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TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:53 pm
by stee1hed
I bought one. I got the 800x600 model, the only one available to consumers at the moment.

My setup
Dell M1730
2 nVidia 8800 gtx

This laptop only has one dvi output, so in order to drive the TDVisor which has 2 inputs I purchases the Matrox DualHead2Go digital edition. The dh2g takes one vga input and has 2 DVI outputs, perfect for the TDVisor. I had to use a dvi to vga connector to connect my laptop to the dh2g.

I setup the dh2g as an 1600x600 display and it split this and ouputs 2 800x600, one to each TDVisor input.

This is actually my 3rd (2nd) TDVisor, let me explain.

The first one I received had their latest firmware which supported 95 Hz refresh rate. The dh2g only supports 85 Hz at the resolution I needed, so the guys at TDVision put an older version of firmware in another unit and sent it, while I returned the 1st one. The 2nd unit had images at 85 Hz but they where shifted. The left image was lower than the right image, making it impossible to converge for 3D. TDVision said that it was related to a ceiling and floor issue from the video signal. They took my 1st unit and updated the firmware to compensate for this and sent it back to me. This is the one that works and I will be reviewing here. I actually still have the 2nd one here still and need to send it back. :wink:

Here are some images with a ruler next to it. I apologize to the site's metric using friends as the ruler is in inches (Imperial measurement system?). Just remember, 2.54 cm to 1 inch.

This image is with the eye pieces push together as far as they will go. I tried to center on the 5 inch mark.

This image has the eye pieces as far apart as they will go.

Here are some images at different angles.
In this last image notice the hole for audio output, but it is currently not wired.

The TDVisor uses a ski band to hold it on your head. Being that these are built to order I had them make my ski band a little longer due to the fact that when I was at TDVision demo'ing the units the bands were too short and squeezing my head. This is probably due to my slightly aquiline and large nose. I'm 6'6" (foot inches) and a pretty big guy proportionally. :P

There is a sheathed cable that goes from a black box to the TDVisor. You can see them entering the unit here.
(If the guys at TDVision are known for anything, it definitely isn't sewing... :lol: )

As far as eye adjustments, the only thing I believe is available is moving the eyepieces left and right. I wear glasses for work and was able to wear my glasses with the TDVisor comfortably, although I usually don't wear them at home. The glasses did not change my view as I will discuss below.

Let's get into the images.

For my setup with the Matrox DualHead2Go I need to pump out 1600x600. The dh2g splits this image vertically and outputs each half out it's own DVI output where the TDVisor is connected. So, 1600x600 at 85 Hz is key.

Here is a screen shot of a frame from a movie using the Stereoscopic Player.

Consider this the baseline for my analysis.

I took pictures through the eye piece at varying distances.

Here's the farthest away one, left eye...

A little closer, left eye...

A little closer, left and right eyes. This is what I consider close to what my actual view is...

right eye, about the same distance, my view...

Here is the left and right view with the camera closer to the eye pieces...
left eye

right eye


As you can see in the last two pics, the controls around the edge of the displays are much clearer than what I would consider my view being. Even looking back at the 'baseline' picture and then at the left eye images moving in, you can see that the edges of the lens has some distortion. Ethan talked about this a little when I was there and then they are working on their own optics to get rid of this. But as you can see with the later images, the closer you get to the lenses the less the distortion.

Just another sample of what I'm talking about with a different set of images.

Here is what I would call my view...
left eye

right eye

and here is the same images with the camera a little closer...
left eye

right eye

I want to point out that any glare or color differences you may see is only because of the camera. When viewing the images the way the TDVisor was meant to be used the colors are perfect and there is no glare.

There are positives and negatives to the distortion effect I am seeing. The negative for me is that trying to see the Player controls in the bottom left corner of the left eye is only possible when I physically move the TDVisor some outside of the lens distortion area. The positive is that I think it's kind of like real vision in gaming. You can still see movement and if you want to look at something you move it to the center of the screen with the image is perfect.

