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Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:31 am
by shiva
This Thread is dedicated to te testing of Skyrim modding (HD textures + ENB Realvision) with Vireio

-Fresh skyrim install + update to 1.9
Ruins Clutter Improved by raiserfx
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Landscape by NebuLa
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Dungeons
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Towns
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Misc
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_6 LITE - Riften
Detailed Rugs by raiserfx
Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt
Summer Edition v180 + iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6 in the [GRASS] section of skyrim.ini
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Pine Colors
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Diverse Aspen Colors
Lush Trees and Grass by SparrowPrince
AOF Detailed Mountains by AnOldFriend
high realistic tundra moss for AOF Detailed Mountains - yellow by Aron
Finer Dust by CptJoker
Realistic Smoke and Embers by isoku
Realistic Water Textures and Terrain

Option A:
[color=#00BFFF][b][url][/url][/b][/color] wrote: Option A: RLO 4.0.7 + Climates of Tamriel V3.1: (use RealVision V1.4b-EdgeAA or V1.4d-SMAA)
Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel V3.1 by JJC71
Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel V3.1 - Sounds Overhauls (optional)
Realistic Lighting Overhaul 4.0.7 excl. integrated weathers by The Realistic Lighting Team
Then the ENB:
[color=#00BFFF][b][url][/url][/b][/color] wrote:install the mod's ini files take my optimized ULTRA skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini from optional files section and copy it to your Documents\My Games\Skyrim
(if your machine is fast enough! and be careful with AMD cards, some people had probs with my ini-files like flickering)
Each time i tried using his ini files, my Skyrim + VIreio crashed 100% of the time.
Instead, edit your inis manually:
[color=#00BFFF][b][url][/url][/b][/color] wrote: Edit your skyrimprefs.ini and set the following values:
iMultiSample=0 (disables the game Antialiasing)
bFXAAEnabled=0 (or set it to 1 and press shift+enter in game and deactivate EdgeAA in menu)

Edit your skyrim.ini and set the following values:
Then :
[color=#00BFFF][b][url][/url][/b][/color] wrote:copy all the other files from my ENB to your Skyrim folder
install Skyrim_Particle_Patch_for_ENB-All-In-One and if you have problems also 1.6 W.A.T.E.R. COMPATIBILITY PATCH from my optional files
get the d3d9.dll 0.157 out of the wrapper folder from Boris Vorontsov's site and copy it to skyrim folder too, if you have problems with 0.157, try 0.139
Deactivate AA / SSAO in game settings AND/OR over videodriver if you have set it there! The ENB has it's own EdgeAA and SSAO, otherwise it would give you errors like "Hardware Antialiasing detected...Quality reduced..." and decreased performance.
you need to daisy-chain Vireio's own d3d9.dll in order to make the ENB compatible with Perception:
-Take the d3d9.dll, hijackdll.dll and libfreespace.dll files from Vireio, rename the d3d9.dll, then copy all 3 in skyrim's directory
-You'll now have the ENB's d3d9.dll and Vireio's renamed d3d9.dll, hijackdll.dll and libfreespace.dll in the Skyrim directory
-Update the enbseries.ini to daisy chain Vireio's renamed d3d9.dll (d3d9Vireio.dll in my example)
Note: don't touch the ENB's d3d9.dll, it has to be the first to load. If you change it's name, or try to daisy chain it, you'll disable it.

Launch Vireio
Launch skyrim and set your game to LOW QUALITY (at first for testing, when it works well you can try higher qualities)
You now have Skyrim with ENB working in Vireio. But chances are you're gonna get clipping/disappering NPCs and enemies:

Correct this by opening enbseries.ini and putting this variable to false:

No doubt that with 15 or more HD texture packs installed + the ENB + Vireio double-displaying the game, you're gonna loose some FPS.
-Ardhal gained 10 FPS by boosting his CPU from 3.6 to 3.8
-I went from 20-25FPS in ultra high quality to 50-55 in low. And with all of Realvision's recommended HD mods, the game still looks stunning even in low quality setting

Re: Vireio Perception Wiki

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:45 am
by laast
Moons can be "removed", using files from there:

Did you try to combine Helix.dll with Vireio? By doing the same method as you did with the ENB dll (renaming Vireio file and put it in the Helix proxylibrary)?

