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Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:51 pm
by laast
I read in the main thread that it should be a good idea to create some dedicated topic for supported games in Vireio drivers, so I start with Skyrim.

The driver works great with this game, but I've noticed that shadows have not a good rendering (comparing left/right frames). I know Cyber suggest to disable it but it does not stop me from asking: will there be a way to fix shadows (and some other objects at wrong depth like water, skybox,...) in the future?

I guess everyone knows Helix and his amazing fixes for 3Dvision users (, and I wonder if, theorically, there is (will be) a simple method to integrate his modified shaders from his dxd9 files directly to Vireio ones.The work is already done for a lot of dx9 games, so it can potentially interested future Rift owners.

Could an "expert" enlighten us?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:39 pm
by eqzitara1
Nvidia gave a way through NVAPI for developers to fix shaders that do not work well on its 3d vision engine. Helix made a wrapper that uses this and allows him to make corrections. This reason that no fixes he makes is compatible with tridef/iz3d/etc.

Skybox might be possible to correct without NVAPI but thats like the only thing I know of.

It "may" be possible by taking values of depth and convergence and correcting that way but thats beyond me. Games with its own renderer do that often.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:23 pm
by drgroove101
In addition to getting the visuals look good with Vireio drivers, it'd be cool if someone made a mod for Skyrim specifically for VR, similar to what Nathan Andrews has done for HL2. This mod would keep the camera in the first person view all the time, which may have to disable fatalities, or rework them so they are seen in first person mode only. Also when you are talking with someone your view point is locked, you would want to be able to still move your head around at least. I'm sure something could be done with the UI as well to improve the experience with the Rift.

Skyrim has so much potential to be a great VR experience, exploring the towns landscapes dungeons and caves will be very immersive. I can't wait to try it with the Rift. I wish I were more technically inclined so I could work on some of these changes myself, alas I am not.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:24 am
by laast
drgroove101 wrote:This mod would keep the camera in the first person view all the time, which may have to disable fatalities, or rework them so they are seen in first person mode only.
Skyrim has so much potential to be a great VR experience, exploring the towns landscapes dungeons and caves will be very immersive. I can't wait to try it with the Rift. I wish I were more technically inclined so I could work on some of these changes myself, alas I am not.
This mod ( can render 3rd person finish moves in 1st person. Modding Skyrim is the easy part (I'm a modder myself), but fixing shaders is way harder...

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:48 pm
by cybereality
To be honest, I did not get as far as disabling or modifying shaders with Perception. I know its possible, but it would have to be something the community adds to the software.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:58 pm
by squibbfire
laast wrote:I read in the main thread that it should be a good idea to create some dedicated topic for supported games in Vireio drivers, so I start with Skyrim.

Could an "expert" enlighten us?

VERY good idea:) I started a Bioshock Infinite one since it will be on the market soon:)

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:48 am
by simonski
cybereality wrote:To be honest, I did not get as far as disabling or modifying shaders with Perception. I know its possible, but it would have to be something the community adds to the software.
I know practically nothing about this, so I apologise if I'm spouting nonsense here, but if the ProxyLib function was enabled on the vireo dll, would that not allow it to work in conjuction with other (3d vision fix) dll's? Of course I don't know how that would be done, or how difficult it would be to implement (I'm not even entirely sure what a dll is).

Thanks! I really can't wait for all this to kick off.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:55 am
by cerulianbaloo
Question for the code proficient, would it be possible to use one of the performance boosting d3d9.dll files floating around the Internet for Skyrim in conjunction with Perception? Or the Razer game booster program?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:43 pm
by eqzitara1
I wouldnt trust a d3d9.dll that speeds up any game. It would 100% remove stuff, Id rather use in game settings and know whats being done.

I know next to nothing about razer. I just think it turns off outside programs/reduces priority so I dont think it would be an issue.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:39 am
by laast
What do you think about using a proxylib (as said by simonski) and combine helix.dll and vireio.dll (like we do with an ENB)? Technically possible?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:15 am
by 2EyeGuy
Vireio doesn't use DLL replacement, it uses hooking. I don't see why it needs to be called d3d9.dll, and I don't see why it couldn't hook a replacement DLL. Cybereality might have a reason I don't know about though.

