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Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:13 pm
by T3rra
Lets say in theory I wanted to buy the parts in the Rift..... how would I go about finding those parts?
I know, google, I just don't know what keywords to use/what websites to scour....

A few questions;
1. where do I find the parts luckey used? was it all custom made? (no way right?) I'm going to assume he custom made
the HMD design out of plastic? (or w/e material that was)

I mean I would like to say I want to take this seriously, but how do I go about it?
I've got some designs in mind, some drawings, specs for my own design, I'm just missing the name of parts/where to purchase them, their prices....

I'm going to go over how much the unit costs, and some other interesting parts (taking it a step further...)
I guess some professional input would be highly appreciated, unfortunately I want to keep this information private.....
I know, someone has already thought about it, but who is going through with it? I would like to say I will/am.

I just need some help. Anyone interested?

PM me and I will go over some of the things I need/need intel on
any help will be gratefully appreciated. Hey, you never know.....
besides, you cant lose by helping me,.... if you like art, or programming or w/e you're gaining some experience by helping me. Not telling you to quit your job, but depending on how far we go,.... you could always put it on your resume lol.....

Anyways, thanks a bunch in advance, hope to hear from you soon!

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:20 pm
by brantlew
Seems like you would want to start here...

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:44 pm
by T3rra
thanks :) took a look at it, I had a question, palmer uses a 5.6 screen with what? I looked at his FOV2GO and saw he used a mobile with a zoom in lens?(i think?) makes me wonder, I'm guessing it's okay to use those kinds of screens? wouldn't they hurt your eyes? I tried putting my screen to my face a few days ago lol. Is it possible to create an HMD for 150$? I mean I know what I need, I guess I just have to look up the prices. Anyone know how to team up? I would def like some help from anyone in the field (ideas, hardware, $$$, connects etc...)
I guess I'm just afraid of revealing my ideas, (theyre good, I haven't done research into which ones are new or not, but as I look this site over, it's obvious someones have thought this already (yeah I know, your thoughts arent new lol) well I guess I want to commercialize my idea. I think it looks good, so far. I've been planning for like a year? I dunno, but definitely want to take the next step. Need help to do so...... Anyone interested? thanks if anything :)

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:13 pm
by Namielus
Do you mean 150usd retail price or cost of parts? You have to understand this is give and take, you cant expect people to help you if you arent going to share your ideas. You need something to offer them.
If you want other peoples ideas but wont share your own, it sounds like you should pay them for their services.
In my opinion you are being too vague for it to be of interest. The only thing they (artists/programmer) will gain by helping you is gaining experience?
What do you actually have to offer, whats your skill?

I am curious to how could you have designed a good HMD if you dont know how the optics work/make your eyes focus etc?
Try to answer in some general way what is your concept?

A) New/better tracking method?
B) Better FOV?

or are you simply going to compete with oculus rift on the platform its establishing ?

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:13 pm
by PalmerTech
Don't take this in the wrong way, but it does not seem like you are nearly far along enough with whatever ideas you have to be looking for confidential/professional input. I got where I am because I was always extremely open with any ideas I had, showed off all my prototypes, and got as much community input as possible. If I had not, the Rift would never have gotten anywhere! Even the "professional" input I got from people like John Carmack was largely out in the open for anyone to see.

It is not clear from your post that you have any idea how to accomplish what you want to do, I doubt that anyone with hardware skills/$$$/connections are going to want to talk to you or help you commercialize unless you give them a reason to. It is easy to make drawings and spec sheets, the hard part is designing hardware that can actually bring them to reality.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:15 pm
by Namielus
It seems like we posted at exactly the same time, haha

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:27 pm
by T3rra
Namielus wrote:Do you mean 150usd retail price or cost of parts? You have to understand this is give and take, you cant expect people to help you if you arent going to share your ideas. You need something to offer them.
If you want other peoples ideas but wont share your own, it sounds like you should pay them for their services.
In my opinion you are being too vague for it to be of interest. The only thing they (artists/programmer) will gain by helping you is gaining experience?
What do you actually have to offer, whats your skill?