Re: Vireio Perception Wiki

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:07 am
by VadersApp
Are you realy sure that while shadows are looking good enb is using deferred shadows? Because in the video there is no "new" effect visible and also there is the spotlight effect of the sun that is visible if enb is in non deferred mode. I was not able to get shadows rendered correctly in deferred mode, i tried it for several hours now.

Please be so kind and add your skyirm_prefs.ini, enbseries.ini, enbeffects.ini so i can check that. Also it would be interesting to know which version of enb you are using, do you have it modified?

If you are right and enb is working in deferred mode and shadows are rendered correctly, maybe vireio does oculus rift mode render another way than checkerboard version?

Re: Vireio Perception Wiki

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:58 pm
by shiva
laast wrote:Moons can be "removed", using files from there:

Did you try to combine Helix.dll with Vireio? By doing the same method as you did with the ENB dll (renaming Vireio file and put it in the Helix proxylibrary)?
No, VR and modder beginner here ;) I didn't even know about Helix, I started modding Skyrim recently, but Ardhal tested it (extensively :mrgreen: )
Conclusion was to forget about Helix alltogether :)
Disabling godrays definitley seems like the better fix. I'm not convinced the fake video card fix is the optimal way to go. It might be even lowering FPS after all, and the more I read about it the more sketchy it looks. My sun actually looks a bit better without godrays anyway, and it means more FPS! So I'll stick with that I think.
All that said, if you desperatley want godrays/sunrays - know that fakevideocard is an option.

As for helix? I think we can ignore it completely. I've been doing some reading and, honestly, it was designed for NVidia 3d Vision users and it looks to be causing a lot of issues for people trying with other drivers, like us.

For clarification:

Before Skyrim 1.6 (current is 1.9) shadows were broken in stereo. Thats when the helix mod was created, which was its own d3d9 that fixed those problems. Later it was updated to fix the sky and water issues in skyrim too. Even later still this appeared on the nexus: Which combined all of that stuff AND added an impressive UI component, intergrating the interface into the 3D really nicely.

However, when Skyrim 1.6 Launched bethesda fixed the 3D issues themselves - that's what bdeferredshadows is. It was an optional setting they added to the .ini. So helix became kind of rendundant. (I personally found bdeferred shadows didn't fix anything, but having it set to 1 and also using an ENB, for whatever reason, has fixed everything up nicely. It's possible the ENB is doing by default what helix once did, I'm not sure).

So yeah, just leave it I think. I am interested in the UI bit so I may look into it but for now, meh. Hopefully that clears everything up. ... 2&start=40

Re: Vireio Perception Wiki

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:56 pm
by shiva
VadersApp wrote:Are you realy sure that while shadows are looking good enb is using deferred shadows? Because in the video there is no "new" effect visible and also there is the spotlight effect of the sun that is visible if enb is in non deferred mode. I was not able to get shadows rendered correctly in deferred mode, i tried it for several hours now.
Well I haven't got my Rift yet, so I have no way of testing to confirm the full-VR effect, but when Vireio wasn't working with ENB this is the shadows I had:

Now shadows are like magic or some sh*t. They move gracefully and all, I'll upload a video. Again, I don't have my Rift yet, I have no way of telling how this shows in real VR but compared to what I had that's a f*cking improvement!! :mrgreen:

Re: Vireio Perception Wiki

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:16 pm
by shiva
VadersApp wrote: Please be so kind and add your skyirm_prefs.ini, enbseries.ini, enbeffects.ini so i can check that. Also it would be interesting to know which version of enb you are using, do you have it modified?
No, it's the unmodified ENB Realvision, you can get it here :
Here are my files but I got no enbeffects.ini

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:01 pm
by MisterPete
You will want to use the helix patch with enb as the proxy dll. If you haven't actually viewed it in 3d there are some issues you probably can't notice yet. Water has incorrect depth due to the refraction shader, the helix fix will correct that. Also with deferred shadows off it's been reported by Cymatic Bruce that shadows slide with yaw rotation in some areas. So you'll need to test yaw rotation to make sure there really aren't any shadow issues.

I'm not sure it's been tested with helix's fix for post skyrim 1.5 patch shadows (the fix that was required after v1.5 and before bDeferredShadows option was added in v1.6) it's possible that could make a difference.

EDIT: By the way do you get that moon issue even with EnableSunRays=false? I know enb sun rays cause an issue like that with the moon. And enb sun rays don't work properly in 3d anyway. The helix fix also fixes sky and moon depths (there's also an alternative mesh fix on skyrimnexus).