Originally with some screen shots I was viewing I saw that the left eye had some refresh flicker where the right eye was solid. I flipped the visor over and confirmed what appeared to be reflesh flicker in the left eye display. I discovered that this was only with some pics. With other pics both are solid. With the movies I was watching both displays were solid as well. So it's kind of a weird phenomenon that I haven't looked into any more other than this.

I haven't tried an games yet with the exception of the the game/tech demo at I started it up in window mode, turned on 3d and set the full screen res at 1620x600 (1600 was not available). I then dragged the window over to the TDVisor displays and turned on full screen. The game then played perfectly in 3d on the TDVisor. Sure beats the anaglyph image I was getting previously with the game. :D

The guys (Welder) at iZ3D has shared some info to see if I could get their iZ3D driver 1.08 working but I haven't tried it yet. I did spend a part of the weekend installing some games to check out when I do get to it.

Also, today I just received from TDVision their Alterspace and DejaView apps, which I also haven't been able to test yet, but can't wait!

All in all I am very happy with the TDVisor. Bright, sharp, non-ghosting 3d is awesome. As I mentioned in another thread I haven't been this giddy about 3d in a long time!

That's what I've got for now. More to come...


answers to questions...
cybereality wrote:Also, I didn't realize the TDVisor was such a hefty device (that's a good thing).
The one thing that really had me in awe when I was demo'ing it at TDVision was how light it was. It looks like it should be a lot heavier than it looks!
cybereality wrote:Regarding the optics. I can see the same thing with the VR920 optics around the edges.
That is good to hear actually, although I don't think the distortion would take anything away from games. I have a TrackIR and plan on using that in games that support it like my flight sims.[/quote]
LukePC1 wrote:I've got a special question about resolution. The vr920 takes up to 1024 and can downscale it. You mentioned it worked with the 'wrong' resolution for the TDVisor, too.
Can it downscale the image, too? How much is possible?
The user manual says "You must set up both monitors to be running at 800x600, 85Hz or 95Hz for the TDVisor." So I don't think so currently. I will actually test this though and see.
wuhlei wrote:1 does it look like your looking in to a tunnel how big is the screen?
2 how comfy is it?
3 is most of the light bocked out from the sides?
4 is any part of the screen blury?
5 what software do you use to play 3d movies with the dualhead matrox 2 go?
1 hmmmm.... not really, it's just that the edges are distorted. The screen is about the same size as looking at my 17" widescreen from 1.5 feet. The actual virtual distance is farther away, but what I described is about the size of it.
2 it's pretty light in my opinion and sits easy on my head. I just need a little more nose room. :P
3 yes! I can only see out the bottom which is good for seeing the keyboard.
4 the screens themselves are very clear. The outside edges of the lenses can distort the edges of the screen, but it sounds like this is common in hmds. Not a show stopper for me.
5 I use the Stereoscopic Player for watching movies. You can see some more of my testing results here...
phil wrote:Hi, here's the URL for the VR game demo that stee1hed mentioned:
D'oh! Sorry about the mis link phil! Dang com vs. org vs. net bit me again!


To Luke, the text in those pictures is readable, no problem.


Another update tonight!

Haven't tried the iZ3D driver yet, but I have tried AssultCube (thanks to CarlKenner) and the game, Le Cauchemar. My goal was to test and see if the TDVisor would scale down from a higher res to 800x600. The short answer is NO. I did get AssultCube to play in 3d though and that was pretty cool even though the graphics are a couple generations old. As a proof of concept CarlKenner kicked butt.

You have very exact control over the resolution at startup. I make the 3dVisor the primary display and edited the startup bat file for the game for 1600x600 which worked as expected and 2048x768 which failed miserably. Displays when black and I had to alt+tab out and kill it.

I tried the test with the Le Cauchemar game and I don't know what triggers the change in resolution in game but I had the full screen resolution up at 3345x716 in the menu and it was still showing a picture. I'm thinking something is fishy there.