I think the main mod for speeding up Skyrim focuses on patching the CPU code, not on the GPU. So it doesn't change any graphics settings. It just inlines functions that should have been inlined, etc.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:19 am
by cybereality
Actually I do use a proxy DLL for some games (though it uses some tricks so you don't have to copy the files around yourself). With games using the Windows hook using a different proxy D3D9.DLL may work. But I don't think 2 D3D9.DLLs would work together.

If I remember correct. Skyrim was using the hook, so you may be able to use one of these other hacks. But honestly, it may cause unexpected behavior. You may be better off just putting the game settings of medium or low.

Though I guess if you have some time to kill its worth a shot.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:30 am
by Unclebob
If you use an ENB, you need to daisy chain the d3d9.dll together with ENB's d3d9.dll. For example if using RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll you eould rename RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll to something like RCRN_d3d9.dll then open enbseries.ini and change


Can daisy chain several like that....

Do you think this would work with Perception?

Still getting very odd graphical effects, whited out/washed out high contrast screens using the driver.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:39 pm
by drifter
How is the UI with a DIY @640*800, did you have to change the font size ?
And what monster will be needed to run it in stereo (since it looks like a gtx 670 is not enough on low settings).
Well for me I guess that will be no stereo for a while....

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:45 pm
by cybereality
The UI has not been altered, aside from being squished to fit on half the screen size. Text may be difficult to read at 1280x800, but its probably manageable.

I was able to test this on a GTX 470, getting playable frame-rates (above 30fps). But obviously more power is better.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:02 pm
by drifter
Thanks Cyber.
The game is highly moddable, but I'm wondering if the UI could be made more VR-friendly one day (for example having merchant inventories displayed directly on their counter, or a wall).

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:28 pm
by Drewbdoo
Don't know why it took so long for me to remember to post this here, but there is a mod I have been using for so long for immersion and it is a must have for rift skyrim. It's called iHUD Immersive Skyrim hud

Basically, it toggles the map compass on and off with a hotkey (I actually preferred his previous version and may actually try to contact the author to get a copy or at least this one feature added back in - the compass used to be keyed to the stamina bar with a cooldown, i.e. run for a second and the compass pops up for ~5sec. I think he removed this because of stealthy people having no compass? I dunno).

It does other little things too such as only show the crosshair when looking at items or using a ranged weapon/spell and you can set the transparency of everything. Just using it without a rift makes the experience a lot more immersive.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:13 am
by drgroove101
Drewbdoo wrote:Don't know why it took so long for me to remember to post this here, but there is a mod I have been using for so long for immersion and it is a must have for rift skyrim. It's called iHUD Immersive Skyrim hud

Basically, it toggles the map compass on and off with a hotkey (I actually preferred his previous version and may actually try to contact the author to get a copy or at least this one feature added back in - the compass used to be keyed to the stamina bar with a cooldown, i.e. run for a second and the compass pops up for ~5sec. I think he removed this because of stealthy people having no compass? I dunno).

It does other little things too such as only show the crosshair when looking at items or using a ranged weapon/spell and you can set the transparency of everything. Just using it without a rift makes the experience a lot more immersive.
This is an excellent start! I think the most important part for a good experience in Skyrim with the rift (aside from the visuals) is that whenever you're talking to a an NPC your view is locked into place, and your head movements will no longer be tracked, this will break immersion and be very nauseating. Also when in combat when your character performs a fatality the camera is switched to a 3rd person camera which will again break immersion. There is a mod where you can force fatalities to stay in the 1st person view, however the game still automatically spins your head around or adjusts to what the character is doing, so this still isn't a good solution. I think it would be best to disable fatalities altogether.

Modding to allow head tracking while talking to characters or vendors, I don't think has been done (I'm not even sure if it is possible). Also there may be other times when the game takes control of the camera, I haven't played the game in a while so I can't think of any specifically, maybe when you get knocked down?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:17 pm
by bizarrobrian
Drewbdoo wrote:Don't know why it took so long for me to remember to post this here, but there is a mod I have been using for so long for immersion and it is a must have for rift skyrim. It's called iHUD Immersive Skyrim hud

Basically, it toggles the map compass on and off with a hotkey (I actually preferred his previous version and may actually try to contact the author to get a copy or at least this one feature added back in - the compass used to be keyed to the stamina bar with a cooldown, i.e. run for a second and the compass pops up for ~5sec. I think he removed this because of stealthy people having no compass? I dunno).