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:03 pm
by shiva
MisterPete wrote:You will want to use the helix patch with enb as the proxy dll. If you haven't actually viewed it in 3d there are some issues you probably can't notice yet. Water has incorrect depth due to the refraction shader, the helix fix will correct that. Also with deferred shadows off it's been reported by Cymatic Bruce that shadows slide with yaw rotation in some areas. So you'll need to test yaw rotation to make sure there really aren't any shadow issues.
Good to know, thanks! Yeah I'd love some feedback on this install from people who received their rift, I'm pretty much getting crazy over here waiting for mine so I can finally test this :mrgreen:
If water reflection are a problem I'll try disabling them in the options
MisterPete wrote: EDIT: By the way do you get that moon issue even with EnableSunRays=false? I know enb sun rays cause an issue like that with the moon. And enb sun rays don't work properly in 3d anyway. The helix fix also fixes sky and moon depths (there's also an alternative mesh fix on skyrimnexus).
Actually I didn't test this specifically as my Skyrim install already had the galaxy mod when the ENB finally worked with Vireio, so there was already no more moon and I just love gazing at this mod's stars way more :P I only deactivated EnableSunRays because it was making NPCs and enemies half invisible

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:14 pm
by Ardhal
Never noticed this new thread! Moon issues don't arise with sunrays off. What you're seeing there in the video is fixing the 3D oddities using the fakevideocard option in the enbseries.ini - but I don't recommened it. Just turn off the sunrays and you're good to go.

There is no need for helix. The shadows are fixed by the ENB alone and disabling deferred shadows in the skyrim.ini . This has been the case since Skyrim 1.6. Water and sky issues can be fixed with the otional files found here:

You can run helix as well if you like, but if you do you may as well delete the shadow fixes because they are made redundant by bdeferredshadows=0. Helix does not let you use deferred shadows in 3D. It must still be disabled in your .ini . All helix has to offer in truth is a 3D UI if you want it and a potential fix for a ghosting issue that may crop up. (Which i'm looking into now)

If you insist on helix, it is likely you will need to have Helix as the ''d3d9.dll'' in your install directory, which in turn proxies enbseriesd3d9.dll, which in turn proxies virieod3d9.dll as well as whatever else you're using (SMAA, etc). It has to be in that order, and you can read more about it here: ... 4&start=20

I will add, as another note of caution against Helix - it's designed specifically for NVidia 3D vision users. Now, a lot of what it intends to do does translate, but Virieo is a different driver and it's unlikely everything will line up as smoothly as you'd hope.


Just spotted this:
VadersApp wrote:Are you realy sure that while shadows are looking good enb is using deferred shadows? Because in the video there is no "new" effect visible and also there is the spotlight effect of the sun that is visible if enb is in non deferred mode. I was not able to get shadows rendered correctly in deferred mode, i tried it for several hours now.

Please be so kind and add your skyirm_prefs.ini, enbseries.ini, enbeffects.ini so i can check that. Also it would be interesting to know which version of enb you are using, do you have it modified?

If you are right and enb is working in deferred mode and shadows are rendered correctly, maybe vireio does oculus rift mode render another way than checkerboard version?
I'm not sure where you got the idea that deferred shadows were working in 3D. They're not. And probably never will be, because if it could be resolved I'm sure NVidia 3D vision users would have done it at some point in the past two years. I think any fix would come directly from a change to virieo itself - and most of the talk you see here is coming from lowly modders. Hope that clears things up. :D The game looks great with deferred disabled anyway!

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:07 pm
by shiva
Heyy! Great to have you here man (was also wondering were you were :mrgreen: )

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:26 pm
by shiva
Finally got my Fraps to record videos correctly, here's what my Skyrim looks like. Can't. Wait. For. MyRift :mrgreen:
I'm still working on how to get more FPS (if anyone has any tips about that I'll take 'em ;)), this is on ultra, I'm around 25

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:10 pm
by defactoman
Everything works for me up till the point I look at the sky and it crashes to desktop. I did a fresh install with only ENB (Climates of Tamriel/Lighting mod) full patched from steam. It does this on my two computers I tried it on. If i use just ENB, it works fine. If i use Vireio by itself it works just fine. As soon as i combine the two it crashes to desktop if you look up. If you don't look up and keep looking down, it works great.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:53 pm
by spire8989
shiva wrote:Finally got my Fraps to record videos correctly, here's what my Skyrim looks like. Can't. Wait. For. MyRift :mrgreen:
I'm still working on how to get more FPS (if anyone has any tips about that I'll take 'em ;)), this is on ultra, I'm around 25
Do you mind if I ask what your hardware situation is? You might've posted it somewhere else and I missed it.

