myself), hes just pointing out why some of us are dismissive of blog posts etc - because we have hammered out all this stuff already, and know how things really went down.

At this point Direlight, i'd just say 'sorry, I was wrong', and move on. We all make mistakes and get the wrong end of the stick sometimes, its not a big thing. You are not going to be able to prove something that is not true, unless of course you have some real evidence.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:15 pm
by AngelJ

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:21 pm
by boone188
TL;DR angry little person

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:25 pm
by geekmaster
OP has nerd rage at many members as demonstrated by his posts, directed mainly at respected members ("celebs" in this case).
Let's hope he grows up to become a responsible member of this community...

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:31 pm
by mattyeatsmatts
Wow you got hurt feelings in a forum :shock: sir you do not know how to internet. Now you can either get over yourself or we can insult you till you never return.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:32 pm
by Marulu
I think leaving a forum over one silly argument is silly.
A forum is about the community, not only the person you had the argument with.
You can just put PalmerTech on to your "Foe List" so you don't have to see any of his posts anymore.

Neither you nor Palmer were entirely wrong on your facts, but you failed to clearly deliver your point.
If you would have clarified Palmer would have understood you were talking about Dooms code and not about the Rift.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:47 pm
by 2EyeGuy
Palmer was right in what he said, and he wasn't being insulting at all. You are just misconstruing what he said.
Palmer is a nice guy. A very stressed and busy nice guy who doesn't get much sleep and has to put up with thousands of impatient fans of his work, but still a nice guy. He wasn't trying to insult you.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:13 pm
by nateight
Direlight wrote:Last post anyway
Another triumph for cryptofascism, with these blindly indoctrinated sheeple doing the persecuting even without instruction from their masters, and the obvious truth you've uncovered is ignored. Somewhere just offstage, focus is subtly shifted to ad hominem attacks on your character, vicious calls of "you're kind of new here" and "what the hell are you talking about" displacing what would be open revolution if only these pawns would open their ears and eyes! You're so close to blowing the lid off this thing, Direlight, don't let the unanimous opinion of the entire forum that you're both wrong and annoying dissuade you from your duty!! It's entirely obvious Oculus has been a shadowy organization from its very inception, doubtless enlisting the NSA's help to sic black helicopters on those people who know the real truth (Palmer's military connections clearly run deeper than anyone knows, at least outside of Arlington and Gitmo). Those paragons of journalism at PC Gamer were definitely on to something (nevermind that they couldn't get through the two sentences supporting your case without wrongly identifying what state Palmer's from; everyone makes mistakes, right?), but the story never made it all the way out, deliberately swept under the rug by some editor who got a stern phone call from an agent of the Rothschilds. Keep fighting, Direlight!!! The media has been compromised!!!! The truth is out there, just waiting to be discovered in all its horrible entirety, and revealed to the world by some workaday hero who never gave up the fight!!!!! Palmer is on the verge of getting away with the biggest fraud in modern history here, and you're the only person who can see to it that he and all his co-conspirators wind up justly behind bars!!!!!!!!

Pity we won't be able to read any more about this on MTBS, because you're never posting another word here, never ever. Right? Wait, don't answer that - it would destroy your credibility!

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:15 pm
by cybereality
Again, what's the point here? Seems like a lot of hate is flowing for no reason at all.

It appears the OP is attempting to posit that John Carmack invented the Rift, which is totally bogus.

Anyone that has been on this forum long enough knows how it happened, long before JC was in the picture.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:33 pm
by MrGreen
Oh my god Nateight! :lol:

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:19 pm
by quietboy
if carmack ever object to what palmer do, he wont told brendan iribe to join oculus. :)

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:01 pm
by brantlew
Yes nateight! And here's more proof of treachery by Palmer and his diabolical forum minions !! ... owing.html

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:49 pm
by MSat
nateight wrote:
Direlight wrote:Last post anyway
Another triumph for cryptofascism, with these blindly indoctrinated sheeple doing the persecuting even without instruction from their masters, and the obvious truth you've uncovered is ignored. Somewhere just offstage, focus is subtly shifted to ad hominem attacks on your character, vicious calls of "you're kind of new here" and "what the hell are you talking about" displacing what would be open revolution if only these pawns would open their ears and eyes! You're so close to blowing the lid off this thing, Direlight, don't let the unanimous opinion of the entire forum that you're both wrong and annoying dissuade you from your duty!! It's entirely obvious Oculus has been a shadowy organization from its very inception, doubtless enlisting the NSA's help to sic black helicopters on those people who know the real truth (Palmer's military connections clearly run deeper than anyone knows, at least outside of Arlington and Gitmo). Those paragons of journalism at PC Gamer were definitely on to something (nevermind that they couldn't get through the two sentences supporting your case without wrongly identifying what state Palmer's from; everyone makes mistakes, right?), but the story never made it all the way out, deliberately swept under the rug by some editor who got a stern phone call from an agent of the Rothschilds. Keep fighting, Direlight!!! The media has been compromised!!!! The truth is out there, just waiting to be discovered in all its horrible entirety, and revealed to the world by some workaday hero who never gave up the fight!!!!! Palmer is on the verge of getting away with the biggest fraud in modern history here, and you're the only person who can see to it that he and all his co-conspirators wind up justly behind bars!!!!!!!!