I am curious to how could you have designed a good HMD if you dont know how the optics work/make your eyes focus etc?
Try to answer in some general way what is your concept?

A) New/better tracking method?
B) Better FOV?

or are you simply going to compete with oculus rift on the platform its establishing ?

It's not that I don't want to share my ideas, the problem is, I want to protect them. I don't want someone coming around, at least not yet, and taking my idea, I suppose you could call me a bit paranoid. I mean, you're right, I don't know how to continue with this, I'm not that good lol... But I would definitely like some input. You want something in return? Why wouldn't experience be good enough? I mean I kinda see it as working for somebody and getting experience in return, and pay. Trust me when I say this, I DO want to share my ideas, I mean, someone will eventually come along and look the specs up, I get that, but how do you protect against it? I mean obviously some day the idea will become outdated, but.... I guess the now is what I'm worried about....

I don't have a whole bunch of experience when it comes to this, all I do is look up some parts online. I'm not palmer pro lol.... He has built up his rep through his hard work.... I want to do that too you know? I want to put a team together. I know, sounds childish now, but I want to put in the hours to make it work. Call me passionate.

You ever see the facebook movie? I don't want that to happen to me.

As for something to offer, like a guild you mean, rewards right? I haven't thought of that, but I have a kickstarter running, I guess it's too early for it, but I use it as experience, a template for my intentions.
I know I need to share, but who do I share this with? Besides, you could consider me crazy, or stupid, why not do that? lol....

I don't have much to offer. To me the HMD is like a Mech, you just gotta put the parts together. I draw? I could help that way. I'm not professional in any way, I just want help putting this together, I mean like I said so far so good, I think the beta HMD will be a bit expensive.... I think. and it isn't an HMD i'm designing...... It's a step further than that. I mean let your imagination run wild... I want to fully immerse someone, not just with sight, but with movements. I mean I've seen what Microsoft is doing with the next Kinect, and I think it's the wrong way, but.... I dunno, anyways...

Palmers HMD design is cool, it's something I'm looking forwards to and with that kinda price it's something I think everyone should experience. Like I said, I don't know what I'm doing. In fact my HMD has 7 - 9 working parts, which in theory looks like it could fit. You want a clue? It's nothing you haven't thought of yet. I mean all of you guys are already well informed... but, I get some of my ideas from the ITOUCH - the parts in it, and i've looked some of them up, and they're cheap, which is great. the battery is 16.99. So... thats sharing information right? Damn it I just wish I had someone I could truly trust. But then again, all of this info deserves to be public regardless..... -sigh-.... I dunno, bear with me? (bare? lol...bear? I dunno...)

I don't know anything about optics, I just take parts that are being used and I squeeze them together, I mean the only thing that needs to be changed is the coding. Like I said before, this is all just a matter of putting parts together. Get a scripter to do the rest yknow?

My idea, as important as the HMD isn't just about what you can see. I want to take a paintball field and turn it into a Halo battleground (like I said, you've heard this all before....I think......) and I've got this object, based on existing tech, which is going to help changing the landscape. gonna make it real easy.

I'm not trying to compete with the Rift, I just need it for my project. Like I said, it's not just the HMD, Just the next direction gaming should take. I mean I really doubt it's going to continue on it's current path for too long. But then again, I don't know much about the processors/scripts/commands the ps3 can handle (though I bet it's a lot)

anyways I actually had some questions....
which I forgot at this point. Anyways I'll post them later. Hopefully this answers some of your questions :/ You could PM me if you want with any questions you have. Or I'll just check up on this later :P

Thanks in advance.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:38 pm
by T3rra
PalmerTech wrote:Don't take this in the wrong way, but it does not seem like you are nearly far along enough with whatever ideas you have to be looking for confidential/professional input. I got where I am because I was always extremely open with any ideas I had, showed off all my prototypes, and got as much community input as possible. If I had not, the Rift would never have gotten anywhere! Even the "professional" input I got from people like John Carmack was largely out in the open for anyone to see.