I currently play Skyrim in 3d on a projector at 720p and get 60fps on high-ultra, but I don't feel like changing all of the configs to the rift ones until I get my rift... which is looking like late may or june.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:01 pm
by Ardhal
shiva wrote:Finally got my Fraps to record videos correctly, here's what my Skyrim looks like. Can't. Wait. For. MyRift :mrgreen:
I'm still working on how to get more FPS (if anyone has any tips about that I'll take 'em ;)), this is on ultra, I'm around 25
Good stuff! First up, you should definitley go in game, open the console and type ''fov 110'. Right now your game is so zoomed it wont be very immersive at all for the rift!

Second, I just earned myself a load of FPS by grabbing SMAA and letting that do all my AA for me instead of skyrim or my enb. Helped a lot, and its gorgeous. (Set your skyrim AA to x2 so that your ENB stops trying to do it). SMAA will pick up the slack.

Third, what water mod is that? It's really nice!

Fourth, I'm glad to see that you're getting those wierd black lines above fires. I was wondering if it was some small thing in my install, but I guess not ^^


Oh, fifth - Be aware that you're still playing on 1080p there. If you want to see exactly what it will be like in the rift open your Skyrimpreferences.ini and set the resolution to 1280x720 ^^. (Try not to use the launcher for this, as that resets large chunks of your .ini you wont want changing for no reason. Highly annoying.)

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:06 pm
by VadersApp
Shiva, i made many tests yesterday to find out why shadows work for you in deferred mode. I was not able to get it running correctly. I compiled my own version of vireio and also edited the shader files. At this time I found out if enb is active nothing is rendered in stereoscopic view, because TexMap0 und TexMap1 are holding the same Texture (the same camera view). If enb is deactivated TexMap0 holds it for the left eye and TextMap1 for the right eye. Then i thought, hey this can be only a problem of my configuration. So i changed to different versions of the nvidia driver, changed enb files, changed/edited enb configs. But nothing helped. So i got the idea that even your game is not rendered stereoscopic. I downloaded your video and loaded it with stereoscopic player.

There is no Stereoview in your video! That what let someone thing that is stereoscopic is because of the lense optic and movement.

If you move your camera, the next frame, which is put on the other eye has a different position, so there is a different angle, that lead to the pseudo 3d effect TV Documentations had 20 years ago. :) If you donĀ“t move, your video is flat.

If i am right, i guess we have to add a new ENB mode to vireio that read out of ENB (not the game) the right Data to TexMap0 and TexMap1.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:12 am
by shiva
if you're right, that sure will s*ck :mrgreen:
but if that's the case I'm convinced it'll be fixable. In any case, thanks for helping out with this ;)
I don't know much about VR yet, but I'm convinced this ENB+Vireio combo *will* work when more of us will receive their oculus

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:46 am
by shiva
spire8989 wrote: Do you mind if I ask what your hardware situation is?
Nopb ;)
-i7 3.40Ghz 8 cores
-Radeon 7850
-SSD disk for Win7 & skyrim
Ardhal wrote: Good stuff! First up, you should definitley go in game, open the console and type ''fov 110"
Second, I just earned myself a load of FPS by grabbing SMAA and letting that do all my AA for me instead of skyrim or my enb. Helped a lot, and its gorgeous. (Set your skyrim AA to x2 so that your ENB stops trying to do it). SMAA will pick up the slack.
Third, what water mod is that? It's really nice!
Sweeeet, imma try that right away!! thanks for the tip, definitly could use more FPS.
As for the fov yeah I forgot to set it before recording, it was 4 am back here, I don't think either of us got much sleep in the past few days :lol: I remember that you also posted useful tips to optimize the fov110 view in the official Vireio+skyrim thread, I need to test that.
The water mod is Realistic Water Textures and Terrain, I think it's wayyy better than W.A.T.E.R

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:43 am
by laast
Sorry but why do you want to absolutely use an ENB?