Pity we won't be able to read any more about this on MTBS, because you're never posting another word here, never ever. Right? Wait, don't answer that - it would destroy your credibility!


Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:05 am
by quietboy
we have our shortcomings. make peace. :)

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:41 am
by zacherynuk
There are at least 2 or 3 dozen mtbs3d members who could claim to have contributed to, or even "invented" the rift or parts thereof. Hell, there wouldn't be so many people active in the DIY section if we didn't all have the same 'idea' - and this is only site!

Ultimately it was PT who kept the momentum and worked towards the a viable design the most doggedly. When things ramped up he had the smarts to see and grab an opportunity (That's the key to entrepreneurship) - the other great factor is luck - but in many decades of tinkering and breaking things, running businesses and seeing ideas come and go I have always been aware that the luckiest people are those who work the hardest and have the best ideas - weird huh ?

There is a good few solid days worth of reading on #26 - - ideas and design from the wacky to the insane. Some feasible; many built, I would suggest before anybody starts quoting external articles that they become very familiar with that forum going back at least to early 2011.

I think arguing detail between the lines is a bad idea.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:37 am
by garagebattle
What some people on the internet need to learn - just because you have a keyboard in front of you doesn't mean you should use it.

Post to contribute, not to see your idiotic thoughts on the screen. Delete the thread.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:43 am
by Bleppe

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:09 am
by jeremyc9
garagebattle wrote:What some people on the internet need to learn - just because you have a keyboard in front of you doesn't mean you should use it.

Post to contribute, not to see your idiotic thoughts on the screen. Delete the thread.
I frequent these forums, but don't contribute much. I had to dust off my own keyboard to reiterate this point. Now back to the shadows I go.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:29 am
by Valez
Direlight wrote:
It’s worth noting that the prototype Carmack is demoing wasn’t made by him, but by another Texan builder of VR headsets. It’s using the same tech and principles as Carmack’s own version, which was unfortunately unable to make the trip to E3.
You use an article that claims Palmer is from Texas as reference?

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:39 am
by geekmaster
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that nateight's post was in irony (which I still fail to see). In light of that, and my obvious deficit of "street smarts", you may disregard the following post (or just "lol" at my naïveté while reading it):
nateight wrote:Another triumph for cryptofascism, with these blindly indoctrinated sheeple doing the persecuting even without instruction from their masters, and the obvious truth you've uncovered is ignored. ... It's entirely obvious Oculus has been a shadowy organization from its very inception, doubtless enlisting the NSA's help ... Keep fighting, Direlight!!! ... you're the only person who can see to it that he and all his co-conspirators wind up justly behind bars!!!!!!!!
What? You encourage Direlight's anti-social behavior??? This bad netiquette behavior by Direlight has been a persistent problem in other threads. He refuses to acknowledge or correct his obvious mistakes, and goes ballistic when anybody corrects him. And now you want Palmer and company "behind bars"? WTF nateight? Show some respect!

The following "summary" post was from BEFORE Direlight weirded out over Palmer's recent post:
geekmaster wrote:
Direlight wrote:Please skip over my posts in the future, It's for the best.
I will only correct your obvious and flagrant mistakes, and add important missing details, just as I have done before. Especially when they can cause others to waste their time by believing what you said.

And you will probably get all weirded out again, like you do when somebody corrects you or clarifies something you said that was unclear. Such is life for people who refuse to learn from their mistakes or omissions. That is your choice to make.

In our PM conversation about that other thread, I offered to change my posts however you want, AFTER you correct your initial mistake (confusing DVI-D with Dual-Link DVI). You refused, insisting that you were still correct, in spite of the defining evidence I provided. You even provided links that you claimed proved I was wrong, but they actually confirmed what I said. However, my offer still stands, IF you can face up to fixing an obvious error in your post.
It would seem that Direlight's choice of username may be all too telling: wrote:Dire Synonyms: acute, burning, clamant, clamorous, climacteric, critical, crying, desperate, drastic, exigent, extreme, immoderate, imperative, importunate, instant, pressing
And nateight's tinfoil hat must have sprung a leak -- perhaps he needs to cut back on the "wacky weed" a bit...