It is not clear from your post that you have any idea how to accomplish what you want to do, I doubt that anyone with hardware skills/$$$/connections are going to want to talk to you or help you commercialize unless you give them a reason to. It is easy to make drawings and spec sheets, the hard part is designing hardware that can actually bring them to reality.
by designing hardware are you referring to modifying script to fit the actions of the item you are using? You're right, I don't know how to do that, hell I hate scripting, but that doesn't mean someone else who is interested in it wouldn't want to help. Thats who I'm looking for. A team. Yeah, you're right, I don't know THAT much, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to go out of my way to find the answer.

Like I said in my previous quote - the reason I don't share is because i'm afraid of someone stealing my idea, even though all these ideas come from our forefathers........ I dunno, I don't know how to proceed. Perhaps you can help me. I really want to move forwards with this, but if you can just tolerate my "defenses" In time i'll reveal what I have in mind.

I mean there are days where all I want to do is gather information on my project, days when I don't get enough done, or days where I feel like crap about it and how impossible it seems, but theres this voice in the back of my head that shakes off any bad vibe and helps me keep going forwards. Life to me is like a puzzle box, all you have to do is put the pieces in the right place. Yeah, easily said lol.....

Anyways what would you suggest I do? I've only been working on this for so long.... you're right, I'm not a brainiac when it comes to this, but I keep finding the answers that I need by researching... Besides, all the information I need is on the web, all I have to do is search for a few hours.... hell, it's like going to the library and picking up a bunch of books and going through them one at a time....

I don't know what else to say, I think I'm repeating myself lol....

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:50 pm
by Fredz
Ideas are cheap, implementation is everything...

If you've got an idea and absolutely no technical abilities to implement it, I don't see you going anywhere. And if you've no experience in this field, there's a high probability that somebody already had the same idea before. Sometimes people new to a technical field can "invent" something of value, but that's quite rare I'd say.

Anyway, if you want advices from others without giving anything in return, I'm not sure you'll find much people to help you.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:11 pm
by PalmerTech
You need to bring value to the table in order to bring a team together, and anyone who could help you with this would probably be better off just doing it themselves. I think you mean well, but this sounds a bit like the posts you often see on game development forums along the lines of "I have an idea for a game, and I came up with a story, but I want to keep it to myself for now. All I need is a team, I currently need programmers, a musician, an artist, and someone to flesh out the script!" It is one thing if they are giving the idea away to whoever can make it a reality, it is another if they expect that they should get to be a team leader on a project they cannot contribute anything to.

Like you said, people have probably had your ideas before, and the people capable of pulling off the technical side probably don't need your help or ideas to do so. The guy in the Facebook movie had great programming skills, not just an idea! The only reason the Rift became so successful was because I posted so much, and I never worried about people stealing my ideas. People know so much about the Rift that they can literally build their own! Unless you do the same, nobody is going to waste their time. There is no shortage of ideas for VR devices, it is all about actually making them happen.

Not to toot my own horn, but anyone interested in working on some kind of immersive arena/motion tracker is probably going to want to do so using the Rift, not work with you to re-invent the wheel.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:16 pm
by cybereality
@T3rra: I think its great you want to build an HMD and there are a bunch of people on this board doing exactly that. If you search around this forum you will find where people post the parts they are using for their own DIY Rifts. Most of this stuff can be bought freely on ebay. However you are probably not going to be able to build a headset much cheaper than you can buy the Rift for. If all you want to do is experience VR, then you might as well just buy the Rift and be done with it. However if your goal is just to build something of your own, you can do that too.

I think the main thing is you have to have something of value yourself that you are bringing to the table if you want other people to start a team. And frankly I've seen tons of posts like this, when people with limited experience jump into a forum talking about how they want to build the next huge MMORPG and are looking for artists/programmers etc. with what they claim is a great idea. And these types of projects very rarely go anywhere, let alone see it through to completion. I'm not saying you don't have a great idea, maybe you do. I don't know. But you can't expect people on the internet to just work for free without at least giving something up. I mean, for example, having a prototype built. Even just some proof of concept videos. Maybe a few images, specs, etc. There needs to be something. So I'd say keep moving forward with your idea, but you need to be a lot further along before you try to assemble a team or get people to work for you.