It does other little things too such as only show the crosshair when looking at items or using a ranged weapon/spell and you can set the transparency of everything. Just using it without a rift makes the experience a lot more immersive.
Other than iHud, here are some other mods I found that may increase immersion:
The Joy of Perspective - move your head and body seperately -
SkyVoice - voice commands for shouts/compaions/etc -
First Person Messages - changes Skyrims messages to be from a first person pov -

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:04 am
by laast
Another must have here:

It fixes Stars/Sky/Aurora deph in stereo 3D by modifying original meshes (since Helix D3D9.dll fix will not work easily with Vireio drivers). Shadows and water will still be surely broken however.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:13 am
by mahler
Can somebody create a video demonstrating what Skyrim looks like with those mods and the Vireio drivers?

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:19 pm
by FR3D
i would also like to see Skyrim with with HELIX mod ...


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:20 pm
by GeneralSAUCE
Games crashes.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:10 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys!

Is there a way to make the user interface smaller relative to the game's screen size? I find I can't see important details like magic, stamina, etc. because it's outside the FOV range (110 degrees). I could zoom in and out with the F1 / shift F1 key, but then you lose the immersive nature of things.

Also, do you find the head tracking changes the shape of objects? Like a square becomes a parallelogram.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:01 pm
by Baristan6
Neil wrote:Hi Guys!

Is there a way to make the user interface smaller relative to the game's screen size? I find I can't see important details like magic, stamina, etc. because it's outside the FOV range (110 degrees). I could zoom in and out with the F1 / shift F1 key, but then you lose the immersive nature of things.

Also, do you find the head tracking changes the shape of objects? Like a square becomes a parallelogram.

Roll stretching the view is being fixed.
I think you can edit the UI with SkyUI
SkyUI doesn't allow the UI to be resized.
Found one that doesMinimalHUD

If you add this to profile.xml and copy "d3d9.dll" and "libfreespace.dll" to Skyrim's directory. Then Vireio works with SKSE.

Code: Select all

	<profile game_name="Skyrim" game_exe="SkyrimLauncher.exe" game_type="601" separation="0.00357999" convergence="0" yaw_multiplier="25" pitch_multiplier="25" roll_multiplier="1" />
  <profile game_name="Skyrim(SKSE)" game_exe="skse_loader.exe" game_type="601" separation="0.00357999" convergence="0" yaw_multiplier="25" pitch_multiplier="25" roll_multiplier="1" />
  <profile game_name="Skyrim(SKSE)" game_exe="TESV.exe" game_type="601" separation="0.00357999" convergence="0" yaw_multiplier="25" pitch_multiplier="25" roll_multiplier="1" />
  <profile game_name="Skyrim(SKSE)" game_exe="skse_1_9_32.dll" game_type="601" separation="0.00357999" convergence="0" yaw_multiplier="25" pitch_multiplier="25" roll_multiplier="1" />
  <profile game_name="Skyrim(SKSE)" game_exe="skse_steam_loader.dll" game_type="601" separation="0.00357999" convergence="0" yaw_multiplier="25" pitch_multiplier="25" roll_multiplier="1" />

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:56 am
by laast
So is there any feedback about Skyrim with Oculus Rift? Is there a WoW effect? Is it playable at this day? Does it worth the wait for people waiting their Rift?

Thx! :P

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:15 am
by Neil
Works great and has a lot of potential. The only real problem is the UI is out of visual bounds. There is a UI adjustment tool, but I find it's finicky and doesn't save settings (which is a REAL pain).

If someone could find a practical way (or driver enhancement) to get the UI to appear where it should, that would be very helpful.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:39 pm
by Tankshell
Neil wrote:Works great and has a lot of potential. The only real problem is the UI is out of visual bounds. There is a UI adjustment tool, but I find it's finicky and doesn't save settings (which is a REAL pain).

