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Anyone know what the Epson 3010 emitter signal is like?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:04 am
by shawns
I have Samsung/Mistubishi glasses (pre-2011) and want to figure out how to sync them to my Epson 3010 projector because I like those glasses better :) (And I already have them).

Re: Anyone know what the Epson 3010 emitter signal is like?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:53 pm
by dokworm
I'd love to know as well, I have a bunch of Crytaleyes glasses I'd like to use with it.
My 6010 projector (Tw9000-W in Australia) has a 'trigger out' which appears to me a mini headphone jack, as well as a RJ45 port marked 'external emitter' maybe something could be plugged in there as an emitter to use other glasses?