ENB are known to be heavy FPS breakers, and, as everyone knows, framerate is a major priority for a good and smooth experience in VR ( 60fps/eye minimum). So what is the advantage of using an ENB + Vireio? I've heard it could fix shadows but, technically, I don't understand why and how.

Could someone explain this to us?

My guess is simply that ENB and Vireio are not so compatible and it results to a "good" shadows rendering on a flat screen (with Vireio on) but a broken 3D effects on a Rift.

Can't wait to have my own Rift and test it by myself! :o

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:10 pm
by shiva
laast wrote:Sorry but why do you want to absolutely use an ENB?
ENB are known to be heavy FPS breakers, and, as everyone knows, framerate is a major priority for a good and smooth experience in VR ( 60fps/eye minimum). So what is the advantage of using an ENB + Vireio?
Because it makes Skyrim look like this:

And I know for a fact that I WANT that sh*t in VR :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I haven't played it with ENBs for long, but I know I can't go back now
Of course it's breaking FPS, but this is why this topic exists (and is quoted as a work in progress): to find all possible ways to attain the famous 60FPS barrier while still enjoying the ENBs that made Skyrim 10 times the immersive experience that it already was. And if it can't be reached, it's gonna be about what piece of hardware can be replaced by what to get it.
Also there's been a few (not much) testimonies about people receiving their Rifts and saying that playing with 30FPS is fine. 60FPS seems like the ideal parameter. 30 is fine. I'm willing to settle with "fine" if it means I can play this game with full-on balls-to-the-walls graphic awesomeness.
But yeah, for all I know maybe all this work is useless and broke the 3D and I don't even know it CAUSE I STILL DON'T HAVE MY GODDAMN RIFT AND IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE
If it gets confirmed, then I'll just curl up and turn to drugs I guess :mrgreen:

When I finished it the first time, I spent 120+ hours in it, and was absolutely done with the experience. Oversaturation.
Then I discovered the modding, and the incredible work thousands of talented programmers and graphists put into redesigning the whole game to make it *the* most beautiful game ever made. Went back into it and got addicted again.
So yeah, this is why :D

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:26 pm
by Neil
This looks really cool. However, I'd give it all up for a properly rendered and proportioned UI in VR mode.


Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:19 pm
by FingerFlinger
Perhaps a subtler consequence of a low framerate is simply diminished immersion. I haven't been getting any motion sickness at all, despite outright dropping frames on occasion, but it certainly breaks immersion when my old computer starts chugging at 30fps.

So, even if 30fps won't cause actual discomfort, I think there may be other trade-offs.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:22 pm
by Ardhal
Yeah I've heard that FPS is no more of an issue on a rift than it is a traditional display.

ENBs also, don't have to crush framerates at all. You can just get a low end one and disable a couple of effects if you really must. They'll even gain you FPS in some situations where they do AF and AA more effeciently than the vanilla game.

That said, I don't care so much about the graphics - for me, this has been the only reliable fix for the shadow issues we're seeing. It could be that helix alone can do it, and if it turns out that ENB is causing us to lose the 3D, I'll probably swap since helix can offer a proper 3D UI as well.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:46 am
by norgoth
laast wrote:Sorry but why do you want to absolutely use an ENB?

ENB are known to be heavy FPS breakers, and, as everyone knows, framerate is a major priority for a good and smooth experience in VR ( 60fps/eye minimum). So what is the advantage of using an ENB + Vireio? I've heard it could fix shadows but, technically, I don't understand why and how.

Could someone explain this to us?

My guess is simply that ENB and Vireio are not so compatible and it results to a "good" shadows rendering on a flat screen (with Vireio on) but a broken 3D effects on a Rift.

Can't wait to have my own Rift and test it by myself! :o
I have the same interrogation than laast because do you think the better graphism with enb are noticeable despite the low resolution of the dev kit ?

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:05 am
by Ardhal
norgoth wrote:
laast wrote:Sorry but why do you want to absolutely use an ENB?

ENB are known to be heavy FPS breakers, and, as everyone knows, framerate is a major priority for a good and smooth experience in VR ( 60fps/eye minimum). So what is the advantage of using an ENB + Vireio? I've heard it could fix shadows but, technically, I don't understand why and how.

Could someone explain this to us?

My guess is simply that ENB and Vireio are not so compatible and it results to a "good" shadows rendering on a flat screen (with Vireio on) but a broken 3D effects on a Rift.

