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VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:17 am
by rmcclelland
I was thinking about using the Rift, and can imagine the following scenario:

1. I am immersed in an hours long Doom3 BFG session, currently fighting a Cacodemon
2. My wife, wanting me to take out the trash or something, needs to get my attention
3. She grabs my shoulder
4. I totally freak out :woot
5. Realizing, after a second, that I am not being grabbed by a demon, I rip off the head-gear :shock:
6. I am totally freaked out and disoriented in the real world :?
7. My wife mocks me :D

How can this be avoided? I'm sure this problem has already been dealt with.

One thing I can think of is to leave Chrome open and have her text me. Through the google voice extension, I will hear a pleasant Ding, letting me know I am needed in the real world.

Any other solutions out there?

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:44 am
by kalabalik
Lower your volume, work on your nerves and don't shut her out for hours straight while she's doing all the maintenance at home...

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:55 pm
by wuliheron
If she were a cat I'd suggest throwing her outside but, as it is, this qualifies as a marital problem in my book. :lol:

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:05 pm
by Likay
That's life. Live with it. Don't forget no 7: Your wife mocks you. It will make up a bit for your gaming sessions. Trust me. :)

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:05 pm
by cybereality
The Psyko 5.1 headsets (like the Carbon) have a door on the ear-piece that lets you open it and hear whats going on outside. While the headset did have good positional sound, I found the overall quality to be hollow or tinny. But the 3D audio effect was pretty cool. And the ear flap thingy could help with interacting w/ the real world.


Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:31 pm
by Zaptruder
Buy a microphone. ... 20&bih=954

Download this. ... 73610.html

Microphone allows audio from the outside world to pass through to you even while wearing (passive) noise cancelling IEMs.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:34 pm
by cybereality
rmcclelland wrote: How can this be avoided?
Maybe a stupid answer: "Lock the door."

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:58 pm
by Zaptruder
cybereality wrote:
rmcclelland wrote: How can this be avoided?
Maybe a stupid answer: "Lock the door."
Yeah. I was going to say this... but it's a bit anti-social to lock yourself into a room where no one can access you for hours and hours and hours on end.

*house burning down*

*Zap dies while playing VR Skyrim*


*wife moaning loudly and suggestively... along with a sound of stranger grunting*

*Zap continues to play VR Skyrim*

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:05 pm
by rmcclelland
I'm sure they must have a way of dealing with this in VR labs. Or maybe they just scare their poor student subjects. The microphone idea is pretty good.

I really might have to lock myself in the office and just have my wife text/call me.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:56 pm
by Dycus
Zaptruder wrote:*wife moaning loudly and suggestively... along with a sound of stranger grunting*

*Zap continues to play VR Skyrim*
I don't get it. What's the problem here? :P

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:26 pm
by rhinosix
It could be cool if some applications had some kind of process for returning you to reality like when someone is being woken up from hypnosis. Fade out the screen slowly, play some music, fade in a video of the outside environment, etc.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:06 pm
by Laserschwert
So they should basically implement a custom "wake up" timer into the RIFT driver? Instead of a screensaver it's like a "social life"-saver.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:39 am
by space123321
I had the #$% scared out of me last night! I was walking around the Skyrim world enjoying the scenery, looking at the fine details of things, etc when a wolf jumped out and scared the crap out my me. Within a few seconds later, while my nervous still not calmed yet, my wife was trying to get ahold of my attention and decided to tap me on the shoulder - once again I jumped like no tomorrow (and the wife had a great laugh over it). It is simply amazing how immersed you can get with the rift technology!

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:09 am
by rmcclelland
LOL. Exactly the scenario I imaged. Are you using a DYI Rift?

I am currently using a projector and 3D Vision to play Skyrim. I have ~45 degree horizontal FOV and it is pretty immersive. I have trouble switching gears to the real world when my wife comes in to talk to me. I can only imaging how much more immersive it is with the rift! I tried sitting super close to my computer and simulating head tracking. Can't wait to try Skrim with the dev kit.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:21 pm
by space123321
Yes - was walking around using my DIY Rift and with use of the Hydra... very intense when things jump out at you!

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:55 am
by mahler
space123321 wrote:Yes - was walking around using my DIY Rift and with use of the Hydra... very intense when things jump out at you!
Do you have headtracking yet?