And you don't have to go at it alone. Lots of people will be willing to help you with your idea if you share some bits a pieces. For example, see this (very long) thread where I first proposed my idea of building a glasses-free 3D display: ... 467&p=9639 . After over 2 years of research and development, I finally built a working version: . Maybe I could have done it sitting in my bedroom not sharing with anyone, but I doubt I would have made it that far alone. So this is certainly the forum for this kind of thing. But you need to put the effort in yourself, no one else is going to do your homework (certainly not for free, anyway).

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:46 pm
by T3rra
PalmerTech wrote:You need to bring value to the table in order to bring a team together, and anyone who could help you with this would probably be better off just doing it themselves. I think you mean well, but this sounds a bit like the posts you often see on game development forums along the lines of "I have an idea for a game, and I came up with a story, but I want to keep it to myself for now. All I need is a team, I currently need programmers, a musician, an artist, and someone to flesh out the script!" It is one thing if they are giving the idea away to whoever can make it a reality, it is another if they expect that they should get to be a team leader on a project they cannot contribute anything to.

Like you said, people have probably had your ideas before, and the people capable of pulling off the technical side probably don't need your help or ideas to do so. The guy in the Facebook movie had great programming skills, not just an idea! The only reason the Rift became so successful was because I posted so much, and I never worried about people stealing my ideas. People know so much about the Rift that they can literally build their own! Unless you do the same, nobody is going to waste their time. There is no shortage of ideas for VR devices, it is all about actually making them happen.

Not to toot my own horn, but anyone interested in working on some kind of immersive arena/motion tracker is probably going to want to do so using the Rift, not work with you to re-invent the wheel.

Thanks Palmer, that made me feel a lot better lol. Now, I know this sounds like I'm not bringing anything to the table, the truth is, you're right, when it comes to what I do specifically.... I don't have any knowledge on anything based on what I do, but I guess I've looked into it to the point where I'm comfortable where I am at. You said I'm like a writer who wants to make a game, maybe I'm rationalizing, but what you've said to me is, I'm a writer who wants to write a story, but I need everyone else to help me bring the game to life. Now what I bring to the table is the writing in that example. Obviously I won't be the only entity at work on the project, which is why I need everyone else. See? I'm acknowledging the fact that I NEED help. Obviously I'm not going to go straight into this without a working knowledge base.

Well, I can tell we won't see eye to eye on this, but I draw? sketches for the final design? but then again, I'm not that great an artist... I have a vivid imagination? I'll be honest, I don't know what to say. You're right. I don't have the experience to do all those other things, but it's not something I want to do anyways.... A little input here and there, hearing you out, showing you where I'm getting my inspiration from, incorporating several different ideas to bring together a larger one? trial and error?

You know, in the facebook example he might have been a great programmer, but what if he chose a design that was repulsive to the eye? he might have been a great programmer, but he might not have been a great artist... not saying facebook doesn't look cool.... but...

Tell me, how did you get over the fear that someone might be refining your idea? I mean I get the whole copyright thing, and I have my info floating around in other websites, and other places too, so I guess I shouldn't be too afraid..... I don't know why I am..... I mean I understand this idea is everyones, I, after all, was inspired from different sources, not just from the computer or proramming (just an example),... but I mean looking around this forum, I can see everyone sees the same thing I do. How am I supposed to go about expressing my ideas? just have faith right?

and no, I'm not looking to re-invent the wheel, I saw what you did with C++ and the other languages, I can't see why I can't use windows code..... I mean obviously get their ok right? I don't know jack about legal issues lol....

You tell me. What am I supposed to do? Reveal my ideas? Why aren't you afraid? Tell me, I think I need to know :(
(I wouldn't ask you otherwise lol...) Thanks for not completely shutting me out lol. Kinda felt a cold spear through my heart LOL.....

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:07 pm
by WiredEarp
Actually, the concerns raised by T3rra are unfortunately valid. While its not a real issue yet, one day we may well have to deal with idiots who take what is being discussed openly, and try to patent it. The history of invention is unfortunately filled with stuff like this, not helped by the 'first to file' system.

