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First VRSimulation Episode on MTBS!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:58 pm
by Neil
MTBS would like to welcome our latest contributor: Jeremiah Allen.  Jeremiah has the gift for gab, and has a demonstrated long-term interest in VR and immersive technology.  He's also a talented overclocker too.  We had no idea overclocking PCs was such a competitive sport!  Please welcome Jeremiah to the team and check out his first episode.  The man has rythm!

I'd like to start by introducing myself. My name is Jeremiah Allen, I'm an American EXPAT living in Japan since 2006. I'm 33 years old, married with two elementary aged children. I've been playing with computers from a young age, and in 2007-2010 I got very heavily into the competitive computer overclocking scene with substantial success winning two North American Titles and even a World Championship in Paris, in December of 2008. My overclocking handle is "miahallen". After moving to northern Japan in mid 2009, it became more and more difficult to stay competitive, and I found myself turning back to an old passion, sim racing.

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