If someone could find a practical way (or driver enhancement) to get the UI to appear where it should, that would be very helpful.

How does the player <-> world scale feel? Do you feel like a normal sized human being? Do houses/furniture/trees etc feel true to life size? I guess this is the key to an immersive experience once all of the technical aspects of getting the game to run have been sorted.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:49 pm
by Neil
It's competitive with the Tuscany demo, but the UI really holds things back.

If we could figure out a way to narrow the on-screen width to something your eyes can actually see, but keep the height - or reduce it so the interface can be seen...we'd have a winner.

OR, just fixing the UI would also work, but I'd like to see a solution for more than just Skyrim.


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:10 am
by squibbfire
Maybe it just needs a vr mod? Everyone I've talked to seems to be desperately wanting to play this game in VR!!
I have a feeling that even with a decent video card high res play on skyrim will eat FPS..

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:40 am
by cplr
Instead of shrinking the UI, another solution would be to move & adjust the center-point the UI based on the head tracking (which I guess for the mod's purposes, would be the mouse input), So as you look left, the UI shifts to the right, exposing the hidden areas.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:02 pm
by shiva

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:46 am
by shiva
GeneralSAUCE wrote:Games crashes.
Been there,Skyrim will stop crashing with the 1.9 patch that came out in march
I did a fresh Skyrim install, then 1.9 update, then installed ENB Realvision (
Works great with perception beta 8.
You need to deactivate all water reflections in advanced options though, those have bugs in Oculus mode

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:58 pm
by defactoman
shiva wrote:
Unclebob wrote:If you use an ENB, you need to daisy chain the d3d9.dll together with ENB's d3d9.dll. For example if using RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll you eould rename RCRN/InjectFX's d3d9.dll to something like RCRN_d3d9.dll then open enbseries.ini and change


Can daisy chain several like that....

Do you think this would work with Perception?

Still getting very odd graphical effects, whited out/washed out high contrast screens using the driver.

Holy sh*t that worked!!
Thanks a ton man, couldn't bear to part from the ENB Realvision. Now it does work with the perception beta8, as well as all my mods apparently
I still have issues with shadows though:

Don't know why, I did deactivate them in my skyrimPref.ini
So this worked for you? I wasn't able to get END Realvision and the Perception Beta9 to work. I could get ENB Realvision working but as soon as I load perception it stops.

So I tried editing my enbseries.ini to this:

and renamed d3d9.dll from realvision to perc_d3d9.dll and it stopped loading it. Am I missing something? As it stands now i'm not copying perception d3d9.dll into the skyrim folder as it seemed to work without doing that.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:49 am
by jpkrautw
I see a lot of talk about disabling shadows - as a longtime nvidia 3d vision skyrim user, is anyone aware that there is a setting to allow shadows to render in stereo properly? Hopefully this works for Vireio as well - In skyrimprefs.ini, change this setting:




Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:23 am
by virror
Can someone with a rift confirm this ASAP? : p

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:20 am
by cocomonk22
bDeferredShadows=0 has been confirmed to work on the Rift by Cymatic Bruce.

See here: ... ft/c9eol3z
And in the About section in the video here:

I have updated the Vireio wiki page with this solution for Skyrim.

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:45 am
by Cymatic
cocomonk22 wrote:bDeferredShadows=0 has been confirmed to work on the Rift by Cymatic Bruce.

See here: ... ft/c9eol3z
And in the About section in the video here:

I have updated the Vireio wiki page with this solution for Skyrim.
Yes indeed, confirmed!. This takes care of the stereo issue - the shadows are the same in both eyes. Awesome!

However, there is still the matter of the shadows shifting when the head rolls. Pitch and Yaw are fine - since the mouse does this already - but the game was not designed to include head Roll, which makes shadows displace and slide around the world.

Example video here:

Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:44 am
by FR3D
skyrim ... i hope it was not postedn somewhere earlier ...

still waiting for my rift ...


Re: Skyrim and Vireio

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:58 am
by JayHD
I understand no one has gotten head tracking to work when using a controller. Has anyone tried using Pinnacle or another program and mapping the controller but leaving the "look" mapping set to the mouse? Does Pinnacle permit that, haven't used it in years.