Can't wait to have my own Rift and test it by myself! :o
I have the same interrogation than laast because do you think the better graphism with enb are noticeable despite the low resolution of the dev kit ?
Most effects are valuable at 720p, yes. It's not the same as installing massive textures that will lose all definition, it's more like changes in colour and lighting that will be visible even at lower resolutions.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio working!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:52 am
by shiva
Ardhal wrote:It's not the same as installing massive textures that will lose all definition
aaaw sh*t didn't even think about that. I've been modding Skyrim for months just to make all those high-res textures work without crashing my whole system, didn't even realize they'll be crushed down by the Rift's definition :lol:

Quick question though:
Ardhal wrote:I just earned myself a load of FPS by grabbing SMAA and letting that do all my AA for me instead of skyrim or my enb. Helped a lot, and its gorgeous. (Set your skyrim AA to x2 so that your ENB stops trying to do it). SMAA will pick up the slack.
Is it enough to just copy the files from the d3d9 dir into the skyrim folder? I'm not sure if Skyrim still uses only directX9 with all the updates Bethesda released. Also, that's the third d3d9.dll :lol:, how did you sequence it to launch with the Vireio's and ENB's?
And my understanding is that after that, I just set the AA to x2 in the skyrim options and play, correct? ;)

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:58 am
by laast
You can also desactivate AA in skyrim options, and activate FXAA for Skyrim in your GPU control panel (available for Nvidia cards, don't know about ATI). Good rendering without huge fps loss.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:26 am
by Ardhal
You can use FXAA on ATI too. It just looks like arse tbh.

You should add it rename it and add it as a proxy in your enbseries.ini, shiva. However! I realised a few hours ago you can ONLY have one extra d3d9.dll chained like that, which, for us, has to be virieo. This explains why helix has to be installed in the way I described earlier. So just ignore SMAA, I guess. But do use it on a traditional setup, I promise it's awesome.

Also, don't worry about textures too much. I'm pretty sure 2k and maybe even 4k stuff will still show up just fine. 720x1280 is a lot of pixels worth of screen real estate. It just happens to be under half of 1920x1080.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:29 pm
by jingamon
I think I've turned off every effect I can in ENB on startup and still crash to desktop once I move my character. Is there any way to track down crashes other than toying with settings one by one?

Update 1:
I've found out I wasn't using the beta vireo version and tried that. The result is a nice CTD every single time Skyrim starts.
Beta 12 and 1.0.5 rc1 Both do this. Bleh.

1.0.4 allows me into the menus of the game but crashes about 4 seconds in game.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:41 pm
by Ardhal
Is it still crashing when you disable tracking?

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:44 pm
by Omozinox
I'm having the same problem jingamon is having. After loading, about 3-4 seconds into the game I get CTD.
When using Enb alone in 2D without Vireio does not crash. Any suggestions?

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:00 pm
by Omozinox
I forgot to mention that I'm using Vireio Beta12, and also using SkyrimTuner's RealVision ENB Skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini file from his download section.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:40 pm
by Ardhal
I've said pretty much everything I think I can. I can't confirm anything more because I don't have a rift. Just make 100% sure you've done everything I said to in that 14 steps above. Beyond that, sorry!

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:43 pm
by jingamon
So far I have tried and mind you both ENB and Vireio are stable alone

1)Doing another clean install- No dice
2) Turning off calls for deferred shadows in skyrim prefs
3)Turning off one by one and all at the same time all the options in enb's ini.
4)Turning off tracking
5)using every version of vireio I can try. All the newer ones give me the same response, instant CTD. Older versions seem to give me that 4 second stability then crash

I'm running an:
EVGA GTX 670 915mhz clock, 4gb vram, version 320.0 of the nvidia driver
4.3ghz i7 3820
64gb ram
windows 7 ultimate

The one thing I can think of is that a hardware failure is occurring cutting skyrim off, but I'm seeing nothing about any error in the windows logs under computer management.

Update: Finally got a windows log error after several attempts. Output is as expected not helpful:

Faulting application name: TESV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x51437ce5
Faulting module name: d3d9.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x515af008
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0004a063
Faulting process id: 0x1644
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce415ef7f06d4a
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\d3d9.dll
Report Id: 3b9a0426-ad52-11e2-a39d-c86000cb2631

Now I'm ALWAYS getting that error with ENB. The only change I made was daisy chaining it to the vireio dll and setting it back to false in the enb ini. Now it won't load at all... odd... Going to try redoing all the ENB files.

