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The Green Hornet

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:54 am
by Chiefwinston
One of my good friends bought the Green Hornet 3D Blu-Ray. I watched it last night. I will give it the following:

Story: 7
Special effects:8
3D: 8.5
Final Score: a solid 7.75.

I enjoyed the show. It looked real nice on my 50" Panasonic Plasma. There's actually some decent pop out in area's. I hope they make more Green Hornet movies. The actual super slow mo fight scene looked real nice. This isn't in the same league as lets say Spider Man or Iron Man. Those I feel are fantastic franchises. I also, thought Seth Rogen was kinda week and unconvincing as the Green Hornet and his performance was probabley what keeps this from being a A+ movie. The guy that played Kato did a really fine job and really carries the movie in my mind. I watched this in the 3D blu-ray format. Which shows once agian this format is fantastic and is jaw dropping.

cheers everyone

Re: The Green Hornet

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:23 am
by cybereality
So did you think this was a good conversion? I only saw about 10 minutes of it, but it seemed good 3D-wise.

Re: The Green Hornet

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:49 am
by Chiefwinston
There are areas I could tell that it was a conversion. But If your telling me its 100% converted. Then they have fooled me. Cause I thought stereo camera's were used in portions of it.

cheers everyone