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Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:02 pm
by Aabel
Just saw this, Duo3d kinda bummed only 8 days left, and not sure these guys will make it. 3d sensors made out of PSeye level of hardware is damn tempting. I can easily see this kind of technology getting cheap and small enough to be everywhere just in time for the Rift consumer model. Also it supposedly gives access to point cloud data, if that is true that makes it much more attractive for VR than the leap.

I would be interested to know what you guys think of this project and if it's worth support or not.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:36 pm
by MSat
" Although we believe in it being open, this application will not be immediately released as open source. "

This is a big turn-off. They make no guarantee that it will ever become open source (and I doubt it ever will). In that case, they don't offer a very compelling package, especially in light of the Leap Motion. At best, this is ok for hobbyists, but not really for commercial/consumer use.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:14 pm
by Nick3DvB
Posted here a few weeks back:

Shame really, it seemed like a good fit for the Rift, maybe another victim of "kickstarter fatigue".

The target was always way too height for what is essentially a pretty case and a closed SDK.

But a commitment to produce an inside-out positional tracking solution for the Rift could still save them...

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:03 pm
by Aabel
Closed SDK isn't a deal breaker. There are lots of closed source SDK's that get used every day in development. However if the Duo is just going to be a DIY kit that will be a deal breaker for game development.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:04 pm
by MSat
I don't necessarily have a problem with closed source software, but requiring a modification to proprietary hardware that isn't practical from a commercial standpoint makes the whole thing not compelling. IMO, they should either offer a proper hardware device, or open up the software. As it stands, it's just not a good deal. Commercially license the software for maybe a couple dollars royalty per product sold, and make it flexible enough so that vendors can use it with their own hardware and it might be worth while. But as it is, I really don't like what they're doing.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:19 pm
Somewhere i read that the Leap doesn't give you access to raw depth data, this way beeing not usable f.e as 3d point cloud generating scanning device. (f.e useful for modelers to get hand crafted clay stuff inside a 3d sculpting program). But the duo on the other side gives you access to this data, and is probaly open enough to interface it with most applications and purposes.

That's the big dilemma with something like Leap, which is venture capitalized and thus may artificially limit features to sell a second iteration of the device, or launching it as feature for preselected applications (business partners) feeding the customers bit by bit. Planned obsolescence is very popular if shareholders or venture capital is involved, not doing it, basically means in the business world punching those who gave you the money and expect revenue in the face.. that's the mainstream and popular business model and lots of startups follow it, because the people running those businesses got conditioned to follow the mainstream business path. A bad example how popular "education" f***'s it up, systematically dividing producers from their customers by design.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:25 am
by MSat
I think Leap's goal was primarily to license their software, rather than provide a hardware product judging by the fact that they were seeking OEMs to incorporate it in end products such as laptops, tablets, phones etc. in which case they wouldn't withhold features to release them in a future hardware device. The reason they might not offer point cloud data is because their software doesn't actually capture it. I don't know.

Re: Kickstarter for fast open design hand tracking hardware

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:24 pm
I remember the "point cloud hands" in one of their preview videos for the kickstarter. I'd have bought it for some game art clay modeling, or scanning some old toys :cry:

It would be a great tool for indie game artists and speed up the modeling procedure a lot..