That said, many of the good ideas that I have kept to myself, have eventually revealed themselves to not be unique. If you think you really have a good idea, then work on it, implement it in a prototype, and then try to build a team. Anything else will just make you look like one of the 1000's of dreamers on the internet, who think an idea is the important part.

I have a new idea every day, if someone paid me %1 of the profits for any of them, i'd be very happy! The thing is, ideas are a lot easier to think ok, than to make that idea into reality.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:23 pm
by brantlew
For every 100 good ideas openly discussed on this forum, only 1 (or fewer) of them is actually prototyped and demonstrated in any meaningful way. And of those, even fewer are worked out to completion. Every situation is different of course, but statistically you are better off gathering useful input from others than incubating an idea - especially if you lack the knowledge to prototype it yourself. I've got a couple of ideas that I keep off the forum, but most everything I think of, I discuss openly and usually gain more insight that way.

And in particular - there has been a great deal of experimentation with HMD designs on this forum. Chances are your idea has been tried or at least discussed. Who knows, there might already be a whole thread devoted to it that will clarify design strengths and weaknesses for you?

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:34 pm
by PalmerTech
My advice would be to go down one of two paths:

1) Reveal everything and let other people critique/build on it. It may turn out that the design is not even viable, something you would have a hard time finding out yourself without expertise.

2) Get far enough on your own to have some kind of working prototype, or at least a 3D render that is modeled around actual parts. You can keep the inner workings to yourself, but you could show people something that shows you have put significant time and effort into your project, so they know they are not wasting their time.

The writer example may have not been the best one; Coming up with an idea for a game and writing a script is much easier than coding or creating art for a game! The reason it was easy for me to have faith is largely because I never set out to be a commercial success. All I wanted to do was make an awesome HMD, and ideally share it with other people! :) Even after it became a commercial product, though, I am still not too worried. Here is the thing: Yes, a big company could steal your idea, patent it, and then produce it. But any company big enough to do that really has no need to steal your idea, they can probably develop something new as good or better on their own, or using the hundreds of HMD designs from the past 20 years. The second a massive company like Samsung or Microsoft decide that VR gaming is the future, I assure you that their research and development capabilities combined with their manufacturing capabilities can steamroll anything small companies like Oculus can make. Basically, the reason for VR being niche has nothing to do with lack of ideas or designs, and everything to do with marketing and what corporations think people want.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:36 am
by mahler
PalmerTech wrote:My advice would be to go down one of two paths:
1) Reveal everything and let other people critique/build on it. It may turn out that the design is not even viable, something you would have a hard time finding out yourself without expertise.
2) Get far enough on your own to have some kind of working prototype, or at least a 3D render that is modeled around actual parts. You can keep the inner workings to yourself, but you could show people something that shows you have put significant time and effort into your project, so they know they are not wasting their time.
Excelent advice.
I really like a recent example of The Virtual Lounge
If you read that thread, you can see that Namielus did both of these things and people initially reacted with enthusiasm and gave their own ideas. As soon as he showed his first design ideas (not perfect, but enough to give people a glimps of the possibilities) more people joined in and the thread is taking off, giving him valuable input and maybe even some added confidence that this will work. The idea of a virtual lounge of movie theatre was one of the first thing most people thought of when the Oculus Rift kickstarter was introduced, yet he's actually working on it.
T3rra wrote:I want to take a paintball field and turn it into a Halo battleground (like I said, you've heard this all before....I think......)
Some other things you might like, regarding your idea:

Project Holodeck

Holodeck: Full-motion VR gaming environment with Oculus Rift
Project Holodeck: Hands-On with the Oculus Rift
Project Holodeck Update: Razer Sponsorship, Oculus Rift Test

Concepts for VR battleground positional tracking

6 DOF Head Tracking Ideas
6DOF Positioning System - PS3 Eye and fiduciary markers
Scalable Optical Tracking - A Practical Low-Cost Solution for Large Virtual Environments

Just a concept video but still fun: Battlefield 5 on Google Glasses (the Marine revenge)

All these people are sharing... and getting free ideas and valuable input from enthusiasts.
The secret of success is in the hard work they do.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:36 am
by RoadKillGrill
T3rra wrote: My idea, as important as the HMD isn't just about what you can see. I want to take a paintball field and turn it into a Halo battleground (like I said, you've heard this all before....I think......) and I've got this object, based on existing tech, which is going to help changing the landscape. gonna make it real easy.
Ooo whats the Object? The box that will solve all the issues with AR and VR?

