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Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:50 pm
by Ryuuken24
Can someone compile the game, with all those issues small graphical glitches fixed? Thanks

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:14 pm
by IGameArt
Why dont you try giving it a shot. I'm not entirely sure what graphical glitches you're referring to.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:47 am
by E-PaiN
It works, but not very well.

Personally I think all these extra VR elements - like seeing your body and up/down only possible with the headtracker - don't really add to the playability of Quake 3.

I'd love to have Quake 3 running in VR the way Quake 3 was meant to be played: fast, lean and mean.

That is: the 3D effect and warping should be there, just like it is now, but the UI and crosshair should be back, weapon should be drawn the original way, I don't want to see my character, and I want to be able to aim up and down as well as left and right with the mouse.
DOOM3 BFG is nice with these added VR elements for immersion, but in Quake 3 it doesn't add a lot but gets in the way.

I'd thoroughly enjoy Quake 3 in VR if I could actually beat Nightmare bots, with this implementation I'm closer to I can Win level :lol:

I really hope you continue working on this! :mrgreen:

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:13 pm
by densohax
There's no way you'll play competitively with the HMD, forget about it and start playing with a screen and keyboard.
I think you miss the point of VR. Q3 is only a tech demo at best, just a curiosity. I don't even play with the HMD!

I say, lose the HMD and play with your mouse.

Btw, you got the source, you can do what you want. I don't see the point.. There's no way to satisfy everyone, that's the beauty of open source. You're not a customer!

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:30 pm
by eidahl
Well, I wouldn't be so sure. A tf2 player mentioned he was doing much better due to his now incredibly accurate aim.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:33 pm
by densohax
Hmmm, in the current resolution, all I see in any games is a blur of a stick opponent.

Anyways, the source is there for you to do it correctly.. Wow me!

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:10 pm
by MacAllah

I downloaded the binaries you have posted, but when I launch the game, my character jumps, moves, taunts, etc. repeatedly. After about 30 seconds, it gives me an error and drops me to the main menu. Any ideas what is up?

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:29 am
by E-PaiN
MacAllah wrote:I downloaded the binaries you have posted, but when I launch the game, my character jumps, moves, taunts, etc. repeatedly. After about 30 seconds, it gives me an error and drops me to the main menu. Any ideas what is up?
That happened to me when I launched vrQuake directly from the ioquake.exe executable, have you tried launching it from the included batch file?
densohax wrote:Hmmm, in the current resolution, all I see in any games is a blur of a stick opponent.

Anyways, the source is there for you to do it correctly.. Wow me!
I wish.. :(
I've got 2 Oculus Rift dev-kits because I love VR and 3D, not because I'm a developer :oops:
I love tweaking config files and play around with mods learning as I go, but I've never tried my hand at programming!

With my "feature requests" (nagging :lol: ) I would bet I could beat nightmare bots in your VR mod though!

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:17 pm
by elchtest
What is the latest on this project? It would be great to update the first post with information on what works, what is planned to be done, link to binaries etc.


Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:29 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys!

I'm equally curious. Here is another Quake/Rift Port:


Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:11 pm
by Omarzuqo
elchtest wrote:What is the latest on this project? It would be great to update the first post with information on what works, what is planned to be done, link to binaries etc.

Neil wrote:Hi Guys!
I'm equally curious
Also, bump for interest.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:41 pm
by Valez
eidahl wrote:Well, I wouldn't be so sure. A tf2 player mentioned he was doing much better due to his now incredibly accurate aim.
This is actually a very underestimated Point.
Now that Heads are really head-sized and not just a few milimeters big, headshots should be much easier.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:13 am
by CJMiller
I just tried doing a basic native build with the "make" file on MacOS 10.6.8 and got hundreds of errors. Apparently I'll need to really sift through this. Regular ioquake3 builds on my system with no problems ,

I agree with E-PaiN that messing around with the player model doesn't help gameplay, although it is interesting to hear about. As a proof of concept, it's great. But if I play Q3A while staring at my feet, something is wrong! In a fast FPS, I think more of the immersion comes from being able to move and shoot accurately. This is why I have always loved Quake3, the engine IMO feels fantastic.