I love being able to use side by side mode to see 3d. My testing has gone better then I expected due to this.

I just downloaded that TM Nations Forever racing game and I want to test the iZ3D driver next. But time for bed.


Update 2008-07-12

I've tried the iZ3D driver and it worked, but not with the TDVisor... :P I made the config file change and tried it on Stalker (game). I made the TDVisor the primary display. The driver would split the image between the TDVisor and the laptop display, so it looks like it's not spanning across a single display which is what I would be needing. Maybe in the next version!

I've also tried the TDVision software AlterSpace and DejaView and it doesn't want to work to good with Vista. So I'm looking at installing an XP partition on the laptop since the TDVision team says that it worked perfectly on the XP partition on their system.

I asked them about the possibility to create auto-scaling capability from 1024x768 to 800x600. We'll see what they say!

[Neil type teaser]
TDVision gave me some very exciting news about something coming out in August, this is not the production commercial product news they previously released.
[/Neil type teaser] :lol:

So for now it looks like I'm limited to games that provide native support for stereo modes. My other option is once I get XP installed to tackle getting the older nVidia drivers to work.

I got an update from phil, maker or the Le Cauchemar game ( He said that the game will resize on startup and also uses the displays max size available from the windows settings. So that's why I got what I got with my previous testing. Thanks for the info phil!


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:17 am
by cybereality
Oh man! It looks just like the Virtual Boy! Friggin' awesome! Thanks for taking the time to take all those pictures.

So far that unit looks leaps and bounds better than the VR920. I just did a measurement and the distance between the eyes is barely 2". Especially with the IPD adjustments the TDVisor should be more comfortable. Also, I didn't realize the TDVisor was such a hefty device (thats a good thing). It definitely looks worth it. Now you've got me wanting one!

Regarding the optics. I can see the same thing with the VR920 optics around the edges. Its hard to tell just from photos but the TDV optics look more clear to me. But I think that will be an issue with any HMD, its not just the TDVisor. Its very difficult, if not impossible, to magnify an image by so much and not have any distortion around the edge. It can be minimized, but at the end of the day you are looking at a curved surface. It also has a lot to do with how you wear it, so it may take some time to figure out the best configuration.

Anyway, hope you enjoy your purchase and I'm sure the iz3D guys will help with your driver issue. Can't wait to hear how it works in games.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:38 am
by LukePC1
Thanks for all the pictures! I hope you'll continue your review(best to edit the first post, to have all important info there).
I think the pictures give a fairly detailed impression, of how it is like...

cybereality wrote: So far that unit looks leaps and bounds better than the VR920.
I was thinking to get the VR920. I don't expect much in regards of resolution and FOV, but it has a much better price and a built in headtracker (which will be of some use I hope). In addition IZ3D wants to make a driver for their API afaik.

I've got a special question about resolution. The vr920 takes up to 1024 and can downscale it. You mentioned it worked with the 'wrong' resolution for the TDVisor, too.
Can it downscale the image, too? How much is possible?
I ask, because there are games out there, which begin only at e.g. 1024. The Z800 was not able to do it, so the games wouldn't run at all!

And small question: Were you able to read the Text? On the photos I can't do it. I hope it's a little more clear when actually wearing it!?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:48 am
by crim3
Great review. Looking forward for more.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:32 am
by wuhlei
1 does it look like your looking in to a tunnel how big is the screen?
2 how comfy is it?
3 is most of the light bocked out from the sides?
4 is any part of the screen blury?
5 what software do you use to play 3d movies with the dualhead matrox 2 go?

Thanks for the review and screenshots.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:16 pm
by cybereality
LukePC1 wrote:
cybereality wrote: So far that unit looks leaps and bounds better than the VR920.
I was thinking to get the VR920. I don't expect much in regards of resolution and FOV, but it has a much better price and a built in headtracker (which will be of some use I hope).
Considering the difference in price, I would hope the TDVisor was a better headset. I was talking mostly about the physical unit itself. No way to tell how good it works without actually using it.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:23 pm
by LukePC1
And I was taling about the vr920 beeing a good price/performance canidate. Especially with a own driver and hopefully support by Iz3D in 1-2 month.

