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Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:50 pm
by ElectroPulse
Hello, all!

I was looking through the games on sale at, and I noticed that they've got Myst 1, 2, and 5. Unfortunately, they don't have 3 or 4 (sounds like it's because they're made by a different company).

Anyway, years ago (was probably 12 or so) I played through Myst 1, and started on 2 (Riven, I believe), before losing interest (got stuck).

So seeing these on sale has gotten me interested in acquiring the series... Does anyone know where I might purchase them from? (would prefer to get all 5 through the same store, and hopefully one that updates them for newer OSs).

Re: Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:17 pm
by OutatimeTV
This is just from a german amazon store. So I guess you can find that version somewhere close to your place too. ... 1372108415

Used for 25 Euro

Re: Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:18 pm
by Matthew
Be sure to get realMYST. Unlike the original version of the first MYST game, it is in real-time 3D with complete freedom of movement.

It can be purchased from

Re: Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:23 pm
by ElectroPulse
Hey, thanks for the replies!

@OutatimeTV: Yea, I ran across that looking around online as well... I should've specified in the OP that I would like to get them from an online store, if possible (one like Gog or Steam, so that I don't have to screw around with compatibility with Win7). If that's not possible, I might look into just buying a physical copy like you suggested.

@Matthew: Yea, I saw that! Looks pretty nice. I'm definitely thinking about picking that up, since the summer sale is going on currently :)

Re: Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:55 am
by cybereality
I remember Riven, but I'm pretty sure it was impossible.

Re: Where to Buy Myst Complete Collection?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:20 am
by xhonzi
I have seen the end of Riven. It exists.

Frankly, you won't miss out on too much if you skip 3. It is decent, but not really part of the main story.

My wife and I are playing through 4 right now. I like it and it feels like the true sequel to Riven.

Do check out Myst Online. It's the free version of what used to be called Uru: Ages of Myst, and was even once called "Myst Online" believe it or not. ;)