As regards Rift and competitive gameplay/performance - my experiences so far have been great. My only online Rift gaming with others has been Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and in many ways the Rift has improved the accuracy of my game considerably. The only problem has been sniper maps which involve long-distance shooting - the Rift resolution does not help here. But on smaller maps it has been great. I play on several low-gravity, high-kill servers. Initially, there is motion sickness. I need to start a map in single-player mode for 10-15 minutes to get used to the feeling, so I don't toss me cookies. It is so much more natural being able to look around while I shoot! Regular 2D play is like running around with a neck brace on.

I can hardly wait for the high-res Rift! And I look forward to getting Q3 running on it also. I hope OpenArena canonize some of this work, so there are more people to play with.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:02 pm
by Fredz
CJMiller wrote:I agree with E-PaiN that messing around with the player model doesn't help gameplay, although it is interesting to hear about. As a proof of concept, it's great. But if I play Q3A while staring at my feet, something is wrong! In a fast FPS, I think more of the immersion comes from being able to move and shoot accurately.
Considering the answers to these tweets I'd be tempted to say it was a pretty good idea to add the player model : ... f=realtime

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:41 pm
by CJMiller
Fredz wrote:Considering the answers to these tweets I'd be tempted to say it was a pretty good idea to add the player model : ... f=realtime
Well, reading this opinion does not provide any arguments to convince me otherwise. Although I do agree with Alexandre Bouchet about more frame rate and no motion blur. I am more interested in immersive environments to present data in ways difficult or impossible to achieve in the real world, so making a comfortable anchor for the experience in duplicating a physical presence does not rate as a priority for me. How about 360 degree fov? Or multiple simultaneous viewports? This is when I think things get more interesting.

But, until I can get any of this vrquake3 to compile, it remains an abstract discussion, in any case!

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:38 pm
by Fredz
I didn't find a link to show all the answers to that tweet, but there were other people saying that showing the virtual body was in their top 3 advices for VR as well.

I generally don't like arguments of authority like this one, but I found the idea of this question quite relevant to this thread and interesting in itself because it was asked by a VR specialist to other specific VR specialists. Not a proof on anything at all, but still interesting, at least to me.

And btw I couldn't compile it either, I tried on Linux.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:56 pm
by CJMiller
Arg... the use of UNIX build tools to make a Windows-only program is doing my head in.

I know that ioq3 builds, as can the rift and sixense drivers. But the vrquake3 "libovrwrapper" seems to be what I am hung up on. I replaced "SixenseSDK" with "sixenseSDK_linux_OSX". Compiled GLEW. Already got SDL. So this leaves me with the task of converting a MinGW .dll to a Mac .dylib. I am not up to the task, since I don't really know C++ or how linked libraries are supposed to build or work on either system. But the tease is that it looks like I might have it almost working.

I created a project in Xcode (3.2) to build a Cocoa dylib, and started adding libovrwrapper.h, libovrwrapper.c++, and then every header file from the ovr and sixense folder that was called for. I had to fix some file and directory names. The last error which keeps it from compiling is "/expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token" for "LIBOVRWRAPPER_API int OVR_Init()". This doesn't mean anything to me, so I have some learning to do to make sense of this. And even then, just getting it to compile doesn't mean that it's going to work right. If I can get it to work, I'll probably just get the libraries installed and try adjusting the normal ioquake3 make files.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:17 am
by adoral84
The mod author added full body awareness, which to Fredz' point is generally accepted as one of the best ways to increase sense of presence (a completely understandable goal given that it's a VR mod). If that doesn't align with your vision of massively scaled FOV or multiple viewports I don't know why that's his problem, it sounds like you just want to use the rift as a unique display setup ( or possibly a torture device :) ).

Nagging someone about a mod based on your opinions about how things should be done, keeping in mind they've put a substantial amount of time and effort into it and are asking nothing in return, blows my mind.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:16 pm
by marcosource
I seem to be having a problem with libovrwrapper.lib, it's the only lib that it complains about when it fails the build.
I'm guessing it's got something to do with the linker, but I've got no idea how to do it :/

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:23 am
by Zenid
I have just been working through the instructions at ... tudio_2008

regarding getting the files I need to add to my existing no-CD patched, install of Quake III. I'm fortunate enough to have Visual Studio 2010 so I've been trying to compile the project which I believe was uploaded by densohax, here:

When I compile (release mode), I also get "error LNK1181: cannot open the input file 'libovrwrapper.lib'".