Here is what I have done so far

After posting this video I have received multiple inquiries about using this tech for augmenting laser lag. So far they are mostly enthusiast and not businesses.
This idea has crossed my mind before with the current cost of the system an arcade venue might be willing to pickup the cost than most consumers. Also I can get a warehouse and make this actually happen. Possibly even recoup some the cost from having people play it( if it works good enough).
Its really funny to receive emails from people who likely do not know each other about the same idea. I'll just paraphrase what I wrote earlier this week.

The advantage of the inertial sensors is that they can do dead reckoning and get positioning in a large enclosed area where line of sight at all times is not possible. That being said some optical systems will be needed to correct drifting. They can also mocap body segments (Batman vision people through walls).

With a known arena the place can be digitally mapped.

The HMD would need to be semitransparent for safety, the video source has two options.
One is an android device per user to render the scene, it could even interpolate a bit in the event of a temporary disturbance. The other is cloud rendering the gamestate on some PCs resulting in exceptional render quality and then transmitting the video feed wireless.

So it should be possible to make, what is the mystery object?

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:31 pm
by FingerFlinger
Your dead reckoning is based on anchoring the skeletal models to a stationary foot, correct? What kind of results (drift) have you achieved with this? A forum user (I think it was Chriky?) started to play with a set up based on the Hydra, but nobody else on here has really played with foot-tracking systems.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:46 pm
by T3rra
WiredEarp wrote:Actually, the concerns raised by T3rra are unfortunately valid. While its not a real issue yet, one day we may well have to deal with idiots who take what is being discussed openly, and try to patent it. The history of invention is unfortunately filled with stuff like this, not helped by the 'first to file' system.

That said, many of the good ideas that I have kept to myself, have eventually revealed themselves to not be unique. If you think you really have a good idea, then work on it, implement it in a prototype, and then try to build a team. Anything else will just make you look like one of the 1000's of dreamers on the internet, who think an idea is the important part.

I have a new idea every day, if someone paid me %1 of the profits for any of them, i'd be very happy! The thing is, ideas are a lot easier to think ok, than to make that idea into reality.
wow, and here I was thinking all of you hated me or something. I dunno, anyways....

I think a lot has changed since our forefathers and their fathers. One thing I noticed was distribution of your material stays private - you show it to those who can prove you nurtured your ideas and grew them, preventing others from coming around and taking your idea. The drawback tho is others can't develop using the same style you can, problems even giant companies like micro and apple can't EVER overcome. To combat this you continue to develop using newer technologies and patent them before a giant comes along and takes it. Another problem is, they may be giants, but that doesn't mean they have the time you put into your project. They may have a million game designers, but may only have a handful of individuals who have been working on HMDs or VR. Maybe none (prob not) anyways, I think we win here because we put in time and overcome lack of knowledge when it comes to fine tuning your device....

I wish I had a comeback to say regarding your 1000 to 1 ratio, but I don't. I used to play poker religiously online, loved the game, never thought it would have ended, but maybe I played so much I burned out. I don't want that to happen to me again, especially not now, not with this project. To combat it, take some time off, you'll feel better. Anyways, what can I say but.... I believe everyone contributes one way or another, you have to respect what they do, I mean hell, they may LOVE video games, but that doesn't mean they want to be part of designing a game themselves (not saying there aren't those who don't, and design because they love to) But you target those who can help and pray they help you.

Anyways I dunno, I think the idea is just as important as the other parts. When I get the chance I'm going to look at the links Cyber provided me with, I'll look this forum over for more help, and.... well, take the next step and try and make something of all of this.... and if you don't think it's possible, then I understand, maybe you're afraid. I was afraid too, hell I still am, but taking a chance doesn't hurt. looking from a far and knowing you had the ability to and yet you never did hurts more than trying and falling. I took a big hit myself, but I learned to let go and move on hence my paranoia..... and well i'm afraid of someone stealing my idea..... anyways.....