Rebooted my PC now Skyrim loads again. I don't understand how the dlls work for vireo and skyrim, however it seems like something is "hanging" around when you chain both the dlls together and the game crashes. When I chain the two with the beta 12 skyrim will crash on startup and then trying to load ENB normally will require a reboot I've repeated this 3 times now.
With 1.0.4 skyrim will refuse to load after the 4 second crash if you set the chaining = to false and try to load normally. However, if I set the vireio program to oculus rift it loads ENB which has an ini set to false with ENB + vireo only to crash again 4 seconds into the game or so.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:09 pm
by Omozinox
My specs are:
EVGA GTX 670 966mhz clock, 4gb vram, version 311.06 of the nvidia driver
Core i5 2500K OC to 4.4ghz
8GB Ram
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

You think it might be an Nvidia issue? We both seem to have the same vid card.

I test with ENB alone by setting the EnableProxyLibrary=False. Works fine does not CTD.
Then I just change EnableProxyLibrary=True which enables d3d9Vireio.dll. My save game will load, will be in game for about 3 seconds then CTD.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:16 pm
by jingamon
Omozinox wrote:My specs are:
EVGA GTX 670 966mhz clock, 4gb vram, version 311.06 of the nvidia driver
Core i5 2500K OC to 4.4ghz
8GB Ram
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

You think it might be an Nvidia issue? We both seem to have the same vid card.

I test with ENB alone by setting the EnableProxyLibrary=False. Works fine does not CTD.
Then I just change EnableProxyLibrary=True which enables d3d9Vireio.dll. My save game will load, will be in game for about 3 seconds then CTD.
And I now fixed it in a way that's reproducible ( I figured out how to break it again too).
1)After a clean reboot I installed beta 12
2)Cleanly installed ENB and the mod packages
3) set:
However I noticed the game was still ignoring the vireio dll. So I ran the vireio perception software and turned oculus rift tracking on and turned the oculus rift stereoscopic options on while having the enb ini set to true for daisy chaining. Viola both work now.
It's as I suspect, something is "hanging" around after a bad chain that requires a reboot and a "working" install before it'll work again.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:20 pm
by Ardhal
You have both ensured that as well as the top of your enbseries.ini looking like this:


You have actually copied the three files from your perception/bin folder?
d3d9.dll renamed to d3d9vireio.dll,

Should all be in your skyrim install directory, alongside the executable.

Also, before it crashes, what do you see? Are both screens being rendered? Are you getting the white text in the top left corner of the screen confirming the ENB is in effect? Or just one and not the other?

Try booting Skyrim without running the perception application at all. Then what happens?

Are you using the SKSE loader instead of the default Skyrim launcher? If so you'll have to add a few lines to the pereception profile which can be found in the other thread.

Is perception working with other games? Do you have NVidia 3D vision or something wierd trying to run in your graphics card control panel? Are the drivers up to date?

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:28 pm
by jingamon
Ardhal wrote:You have both ensured that as well as the top of your enbseries.ini looking like this:


You have actually copied the three files from your perception/bin folder?
d3d9.dll renamed to d3d9vireio.dll,

Should all be in your skyrim install directory, alongside the executable.

Also, before it crashes, what do you see? Are both screens being rendered? Are you getting the white text in the top left corner of the screen confirming the ENB is in effect? Or just one and not the other?

Try booting Skyrim without running the perception application at all. Then what happens?

Are you using the SKSE loader instead of the default Skyrim launcher? If so you'll have to add a few lines to the pereception profile which can be found in the other thread.

Is perception working with other games? Do you have NVidia 3D vision or something wierd trying to run in your graphics card control panel? Are the drivers up to date?

I can get it to work now after a clean reboot and install it's just really damned unstable using both together.

1)All three are there.
2)My Nvidia drivers are on the auto downloader (Geforce experience crap) that just got the newest drivers 5 hours ago.
3) Before it crashes it's too fast to tell my screen almost instantly returns to the desktop.
4) Not booting without the perception application just defaults to regular ENB for me.
5)Not using a loader, just the default. Perception works fine in everything else I have and even works beautifully in skyrim with ENB turned off.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:40 pm
by Ardhal
jingamon wrote:
Ardhal wrote:You have both ensured that as well as the top of your enbseries.ini looking like this:


You have actually copied the three files from your perception/bin folder?
d3d9.dll renamed to d3d9vireio.dll,

Should all be in your skyrim install directory, alongside the executable.

