MTBS3D and TDVision in Forbes article

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Cross Eyed!
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MTBS3D and TDVision in Forbes article

Post by stee1hed » ... TU073.html

From May but still interesting. MTBS3D and TDVision getting some recognition. I saw this from TDVision's home page.

Another article speaking of the Blue Ray stuff they are going to demo at a tech show...
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Post by cybereality »

Yeah, TDVision is pickup up some steam. The 3d blu-ray stuff is really interesting because so many people already have PS3, and are the type of people that have money to spend on stuff like this. If you think about all the IMAX3D movies that never made it to DVD (plus all the catalog S3D titles) I think the industry could sustain itself for at least a few years without new content. Assuming that major studios would be willing to re-master the classics for 3DHD. By 2010 we should have some high-profile S3D movies out so it will be interesting what happens between that time.
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