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:56 am
by shiva
geekmaster wrote:
nateight wrote:Another triumph for cryptofascism, with these blindly indoctrinated sheeple doing the persecuting even without instruction from their masters, and the obvious truth you've uncovered is ignored. ... It's entirely obvious Oculus has been a shadowy organization from its very inception, doubtless enlisting the NSA's help ... Keep fighting, Direlight!!! ... you're the only person who can see to it that he and all his co-conspirators wind up justly behind bars!!!!!!!!
What? You encourage Direlight's anti-social behavior??? This bad netiquette behavior by Direlight has been a persistent problem in other threads. He refuses to acknowledge or correct his obvious mistakes, and goes ballistic when anybody corrects him. And now you want Palmer and company "behind bars"? WTF nateight? Show some respect!
Yeaaah... nateight is being blatently ironic and mocking direlight here. Don't really know how you missed that

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:03 am
by geekmaster
shiva wrote:Yeaaah... nateight is being blatently ironic and mocking direlight here. Don't really know how you missed that
Some of the most intelligent people often have problems recognizing social situations that may seem obvious to others, such as satire and irony. Although nateight's post did seem to be badly "out of character" for him, I did not for a second even imagine that it could mean anything but literally what it said. I tend to take things at face value. Although I love to use high-brow dry humor myself, I am rather poor at recognizing such things in the posts of others.

If indeed that is the case here, oops. However, going back and reading it again, I still do not see any clues, making it hard NOT to believe that it was serious. What clues did I miss?

I wish people would give more hints about the content of irony (like a wink smiley or something) when what they say is not what they mean, for humorous purposes. I need more hints and clues. Technology is so much easier to understand than sociology, at least for me...

@nateight: If I completely misunderstood the point of your "off the rails" post, sorry dude! I didn't have a clue! :o

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:06 am
by Fredz
geekmaster wrote:What clues did I miss?
All of them I'd say :P

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:13 am
by geekmaster
Fredz wrote:
geekmaster wrote:What clues did I miss?
All of them I'd say :P
WHAT clues? I still do not see them! It still looks literal to me. My "irony alert" detectors are non-functional, apparently... :o

I need a "wink" or a "lol" smiley to trigger my recognition of such concepts... :mrgreen:

It seems that nateight's irony caught me completely off-guard here (and I still fail to recognize it). Sadly, it has happened before, and it will probably happen again when you guys forget to leave me some clues... Sorry about that!

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:30 am
by V8Griff
geekmaster wrote:
Fredz wrote:
geekmaster wrote:What clues did I miss?
All of them I'd say :P
WHAT clues? I still do not see them! It still looks literal to me. My "irony alert" detectors are non-functional, apparently... :o

I need a "wink" or a "lol" smiley to trigger my recognition of such concepts... :mrgreen:

It seems that nateight's irony caught me completely off-guard here (and I still fail to recognize it). Sadly, it has happened before, and it will probably happen again when you guys forget to leave me some clues... Sorry about that!
I'd agree that there weren't that many clues as it was a well written 'rant' ...... but .... knowing that natelight does post with irony on my second read I suspected his intention.

Maybe a 'smiley' would have spoilt the irony intended? :D

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:45 am
by lossofmercy
Smileys help yeah.

Also, anything with fascism, especially "cryptofascism," is usually a good indicator of irony. :)

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:55 am
by geekmaster
brantlew wrote:Yes nateight! And here's more proof of treachery by Palmer and his diabolical forum minions !! ... owing.html
OMG! Playing the "race card" like what can be seen in that linked post should be a "hate crime"! But of course, using "minority" racial status as a shield makes one immune from claims of racial discrimination and hate crime charges stemming from their own behavior, right?

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:58 am
by geekmaster
lossofmercy wrote:Smileys help yeah.

Also, anything with fascism, especially "cryptofascism," is usually a good indicator of irony. :)
Okay, I will add that to my list of clues to watch for before (almost) posting a naïve reply. I need all the help I can get. Thanks!

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:13 am
by zacherynuk
geekmaster wrote:
lossofmercy wrote:Smileys help yeah.