I understand from previous discussion that the dependencies have been updated with whatever is missing, and I've tried copying files across but don't know what I'm doing. I've also found a SECOND project libovrwrapper.sln which gives 92 errors all relating to libovrwrapper.cpp. Here is a screenshot:

Would somebody please explain what has to be done here to get this working? Why doesn't somebody just post the actual, compiled files you need to get Quake III up and working instead of all this source code?

If someone can talk me through the process of getting this working, I'd be happy to write up anything that needs writing up about getting this to compile properly.

Many thanks!

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:32 am
by Zenid
densohax wrote:There's no way you'll play competitively with the HMD, forget about it and start playing with a screen and keyboard.
Sorry, not true (for me, at least)! - IF you have the cross-hairs set to move with head motion. It's amazing, you just look-and-shoot, and with deadly accuracy! When I had my VFX1, I had it playing the original Quake on multiplayer and I was absolutely ruling. But on the modded Quake2 (kmquake2.exe) for my Rift, the cross-hairs are mouse-controlled, and I'm working on how to fix this. (If anyone does know how to set Quake2 so the cross-hairs are governed by head movement, then do say.)

[EDIT: Solution was almost first in TFM: vr_aimmode 1 :)]

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:48 pm
by Zenid
Well I got it working - kind of. I started again and this time renamed the paths in

solution ¦ properties ¦ C/C++ ¦ Additonal include directories ¦


solution ¦ properties ¦ Linker ¦ Additonal Library directories ¦

to the relevant paths where I'd put the project on my own machine. This is probably obvious if you know anything about compiling C++, but I don't. Both my compiled quake exe and the one that came with ioquake both worked, only they started demanding missing DLLs, which I dutifully found and threw into windows/system32. After the DLLs had all gone in, then the game would start, but the console wouldn't come up, but there's a workaround where you use SHIFT <tilda> rather than just <tilda>, so that fixed that.

But now when I use the command /cl_renderer rend2 from the Quake III console it gives a 'not found' error. Also the player just seems to be sitting in one place flickering, and a stream of counting numbers like "4022 lift" appear when you try to move or do anything.

In rend2-readme.txt it mentions the files:


which are not included and nowhere in the download. Any idea where I can get these from? I see a couple of directories rend2 and renderer, but there are no project files for me to load them up into VS 2010, just loads of .c and .h files.

Please could someone update this so it includes those files, or let us know where to get them from? The rend2 readme just says:

"These can be found in build/release-mingw32-x86 after compiling, or bug someone to release binaries." Not very helpful, as the Visual Studio projects included only create the ioquake3.exe and libovrwrapper.dll files.

Would really, really love to get this working, as then I can "go inside" levels I designed, and use QERadiant to experiment with some more. Maybe someone who has this working can help me out.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:56 pm
by Zenid
marcosource wrote:I seem to be having a problem with libovrwrapper.lib, it's the only lib that it complains about when it fails the build.
I'm guessing it's got something to do with the linker, but I've got no idea how to do it :/
Read my last post. You have to change the developer's own paths with ones that point to the same directories whereever you put your own project. Then it should compile.

Re: Quake3 - Ready for VR

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:28 am
by densohax
Hey guys, long time no see!

I've been working on other projects non-gaming related (3d printing, prototyping etc..) and also taking care of the family, my son and wife!

So you still have problems compiling?

I guess you should look at your include and library path.. IoQuake3 wasn't the easiest project to compile as well for me, I believe the main mistake I made is using a version of ioquake3 and not take the version number I used! At first, it wasn't meant to go public, it was mainly out of curiosity and testing rift development, so I didn't plan on releasing it as is..

Also, don't use render2, it didn't work for me.

You will need to setup your q3config.cfg correctly as well.

And I believe I built this project in VS 2008 if I remember correctly.

Anyways, with the arrival of DK2, I will be working on my own games, take care.