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Old laptop + shutter glasses = mistery?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:22 pm
by perko
So, here's the deal.
Some time ago my friend gave me his ol' Compaq laptop (n800c) since he didn't need it so I use it for... well, nothing much. If you're going to google this laptop up, chances are it will have a max. resolution of 1280x1024. However, I run mine at 1400x1050 so I know I don't have a standard monitor.
Anyway, playing with setting I found out its refresh rate can go up to 200MHz and over so I was thinking... If I get myself shutter glasses, will I be able to watch 3d? I know active 3d works best at 120MHz and the screen can definitely output that refresh rate.
Since I'm not "in the scene" I'm not familiar with how exactly shutter glasses get to know when's the right time to synchronize with the picture on the screen. So, you know, somehow I'm holding some hopes that this just might work.
And IF does would work, which glasses should I get to go with?

PS - long time lurker, first post here. Cheers.

EDIT - just to be clear, I'd be using Stereoscopic Player for movies (mostly SD though most 720p content would also work) and Stereophotomaker for images.
And, more importantly, it does have an IR receiver though it's positioned at the back of the laptop. I could use usb extension cable and plug in IR-to-usb thingie I have and position it in front of the monitor.

Re: Old laptop + shutter glasses = mistery?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:54 pm
by cybereality
Well, its hard to say without testing the equipment.

What I will say is that getting 3D to work on non-3D hardware is a hit or miss (usually a miss). And even if the screen itself can handle it (ie refresh at 100Hz or more) you have the problem of actually syncing the glasses to the screen, which is usually the more technically difficult part. I'm not going to say it won't work, because I have been surprised, but I doubt it.

The older 3D glasses (like e-dimensional) would sync over DDC on a VGA cable. I'm not sure how it would sync with a laptop display. Newer glasses, like Nvidia 3D Vision, will only really work with newer hardware so you won't have much luck there. So honestly I am not even sure what glasses would work with that setup, if any.

If you just wanted to give it a gamble I would say pick up a pair of e-dimensional glasses, but I am not saying they will work for sure.

Re: Old laptop + shutter glasses = mistery?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:14 pm
by perko
Thanks for the reply. I was googling earlier in the day and I think wired glasses would be safest but most likely also not the cheapest bet. It's safe to say there's no one in the whole country that would actually borrow me e-Dimensional ones just for the sake of the test, then again I find it silly to pay 20$+44$ shipping for a feature I cannot possibly use anywhere in my house. My tv runs at 60, monitor at 75 and both netbooks at 60MHz as well. So, no way Hose.

By the way, I understand glasses need to be synched with monitor but I don't understand this: do they need to be synched at the beginning of a "session" only and then the glasses just flip at that speed OR does the whole synching process have to take all the time of the "session"?

Re: Old laptop + shutter glasses = mistery?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:58 pm
by cybereality
No, the syncing is a constantly active thing. They can be in sync at one point, and then fall out of sync quickly. Especially with non-3D equipment that is what will happen.

Its not just about the refresh of the monitor. It mostly has to do with how you are able to properly and consistently sync with that refresh.

Unless you have a bunch of money burning a hole in your pocket, you should probably hold off on getting any glasses. If you want a sure-fire way to test 3D on your equipment, then get some colored anaglyph glasses. They are not the best quality but they will 100% work with the monitors you have. I would recommend the Pro-Ana glasses (under $10). If those (or the shipping) is too much then I will even send you a pair of paper glasses for free (no shipping or anything). Just send me a PM with your mailing address.

Hope that helps.

Re: Old laptop + shutter glasses = mistery?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:45 am
by perko
Now, anaglyph is where I feel like I'm already at home. I've been poor 3D enthusiast for many years, used anaglyph on my own 3D made images and that enthusiasm brought me here ..again (this time I registered). Actually, I came here because my iz3D wasn't working -at all. But not just iz3D, even Trackmania Nations game that offers 3D wasn't working and since all the Google results in the world didn't help me to find the solution, I was a little bummed. But that now doesn't matter because I've sold my computer, currently using old laptop and am saving money to buy new one.

I already consumed the Pro-Ana glasses thread days ago (and actually considered thinking of buying them) and unless I find "answers" in previous posts from the past, I may have an idea for a new all-ana thread. I mean, I had red-green ones and red-blue ones (from seeing Freddy's Dead at theaters over two decades ago) but they vanished into thin air, currently having two different red-cyan ones and a green-magenta (they came as magenta-green but had to swap the lenses.. well, that's for the next thread). I also have one interlaced I stole in an Italian amusement park like 15 years ago where they had this 3D theater. Still have to figure out whether they're circular or linear (looking at this monitor, left lens is completely dark which is encouraging) but one thing's certain: there's another identical laptop at my house to the one I'm currently using so I'll be experimenting with "homemade" Iz3D-like monitor setup :)

Sorry for this long "introduction"; as far as I'm concerned, I got my answers. Thanks :)