Also, anything with fascism, especially "cryptofascism," is usually a good indicator of irony. :)
Okay, I will add that to my list of clues to watch for before (almost) posting a naïve reply. I need all the help I can get. Thanks!
.... And stop being an argumentative celebrity. :lol:

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:20 am
by nateight
geekmaster wrote:WHAT clues? I still do not see them! It still looks literal to me.
My genuine apologies, geekmaster - I myself struggle with both interpreting true intent through imperfect text and with getting the vast majority of people to acknowledge that they are constantly being manipulated and lied to as part of various clandestine agendas. I was willfully riding the razor's edge with that post - it was designed to present Direlight with a sympathetic tone while undercutting his fundamental assertions, with the goal of either snapping him out of this witch hunt through rejecting my even wilder claims or safely categorizing him as an unreasonable malcontent through full agreement with my falsehoods. In truth, I have always been in agreement with what zacherynuk stated so eloquently - very little of what comprises the Rift could be considered "novel" or even patentable, and many authors and innovators deserve some amount of credit for the product that Oculus eventually delivered. A divisive battle over the exact percentages of that credit seems counterproductive, particularly because those authors and innovators appear to be uniformly thrilled to see their comparatively small contributions made manifest in the Rift. It is apparently only those people without some "skin" in the "game" that seem discontented (though those of us aware of the influence of certain moneyed interests on our politics, culture, and planet should also be expected to continue our inchoate grumblings).

What you saw in my post was merely an avowed conspiracy theorist outraged that some other conspiracy theorist would give us all a bad name through irrational and outlandish claims. My only refuge in such cases is satire, and I sometimes cut it so close that it spirals in on itself and hopelessly confuses onlookers. This is not the intended effect, but is perhaps a helpful reminder that we live in the age of "truthiness"? I can arrange for a irony-meter calibration signal to be included in all future communications with sufficiently high cognitive dissonance markers - I assume you know semaphore? :lol:
brantlew wrote:Yes nateight! And here's more proof of treachery by Palmer and his diabolical forum minions !! ... owing.html
So strange that we haven't seen a new post in over a month. Poor bastard's probably in coastal Cuba with a feeding tube down his throat.

How many more patriots does Oculus need to silence to fulfill its plans for world domination?!?!

( :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:22 am
by geekmaster
zacherynuk wrote:.... And stop being an argumentative celebrity. :lol:
I saw that! ;)

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:31 am
by geekmaster
nateight wrote:... I can arrange for a irony-meter calibration signal to be included in all future communications with sufficiently high cognitive dissonance markers - I assume you know semaphore? :lol:
( :lol: :lol: :lol: )
"Semaphore" without qualifying adjectives is imprecise. I was team leader at a Boy Scout jamboree in a "Flag Semaphore" competition (sending messages between distant towers using hand-held flag semaphores).


However, we are mostly computer literate here, so you might mean "Software Semaphores". In that case, I tend to shun them, preferring lock-free programming myself. ;)

If some other kind of semaphore was intended, which I suspect is the case here because I do not know what a "cognitive dissonance marker" semaphore is, then I haven't a clue... :o

I do understand certain smileys though, so can I safely assume that is what you meant by "cognitive dissonance marker semaphore"??? :roll: :shock: :? ;) :lol: :twisted: :mrgreen:

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:37 am
by MrGreen
brantlew wrote:Yes nateight! And here's more proof of treachery by Palmer and his diabolical forum minions !! ... owing.html
Holy poop that guy needs help. No, really.

Re: Forum "celebs" and inventing arguments

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:19 am
by nateight
geekmaster wrote:I was team leader at a Boy Scout jamboree in a "Flag Semaphore" competition (sending messages between distant towers using flag semaphores).
I might have guessed as much. You forum celebrities and your constant knowing stuff about everything! :lol:

Counter-trolling is a delicate art, and one I clearly have yet to master. In the future I shall give greater preference to avoiding beehives rather than poking them, if only because nearby innocents stand to be stung. Apologies to everyone - to Direlight for my subtle deceptions, to anyone else perplexed by my deliberate maze of half-truths, and to those irritated by my attempts to navigate between genuine expression and cunning misdirection. I will continue to indulge in the occasional satirical post (and I think nearly all of us would encourage members like geekmaster to expand rather than modulate the altogether more constructive sharing of their minds with this community), but I acknowledge that I often forget how easy it is to misconstrue simple text even when it is not being twisted into such tortured forms as above. This was perhaps a thread worth derailing, but much important work is being discussed in close proximity, and in those quarters we should all strive to always say exactly what we mean. There is room for comedy here, yes, but less for comedians. I would style myself more as a substantive contributor, but as yet I find myself offering mostly jokes and nonsense. We would all be served by spending time learning, building, and sharing rather than poking fun at one another, regardless of how deserving of ridicule any individual may seem at a particular moment.