Also, before it crashes, what do you see? Are both screens being rendered? Are you getting the white text in the top left corner of the screen confirming the ENB is in effect? Or just one and not the other?

Try booting Skyrim without running the perception application at all. Then what happens?

Are you using the SKSE loader instead of the default Skyrim launcher? If so you'll have to add a few lines to the pereception profile which can be found in the other thread.

Is perception working with other games? Do you have NVidia 3D vision or something wierd trying to run in your graphics card control panel? Are the drivers up to date?

I can get it to work now after a clean reboot and install it's just really damned unstable using both together.

1)All three are there.
2)My Nvidia drivers are on the auto downloader (Geforce experience crap) that just got the newest drivers 5 hours ago.
3) Before it crashes it's too fast to tell my screen almost instantly returns to the desktop.
4) Not booting without the perception application just defaults to regular ENB for me.
5)Not using a loader, just the default. Perception works fine in everything else I have and even works beautifully in skyrim with ENB turned off.
That doesn't sound right at all. Can you screenshot your enbseries.ini for me as well as your skyrim install directory folder?
What exactly are you using to launch Skyrim?

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:44 pm
by Omozinox
Ardhal wrote:You have both ensured that as well as the top of your enbseries.ini looking like this:


You have actually copied the three files from your perception/bin folder?
d3d9.dll renamed to d3d9vireio.dll,

Should all be in your skyrim install directory, alongside the executable.

Also, before it crashes, what do you see? Are both screens being rendered? Are you getting the white text in the top left corner of the screen confirming the ENB is in effect? Or just one and not the other?

Try booting Skyrim without running the perception application at all. Then what happens?

Are you using the SKSE loader instead of the default Skyrim launcher? If so you'll have to add a few lines to the pereception profile which can be found in the other thread.

Is perception working with other games? Do you have NVidia 3D vision or something wierd trying to run in your graphics card control panel? Are the drivers up to date?

Copied and renamed all files correctly to skyrim along side executable

Before it crashes, both screens are being rendered in the start up screen and also showing the white ENB text in the top left corner. I can select continue a saved game.
Loads saved game with both screens rendered. Game last for about 4 seconds then crashes.

Skyrim loads fine without perception no crashes and Enb loads fine also no crashes.

Not using SKSE loader.

Perception is working with other games. Tested with HL2. and Dear Esther. No Nvida 3D vision settings.

Re: Skyrim + ENB + Vireio testing

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:46 pm
by jingamon
Ardhal wrote:
jingamon wrote:
Ardhal wrote:You have both ensured that as well as the top of your enbseries.ini looking like this:


You have actually copied the three files from your perception/bin folder?
d3d9.dll renamed to d3d9vireio.dll,

Should all be in your skyrim install directory, alongside the executable.

Also, before it crashes, what do you see? Are both screens being rendered? Are you getting the white text in the top left corner of the screen confirming the ENB is in effect? Or just one and not the other?

Try booting Skyrim without running the perception application at all. Then what happens?

Are you using the SKSE loader instead of the default Skyrim launcher? If so you'll have to add a few lines to the pereception profile which can be found in the other thread.

Is perception working with other games? Do you have NVidia 3D vision or something wierd trying to run in your graphics card control panel? Are the drivers up to date?

I can get it to work now after a clean reboot and install it's just really damned unstable using both together.

1)All three are there.
2)My Nvidia drivers are on the auto downloader (Geforce experience crap) that just got the newest drivers 5 hours ago.
3) Before it crashes it's too fast to tell my screen almost instantly returns to the desktop.
4) Not booting without the perception application just defaults to regular ENB for me.
5)Not using a loader, just the default. Perception works fine in everything else I have and even works beautifully in skyrim with ENB turned off.
That doesn't sound right at all. Can you screenshot your enbseries.ini for me as well as your skyrim install directory folder?
What exactly are you using to launch Skyrim?

I'm using the executable in the skyrim folder to launch skyrim. That's it.

Strangely after an initial error subsequent crashes are consistently almost exactly 4-5 seconds.

Until I reboot, then I get anywhere from 3-4 minutes and subsequent starts of the game are then 4-5 second crashes.