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Microsoft releases Kinect Open Source sample code

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:34 am
by mahler
From their new blog for the Kinect for Windows development community
Easy Access to Kinect for Windows Sample Code

We are happy to announce we are releasing the Kinect for Windows samples under an open source license.
You can find everything on CodePlex:
We have posted a total of 22 unique samples in C#, C++, and Visual Basic.

We’re doing this for a few reasons:
  • Easy Access -> we will continue to release our sample applications as part of our Developer Toolkit. However, that’s a large download & install that can be cumbersome if you just want to quickly view or access code on the web
  • Reuse The Code -> we’re releasing all the samples under an Apache 2.0 license so that you can take the code and reuse, remix, etc. Also, we’re using a Git repository so it’s easy clone & fork if you want
  • Get Feedback -> we will use CodePlex's built-in feedback & discussion tools to get community input on the samples. We want to hear from you to understand what we can do better with the samples
  • Faster Updates -> we will be able to update samples more quickly on CodePlex (compared to Toolkit releases). CodePlex also has a “Subscribe” feature that enables you to follow the project and get notified when something changes, a bug gets fixed, someone says something smart in the discussions, etc. (note: the subscription feature doesn’t actually track the smartness of a post but one can dream :-))
Browse K4W sample code right in your browser...
Source: ... -code.aspx

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Microsoft or this blog