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Thanks & News!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:50 am
by Neil
Hi Guys,

I've been reading through the forums, and I'm seeing that most of you are carrying our S-3D advocacy signature.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for doing that because it is really making a big difference in our efforts to increase S-3D compatibility with games.

I can't announce the details yet, but with this phenomenal success on your part, I was struck by an idea.

I've been talking it over with my sponsor, and we are working on an exciting way to award our advocates for their hard work. It's going to start as a proof of concept first, but if your involvement continues to grow, we will have the justification to build it into something much bigger!

So keep up the good work, and thanks again.

Best wishes,

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:27 pm
by Likay
And thank you for setting up a meeting place for us with our common interest of stereogaming. To make stereovision a reality in future this is absolutely the way of doing it! I hope that stereovision and gaming is a subject for a growing interest and finally has come to stay. I appreciating your effort and i hope that we will grow bigger until stereovision is a matter of course as well as food for the day, roof above your head and a bed to sleep in! (lol).

To all others:
It's a lot of "hope" in the text. Let's all work for it to be a reality! :D
There's an incredible large amount of people not knowing that it's this easy to get stereovision in games for pc now. Show them.
Everybody i know who has tried out stereovision agrees with the fantastic "future generation" capacity that this media has! Show your friends and their friends your stereorig to create further interest! The more we are, the more we would be visible! If everybody who owns a computer knew about stereoviewing and how easy it is to get we would no longer be a minority. Think of that.

(yes, i hired a preacher to make this text since i'm not a good speaker myself. :lol: )

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:20 am
by groda
I think one way that we could all easily contribute to spread info about is to write about it in other non-stereoscopic forums, like gamespot, gamespy etc. I guess many of you are already doing that. In that case, sorry for stating the obvious. Anyway, just thought it was a good idea to mention it...