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Conan The Barbarian 3D

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:11 pm
by Chiefwinston
This is the second show. I took in today. First off, this is a remake. I seen the original at a drive-in, many years ago. I couldn't tell you anything about the original. Other than it starred the future Governater. I don't remember a single thing about it. And so, I knew what I was getting myself into. Conan The Barbarian 3D the 2011 version. Well If you like gore. This is the film for you. We have beheadings. We have impaling. We have noses and other body parts sliced and diced, blood spurts everywhere. Not for young kids. I couldn't help but feel like I was magically transformed back in time, and I was a audience member in a ancient Roman Coliseum. Clearly, the film is trying to appeal to the blood thirst in us. Enough with the content, hows the 3D. It sucked. This one is definately another conversion. Its not as bad in 3D as Clash of the Titans. But its only a couple of small notches better than that disaster.

Chief's score card:
Story: 6
Special effects:7
3D: 3.0/4.0
Final Score: A blood thirsty 5.0

Boy, Ive had my fill for blood thirst activity. I'm kinda full.


Re: Conan The Barbarian 3D

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:32 am
by skabais
Thanks for sharing!
I was just considering if I should watch it in 3D. Apparently I can safely go for 2D and save some money and disappointment.