Well, as for your last bit, if you gathered a team that was universal, had them work on different products, not just the same, you could turn your team into a PC Richards. See how they provide a universe of products and not just TVs or Computers? I dunno, the translation is bad, but maybe you understand? Get yourself a flexible team and throw the idea out there, and while you wait, you come up with others and if it doesn't work out, well hey at least you didn't stick your head between your legs (I do that still lol...) and wasted your time.....

Look I know it isn't easy, I'm afraid too, but without your help (and even if I don't get it) I WILL find a way to keep going. If this is your stop then I wish you the best of luck in whatever else you pursue, but if it isn't then I will definitely like to get to know you.......

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:59 pm
by T3rra
mahler wrote:
PalmerTech wrote:My advice would be to go down one of two paths:
1) Reveal everything and let other people critique/build on it. It may turn out that the design is not even viable, something you would have a hard time finding out yourself without expertise.
2) Get far enough on your own to have some kind of working prototype, or at least a 3D render that is modeled around actual parts. You can keep the inner workings to yourself, but you could show people something that shows you have put significant time and effort into your project, so they know they are not wasting their time.
Excelent advice.
I really like a recent example of The Virtual Lounge
If you read that thread, you can see that Namielus did both of these things and people initially reacted with enthusiasm and gave their own ideas. As soon as he showed his first design ideas (not perfect, but enough to give people a glimps of the possibilities) more people joined in and the thread is taking off, giving him valuable input and maybe even some added confidence that this will work. The idea of a virtual lounge of movie theatre was one of the first thing most people thought of when the Oculus Rift kickstarter was introduced, yet he's actually working on it.
T3rra wrote:I want to take a paintball field and turn it into a Halo battleground (like I said, you've heard this all before....I think......)
Some other things you might like, regarding your idea:

Project Holodeck

Holodeck: Full-motion VR gaming environment with Oculus Rift
Project Holodeck: Hands-On with the Oculus Rift
Project Holodeck Update: Razer Sponsorship, Oculus Rift Test

Concepts for VR battleground positional tracking

6 DOF Head Tracking Ideas
6DOF Positioning System - PS3 Eye and fiduciary markers
Scalable Optical Tracking - A Practical Low-Cost Solution for Large Virtual Environments

Just a concept video but still fun: Battlefield 5 on Google Glasses (the Marine revenge)

All these people are sharing... and getting free ideas and valuable input from enthusiasts.
The secret of success is in the hard work they do.
I consider the work I do to be a massive pain in the ass. Then again, most of the time when I'm watching videos I play around with what is possible based on my ideas..... I've looked up what has been done, and I haven't come across what I envisioned, but then again you should all know this, the battlefield isn't a new idea. Perhaps putting the parts together is? I mean I have lists of what I need, but I don't have a draw prototype (I mean kinda? but I'm not the worlds greatest artist you know? lol When I get the chance I'll post a drawing of mine (( my scanner isn't working, so i'll post an old pic :P)))

I saw a video of what I'm working on, way to go, it's not new, but the problem with it is it's expensive (his design) I'm trying to make each part of the unit less than 100$ (which looks like it's going to work out).

You know what I want to know? (i'll look it up later) the exact size, and rent for a paintball arena. I need a loan from the bank lol (I know, early, I'm just kidding.......... for now >:) MWUEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHHEEE!!!!

anyways I'll look over the links. Thanks again for not shooting me down LOL

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:22 pm
by Namielus
I just need to say this, note in advance that I am not angry or have any kind of hate towards you.
T3rra, seriously, do yourself a favor and slap yourself in the face. Wake up. If you are ever going to achieve anything remotely like this, you need to loose the dreamy approach.
Your poetic way of saying how everybody should just "go for their dream" is cute but its turning into a cliche of someone who refuses to take input and dream up a fantasy.
Get real and _really_ let the highly valuable advice you are getting here sink in. This is a very harsh comment, but I think you need it.