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:28 am
by space123321
mahler wrote:
space123321 wrote:Yes - was walking around using my DIY Rift and with use of the Hydra... very intense when things jump out at you!
Do you have headtracking yet?
Yes - testing Freepie with the Iphone for mouse emulation as well as the motified wiimote with an extension cable to the wiimotion plus (as a second option)

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:07 am
by Additives
I had much this thought when looking at sony's head set, and figured the easiest thing would be either:

a) integrated: some sort of light, separate from the screen, such as a dim LED in the space in front of the lenses in the Rift, hooked up to some sort of wireless button to activate it as an indication. It wouldn't be too intrusive in the heat of the moment, but it would break the immersion (hopefully) enough for you to realise someone in the real world needed something


b) a peripheral device like an armband, with a vibrating pad that could be used in a similar manner to a), but i feel it would be less intrusive, and could get your attention without interfering with the 'visual' part of the whole deal

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:07 am
by crespo80
Additives wrote:a peripheral device like an armband, with a vibrating pad
I see a better use for this :D , think of a wolf in Skyrim jumps suddenly at your right virtual arm and at the same moment the device on your right real arm starts vibrating like mad... HOLY CRAP :woot

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:02 am
by Additives
Hehe, I have always liked the idea of things like that.

Just last night I was playing borderlands with my girlfriend and all of a sudden, she started saying, then yelling, 'ow'. i was actually starting to get worried until I realised that it was a response to her character getting hit by rocket launchers and her controller vibrating like crazy. Even at the low level of immersion, the vibrating was enough to elicit a danger/adrenalin response.

I could imagine an array of small percussive/vibrating pads on the arms and upper torso providing a more realistic haptic experience than might be expected if you were to combine it with the Rift.

Side note: Cats should be sold as a horror game peripheral. Guaranteed to knock poop over at the spookiest possible time.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:09 pm
by brantlew
Got an idea for a feature. What if a front facing camera on the Rift was being background monitored for eye detection. So if someone stood closely in front of you and stared at you for a few moments the screen would dissolve into the video feed. That might be a lot less abrupt than someone coming up and grabbing your shoulder or yelling in your ear.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:19 pm
by DolAtoR
Sounds like a very good idea to me, though it should be optional. Ideally, the user should get some kind of notification first, so that his screen doesn't 'dissolve' in the midst of a gameplay action like a fight.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:06 pm
by RoadKillGrill
On the first take with the full body VR I walked too far and pulled all the HMD cords out :oops: the second take I put tape on the floor to see the boundary and was eyeing down.
When its not being recorded the base is closer to to the start point so the walking bounds are farther, I still want to make it fully wireless soon.

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:48 pm
by mAchiNE
RoadKillGrill wrote:On the first take with the full body VR I walked too far and pulled all the HMD cords out :oops: the second take I put tape on the floor to see the boundary and was eyeing down.
When its not being recorded the base is closer to to the start point so the walking bounds are farther, I still want to make it fully wireless soon.
Just took a look at your Video and website, very nice demo! I like your product and I would love to try something like that out with the Rift!! would be an amazing experience the future of VR is looking brighter and brighter every day :D

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:03 pm
by Aabel
RoadKillGrill wrote:On the first take with the full body VR I walked too far and pulled all the HMD cords out :oops: the second take I put tape on the floor to see the boundary and was eyeing down.
When its not being recorded the base is closer to to the start point so the walking bounds are farther, I still want to make it fully wireless soon.

That's some great work you have done! Too bad it's over $4k for the whole setup :( Amazing work though!

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:07 am
by donkaradiablo
With the HMZ-T1, when someone turns the light on, you notice. With the Rift, the best way would be the wifey logging on into the game and shooting you :mrgreen:

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:26 pm
by Aabel
Man I feel for you guys :( My wife is every bit as excited for the Rift and VR as I am ;)

Re: VR Pros - how to get out of the simulation?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:12 pm
by brantlew
Aabel wrote:Man I feel for you guys :( My wife is every bit as excited for the Rift and VR as I am ;)
I managed to put my nephews, sister, and mother in a VR rig over Thanksgiving and got them pumped as well. When VR is done well, it is easily understandable to anyone and pretty much sells itself. Bad VR on the other hand just makes you look insane. :lol:

(My wife still doesn't get it though. She's a tough nut to crack)