The bonus is, that vr920 made the way to europe and I might get a used one. TDVisor will need some more time, but depending on my experience with VR920 I'll decide, what to do next. Maybe I would sell it and get something else instead?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by wuhlei
The vr920 is nice but I just saved up some money and I want to watch 3d movies with a high resolution head set. I don't use the head tracking and I need a hmd I can use all day.
cybereality wrote: I've got a special question about resolution. The vr920 takes up to 1024 and can downscale it. You mentioned it worked with the 'wrong' resolution for the TDVisor, too.
Can it downscale the image, too? How much is possible?
I ask, because there are games out there, which begin only at e.g. 1024. The Z800 was not able to do it, so the games wouldn't run at all!
I heard this can be done with Powerstrip?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:03 pm
by phil
Hi, here's the URL for the VR game demo that stee1hed mentioned:
(more info on the forum thread).

The menus are still under construction, but you can set the screen res in the config file:
C:\Program Files\Le Cauchemar\Profiles\Custom.txt

Adding the following lines to Custom.txt will configure the game for a TDVisor setup like stee1hed's.
(BUG: you need to make sure there are no spaces on the ends of the lines, otherwise it will complain) :

Code: Select all

	fullScreen:		true
	fullScreenXRes:	1600
	fullScreenYRes:	600

	mode:		ESTEREOSCOPYMODE_SIDE_BY_SIDE_1// to swap eyes, change '1' to '2'

	headMountedDisplay:	true// use the HMD-style TrackIR mode (rather than the 'virtual window' style)
[/plug] :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:32 pm
by stee1hed
I added answers to questions in the original review as suggested by Luke. Time for more testing!

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:48 am
by LukePC1
Thanks for the detailed information and the effort you put in this. I hope it will help a lot of people!

@ the resolution... Interesting results... maybe just keep an eye on it and post some other results if you feel it's worth it :?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:59 pm
by stee1hed
I added some updates for 2008-07-12 in the review... :D

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:03 pm
by cybereality
There is a mode on the old Nvidia driver for "Dual VGA Output (Dep3D)", at least on the 91.31 version. Its seems to work fine here, but that is with 2 physical monitors on each port. If I only have one monitor plugged in it flashed both images on the same screen (like page-flipping). I don't see a side-by-side mode listed. So you'd have to somehow trick Windows into thinking there are 2 monitors (is that possible with the Matrox card?). Might be easier to figure out whats going on with the iz3D driver.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:45 am
by sharky
very nice review!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:45 am
by sharky
very nice review!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:17 pm
by Bo_Fox
wow, interesting! I gotta come back and read this again!

update review please??

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:22 pm
by VRgamesterz
Stee1hed, haven't seen an update on your visor? what have you done so far and any news on anything, what have you tried so far , games? software running 3d? been waiting to see what you've come up with..


Re: update review please??

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:50 pm
by stee1hed
VRgamesterz wrote:Stee1hed, haven't seen an update on your visor? what have you done so far and any news on anything, what have you tried so far , games? software running 3d? been waiting to see what you've come up with..

For gaming I'm basically at a standstill until I get some side by side support which my setup needs. I have an older system downstairs that should allow me to use the iZ3D driver with 2 outputs, but I haven't gotten there yet. I've posted on experts-exchange and gamedev to try and get some idea of where to start with creating my own driver, but that lead to nowhere so far. I also looked through the thread here (by DarkVader?) that shows how to get the old stereo drivers to work with 8000 series nVidia cards. My issue is I have a Dell and they release their own version of the nVidia drivers. Haven't gone further, maybe there is a way around it.

I look forward to the stereoscopic player (which I registered!) supporting the TDVision codec some day and watching movies in S3D.