We are super vr-enthusiast, if your "pitch" will not get us rattled up, how will you convince a "team" to join you and put in massive amounts of work for free? This is one of the places on the entire web where vr-ideas are welcomed the most, so it is a good testing ground for the validity of your hopes.

Have you seen my "lasertag/paintball" graphic illustrating the actual real world enviroment vs the graphics the users sees? Feel free to use that with no strings attached.


heck, ill even take time to make a render based on your sketches that you can try to show off.
Just try to get a grip and ask yourself how you can be percieved slightly more serious and slightly less clownish (sorry about another harsh but honest comment)

Call it tough love, in any case I really hope you succeed, or that somebody succeeds in this.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:36 pm
by T3rra
Namielus wrote:I just need to say this, note in advance that I am not angry or have any kind of hate towards you.
T3rra, seriously, do yourself a favor and slap yourself in the face. Wake up. If you are ever going to achieve anything remotely like this, you need to loose the dreamy approach.
Your poetic way of saying how everybody should just "go for their dream" is cute but its turning into a cliche of someone who refuses to take input and dream up a fantasy.
Get real and _really_ let the highly valuable advice you are getting here sink in. This is a very harsh comment, but I think you need it.

We are super vr-enthusiast, if your "pitch" will not get us rattled up, how will you convince a "team" to join you and put in massive amounts of work for free? This is one of the places on the entire web where vr-ideas are welcomed the most, so it is a good testing ground for the validity of your hopes.

Have you seen my "lasertag/paintball" graphic illustrating the actual real world enviroment vs the graphics the users sees? Feel free to use that with no strings attached.


heck, ill even take time to make a render based on your sketches that you can try to show off.
Just try to get a grip and ask yourself how you can be percieved slightly more serious and slightly less clownish (sorry about another harsh but honest comment)

Call it tough love, in any case I really hope you succeed, or that somebody succeeds in this.
thanks. and I half understand why youre saying what you are, but I didn't get offended tbh lol. Thanks for trying to help me, but I don't think a drawing would help me. I mean you guys understand what I'm trying/we are trying to do.... but I suppose I need a drawing :/ can't go on KS without one lol.... does look pretty, you're pretty good btw :)

If I had to pick one - could you turn several tables and make them look futuristicy? like the before and after pic - a regular table, then a
white, see through one where people play Yu-Gi-Oh, I know, weird still need to play around with it, but a good way to save space if you know what I mean.

And I don't mean to bite the hand that feeds, but perhaps turn a regular paintball forest scene into a dark and spooky haunted forest?
(like a survival horror game)

Btw I want to be seen as goofy and clownish, my alter ego is an evil scientist whos cool and.... well I could draw that pic for you lol....

Let me ask, do you think I should post my specs? I still don't have exact names, but I gathered them from devices we all own. Hopefully that helps? I don't have any drawings, I mean I do, but they kinda suck? (I'm not great at drawing....i'm ok if anything)

what else.........
lol you guys intimidate me..... I was kinda afraid of looking at your responses LOL (all of you guys xD)

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:19 pm
by faker
Not trying to derail the thread, but this kinda feels like this.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:52 pm
by brantlew
faker wrote:Not trying to derail the thread, but this kinda feels like this.
Ha, that's a funny video.

C'mon guys though...give him a break. :)

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:06 pm
by PalmerTech
T3rra wrote:Let me ask, do you think I should post my specs? I still don't have exact names, but I gathered them from devices we all own. Hopefully that helps? I don't have any drawings, I mean I do, but they kinda suck? (I'm not great at drawing....i'm ok if anything
Yes. Then we can tell you if you are on the right track or not.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:22 pm
by rmcclelland
Palmer, how did you manage to attract such top talent so quickly? The Oculus team has some serious credibility. Were people THAT drawn to the technology/you just based on the early rift demos that they quit their (probably good) jobs to work at Oculus? Or was there something else at work?

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:48 pm
by PalmerTech
A good demo, obvious future potential, and as much charisma as I can muster seems to help. :P The time for VR is soon, and people want to get in on the ground floor.

Re: Need some help relating to HMD's and the like....

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:39 am
by T3rra
Thanks everyone, for everything :)