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I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:07 pm
by mayaman
Guys, I know lots of you have been experimenting with plastic sheet, cell phone screen guards, etc. I have found the perfect diffuser and am currently as close as you're going to get to a non screen door image. Its transformed from a horrendous screen door effect to a mild and I mean very mild screen door effect to the point that you hardly notice at all. I know its not true, but it looks almost like I've doubled the pixel density.

Things you will need.

3M privacy screen for a computer monitor. You will need the "smoked" screen, not the clear one.
Scotch tape
several glasses cleaning cloth that don't give off lint
glasses spray mist cleanser
ultra clean flat surface to assemble and cut
pair of no powder operating or mechanics latex gloves.

1. Measure the RIFT screen and cut the 3M privacy screen smaller than the actual screen, this will give your tape somewhere to grip when you lay the screen down.
2. Clean screen with mist of cleanser and dry with glasses cleaning cloths. Do the same to the RIFT screen.
3. Cut scotch tape and roll into a little barrel, this is the most important part!!!
4. Place little scotch tape barrel on both sides of the RIFT screen edge.
5. Take your precut 3M Privacy screen section and place GLOSSY SIDE DOWN onto the little tape barrel. It is of utmost importance that the 3M screen not actually touch the RIFT screen. This is where your diffusion comes from.
6. Scotch tape loosely the top and bottom of the 3M screen in a manner so it doesn't touch the RIFT screen.
7. Enjoy your totally new, anti-aliased minimized screen door virtual reality headset! :D

A key part of this entire process is making sure the "grain" of the 3M screen matches the RIFT screen. It may take you a little while to find the optimal placement. Be patient, place the screen, put the faceplate back on loosely, look through eye cups. When you've got the grain just right, you're going to pump your fist because you nailed it and it shows.

Here is a pic of how to make sure the 3M screen floats over the RIFT screen. You can see the little tape barrel I made and the strip on top holding it in place.


The result is pretty amazing. Hope this helps you and if you do it yourself and spread the word, all I ask is that credit is given to me back to this thread. :)

Forgot to add, if you want to eliminate it almost completely, you can do two 3M screens stacked. I had originally done this, but it make it really hard to line up the "grain" on the 3M screens this way. I cranked brightness and it looked fantastic. I just couldn't keep the second screen from shifting and losing grain. Either way, you'll be happy with this mod.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:14 pm
by shole
Could have used the existing thread.
Also, a privacy screen is sure to eat a ton off of image brightness.
Especially around the edges where it's at an angle that's supposed to be "private".
I'm skeptical, but if it works, great.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:31 pm
by mayaman
There is no brightness loss, the privacy screen lets most light through when you are sitting in the center position and no image loss. The distance it is from the screen and the fact that the cups magnify it even more means that you never hit the angles that would block the image. Why skeptical? I wouldn't post this if I hadn't spent the last 8 hours working on it and testing different positions.

All I can say is see for yourself. Hopefully it can make the display a little more bearable. Its not perfect but its miles above the standard image. also you can adjust brightness and contrast, there is more than enough brightness.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:34 pm
by Zoide
How about some through-the-lens pics?


Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:40 pm
by museumsteve
Thanks for the efforts Mayaman :)
I'll certainly give it a go

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:44 pm
by eidahl
Very nice, waiting on the before and after photos. :P

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:15 pm
by mayaman
Here are a few shots through the eye cup as best I could. I don't have any "before" pics. Trust me, they look much much worse than this. You all know what it looks like, there is a black grid over everything, you can see the space between every pixel. At least with this, its muted and in some spots depending on lighting you can't see the spaces. Its a huge improvement.


This one is with the C cup DIRECTLY on the screen! You cannot see the individual pixels. You can't get closer than this. without the diffuser, at normal viewing distance this is a pixelated mess.








Again, its not perfect but its infinitely better than the stock panel, its better in some demos than others, but overall a more than worthwhile mod. It will take you a few hours because you want to make sure there is no lint, dust, anything getting in.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:44 pm
by MSat
Cool mod! Thanks for sharing.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:46 pm
by mayaman
Thanks, you can see in some of the shots how the diffuser has actually changed the shape of the pixels from square to elongated diamond shape and blending together.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:53 pm
by Zoide
Thanks for the pics!

Is it me or does it look like the grid has been replaced by a scan line pattern? (e.g. retro TV look)

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:08 pm
by WiredEarp
Definitely looks better. I tried a couple of experiments myself last weekend but couldn't find a really good material. Might give this one a shot next...

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:10 pm
by mayaman
It might be the way the camera picked it up but what you'll see are now elongated diamonds in place of the small pixels and black grid. If you don't place the diffuser at the optimal distance and position you'll get different things, from lines to waves. Its a lot of trial and error but again, its infinitely better than the stock screen and you still have brightness and sharpness.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:41 pm
by t0pquark
Since it sounds like you've already sent a good amount of time figuring out the optimal distance, any chance that you have a set of digital calipers or a micrometer that you could use to give us a measurement? Everyone rolling their own "tape barrels" means that everyone is going to end up spending a lot of time re-figuring out that distance.

If you don't have the right tools, even using layers of cardboard from cereal boxes as shims could give fairly repeatable results.

Anyway, thanks for the idea! Definitely something I'd like to try when I get my rift next week.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:21 pm
by cybereality
Awesome work, mayaman!

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:16 am
by laast
Something Oculus might think about in addition to a higher rez?

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:58 am
by colocolo
laast wrote:Something Oculus might think about in addition to a higher rez?
In the Machinima interview Nate Mitchell explained, that there is still a lot that can be done to diminuish the screen door effect even more with the 1080p version. :D 14:00

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:52 am
by Ryuuken24
This is very unscientific way of doing something. Can't we drop the scotch tape, for something like pieces of robber with glue on both sides, since you can measure them. What's the distance from the screen to the plastic screen, since you have done it already? Thanks!

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:20 am
by alexyoshi
WoW looks really nice!

Definitely want to give it a try

It would be great if you could give us all the measurements for the privacy screen, the scotch etc

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:14 am
by mayaman
It's unscientific, because I'm not a scientist. But I am good at modding equipment. The distance between the screen and diffuser is about the width of an American nickel, but you can experiment with a little either way.

I'll be doing a couple other mods. Going to the optics lab today.....

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:28 pm
by Brownie-UK7
excellent work. I have messed about quite a bit with plastic bag and although have had very good results I'm looking forward to giving this a go.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:49 pm
by Ryuuken24
I have broken lcd screens from old laptops, anything I can do with the screen filter in those? If anyone has tried it out?!

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:55 pm
by museumsteve
I loked up privacy screens over here and they're anything from £35-£60 :shock:

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:18 pm
by mayaman
Yeah they're crazy expensive. I got mine free from work.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:51 pm
by Butters
Sounds wonderful ! :woot

FYI the width of an American nickel is 1.75 mm.

Would be interested in knowing what exact 3M privacy screen you used. I suppose there are models with various properties available. I can see at least black and gold denominations. Is it possible that the gold one reduces brightness less ? The black ones also seem to have "standard", "economy" and "high grade" denominations ; not sure what would work best (or if it has any bearing). What other characteristics should we look for in such a screen ? Possibly there are others out there that would give even better results than the 3M one you used, or the same result for cheaper (because they really are quite expensive, although you can getthis one for 20 bucks and change in the US apparently). Also the 3M ones may not be available in some regions.

I would also be tempted to try and replace the tape with rubber or foam - something that would give a more consistent spacing distance (I guess the tape could leave you with a slight angle between screen and filter which could be problematic),

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:50 pm
by mayaman
I do plan to replace the tape, this week with rubber shavings. I don't know which model but it was but I know it was $90 and was for a 23" widescreen monitor.

While not perfect, the image is vastly improved. I don't see any black spaces between pixels, which before you could. You can still see individual pixels, but the black spaces between them have been replaced with surround color of whatever the pixel next to it. Basically poor mans blending.

I'LL update when I replace the tape.

A related note HL2 is AWESOME with the rift! With the high res screen the gaming goodness is going to be ridonkulous.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:03 pm
by 3dvison
Hi mayaman, great work, do you have a link to the exact 3m screen you are using ?
EDIT: OK, I see your above post, not sure of the model.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:05 pm
by mayaman
I'm sorry I don't but when I get back to work monday I'll ask the secretary where she buys it and what model.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:19 pm
by DaveNagy
Seems like a double sided foam tape might be a better way to go. That will give you a consistent height and all the stickiness you can handle. (Maybe too much!)