I haven't really been doing much more with it than trying to find a solution that will allow me to play games. It's been kinda frustrating so I'm taking a breather right now, and that's okay because I have some family things to attend to.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:24 pm
by stee1hed
Over the weekend I put an order in for a Sapphire ATI Radeon HD3850 video card. According to Tom's Hardware it's the fastest AGP video card out there, and it was 'only' $138 USD. It has dual DVI outputs. Hopefully my AMD 3500+ has enough ufta to keep up.

Anyway, I'm hoping that this purchase will at least break my lull in 3d gaming a allow me to continue this review! The news in regards to iZ3D and ATI is very exciting.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:55 pm
by CarlKenner
True side-by-side support would be the wrong aspect ratio. Span mode and side-by-side mode have to be supported as two seperate options, because the aspect ratios are completely different.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:20 am
by Skovby
Been following this thread for a while..

Regarding the nvidia drivers, have you tried with a modded inf file? - this site has all the reference drivers, and with their modded inf files you are able to install reference drivers on your laptop.. (using this myself with a Dell XPS m1710)

They might have the modded inf for the stereo driver, and if not, they can definately help you make one.

Hope it helps

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:18 pm
by stee1hed
Thanks for the tip Skovby, I'll have to take a look.

Currently I did receive my new 3850 AGP Radeon 512 meg and installed it on my AMD 3500+ tower. I'm now able to connect the TDVisor directly to the dual video outputs. I'm using the iZ3D driver and I've gotten some games to work great. TM Nations Forever and Stalker (the 1st one) look incredible. I mean really incredible. No ghosting, clear and bright. I have MS Flight sim 2004 and X that I want to try with my TrackIR but haven't had a chance yet.

I've been trying to get Far Cry to run but I run the game, I get the splash screen then everything goes black and I'm kicked back to the desktop and the game is closed. If I set the iZ3D driver to 'disable stereo' I can get the game to start and run. I've read about some conflicts with anti-virus software but I would think the driver wouldn't work at all then with the other games. I've posted on iZ3D's forums but no solution yet.

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:42 pm
by wuhlei
how did your get one? I saved up some money and I want to buy one

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:10 pm
by Tril
Most probably directly from TDVision. Send them an email.

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:47 am
by bbloff
There are so few reviews of the TDVisor (this is only detailed one I could find after much googling), and absolutely none on the HD version (which apparently you can buy, it's just built on request).

Did you ever get all the kinks sorted out for gaming? I figured with NVidia 3d vision (drivers) there might be some new options available. Also, have you ever used one of the 22" LCD + NVidia 3D vision setup? I'd love to hear some comparative feedback, how quality + immersiveness compares between these options.

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:19 am
by stee1hed
Other priorities have pretty much diverted my attention from this at the moment. I hope to re-engage next year.

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:45 pm
by genetic
bbloff wrote:There are so few reviews of the TDVisor (this is only detailed one I could find after much googling), and absolutely none on the HD version (which apparently you can buy, it's just built on request).

Did you ever get all the kinks sorted out for gaming? I figured with NVidia 3d vision (drivers) there might be some new options available. Also, have you ever used one of the 22" LCD + NVidia 3D vision setup? I'd love to hear some comparative feedback, how quality + immersiveness compares between these options.

how can you buy it? I have sent emails to them before but never got an answer. I would love to but the HD visor. Please tell me what you know in detail :P

Re: TDVisor 800x600 review

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:45 am
by bbloff
how can you buy it? I have sent emails to them before but never got an answer. I would love to but the HD visor. Please tell me what you know in detail
I came across a few old references on the internet, possibly something you've already read. Ethan from TDVision created this thread [ ... 1208049591], which, unless I'm reading it wrong, suggested they were building preorder HD units.

I'm surprised you didn't hear back from them, given Ethan seemed quite active online (he's posted on a number of forums). I've also seen a few reports of trade shows with the HD units, but nobody would review them - the closest I came was some guy saying he tried it for 15 seconds, but he didn't comment on it beyond that :evil: