The Stereoscopic Parking Garage Will Freak You Out

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The Stereoscopic Parking Garage Will Freak You Out

Post by Silversurfer »

I love as it takes automobile obsession to the funny side of town whilst maintaining a knowledgeable and usually first-to-the-story approach. A well recommended blog, especially for you Yanks. You would think that our 3-D obsession wouldn't cross over into their realm but life is nothing if not unpredictable and here is the exception to the rule.


"The three-dimensional directional system Australian designer Axel Peemoeller created inside the Eureka Tower Car Park in Melbourne may have won several design awards, but wethinks perhaps it'll freak you out if you happen to be walking by. Especially when you start to notice it looks like the walls and floors are bleeding different colors of ink. Still, it's got to be really cool to see these stereoscopic signs from the driver's seat.
(Hat tip to Richard!) [via RideLust]

Article: ... ak-you-out"

Do you think you're unknowledgeable 3-D partner would say to you, "Honey don't hit the down side". It definitely looks like that sign is floating in midair, or is it just me? Clever stuff :D

PS. Is it just me or is the image insertion functionality not working at the moment?
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