Or just use single-sided foam tape to build a raised rim around the perimeter of the screen, on which the film can be attached in a variety of ways.

Neat mod, BTW! Let's hope we can find a cheaper source for that film.

[EDIT] Here's a small (and thus cheaper) model on Amazon. Better than a poke in the eye, I suppose. Similar items are about 10 bucks (shipped) on eBay.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:15 am
by Lookforyourhands

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:31 am
by Kazioo
There are cheap privacy screen protectors for 7" tablets, like this one: ... 210&sr=8-2

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:56 am
by alexyoshi
Kazioo wrote:There are cheap privacy screen protectors for 7" tablets, like this one: ... 210&sr=8-2

mmh i'm not sure if Privacy screen protection for Tablets/Smartphone are exactly the same as the ones for Laptops or Monitors

Check This ... n_And_Care

The only thing i'm not confident is that on smartphone, you have to really stick one face of the protector directly onto the screen

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:27 pm
by mickman
ok so I managed to score a 3M screen (new) for only 3 quid. 7.48” high x 11.96” wide

So I;ll simply cut it to size & mount it slightly above the Oculus Screen... approx. 2mm above. yes ?

So I'll test it out in a few days time.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:22 pm
by 3dvison
Also, would the smaller 7incher be working correctly when used in landscape orientation ? It looks like it is made to work in portrait ? I may be wrong on this.
With a bigger one, you would be cutting a piece of it while it is orientated in landscape and applying it to the rift screen in landscape.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:23 pm
by mayaman
Mine is landscape and I got best results glossy side down. Good luck

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:20 pm
by mickman
I think a little more clarification is required regarding both the best material to be used and setup.

Am I right in assuming this only works with a 3M screen & the screen must be slightly offset from the Oculus Rift screen. If this is so maybe the smartphone privacy screens that adhere like an anti scratch protector directly to the screen may not work.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:34 am
by mayaman
I have not tried those screens so I cannot comment on them. It took me a little bit of time to find the right placement. Incorrect placement will lead to SDE being minimized, but what looks to be diagonal lines. Its all in space between the screens and position. Trial and error. As I said in my first post, took me a few hours to make sure everything was aligned and no dust got in. Challenging, but worth it to me. Again, I have no black spaces between my pixels. SDE is minimized but not eliminated. Instead you see more of what I call a "painters canvas" affect. Looks more like a textured canvas than SDE if that makes any sense. Hope this helps.

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:49 am
by garagebattle
Makes perfect sense.

Now get us a part # for that screen protector!

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:32 am
by mickman
ok .. so I cut a piece of 3M screen & positioned it approx. 2mm off the Oculus screen... put the Rift back together & fired it up.

There is definitely a difference.. but not much. Perhaps I need to adjust the position of the screen but how to do this once you cut a piece of 3M ?

Is there some way to check before snapping the rift's black housing back together ?

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:56 am
by Ziggurat
mickman wrote:ok .. so I cut a piece of 3M screen & positioned it approx. 2mm off the Oculus screen... put the Rift back together & fired it up.

There is definitely a difference.. but not much. Perhaps I need to adjust the position of the screen but how to do this once you cut a piece of 3M ?

Is there some way to check before snapping the rift's black housing back together ?
I suppose holding the lenses in front of the screen?

Re: I have cracked the screen door effect!

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:13 am
by mickman
Another issue with the 3M screen is the fact one side is a matt finish & other is glossy.
The matt side collects microscopic bits of dust extremely easily. These particles lodge themselves between the pores on the matt surface. You can clean and wash & rub all you want but the particles just stay there... it's incredibly frustrating to obtain a clean plate.

I've tried placing a magnifier glass over the screen to help track down particles but its near impossible. This brings to light the other issue with placing film and screens over the original Oculus screen.. you'll have to deal with three particle collecting layers + the lenses..

regarding the improvement... there is a definable difference in quality.. but the screen door effect is still quite obvious.

I tried with a single 3M screen & sandwiching two together, adjusted the height & tried different angles. Two sandwiched removes nearly all the fly screen effect but then you loose a lot of quality due to blurring.

Good Luck