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Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:45 pm
by xhonzi
I don't have a dual PJ rig yet. But I do have friends. And tonight, a couple friends are coming over to play L4D. This means using a 2nd console and moving my 32" LCD down from the family room and putting it just outside my home theatre. 2 lucky SOGs get to play on the 9' wide PJ screen, and 2 unlucky SOGs have to play on the 32" LCD.

I was just thinking- once I get my 2 PJ system, I could connect one xbox to one PJ and the other xbox to the other PJ. A couple pair of modified glasses, and some headphones... and we've got all 4 people playing on the same screen, but each playing on half a screen!

Does anyone do this? Assuming ghosting was low enough, I can't think of why it wouldn't work...

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:34 pm
by Likay
I've done this ages ago with my computer and it works fine but all viewers had monovision. (I've modified two pairs of glasses to give monoviews since young children sometimes prefer non-3d and even watches 3d-content without glasses). Another problem was also the sound since it was mixed but this isn't an issue for you since you're using two consoles. On a linear polarized projector rig ghosting is low enough to be not visible at all.

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:08 pm
by xhonzi
Sounds cool. L4D is monoscopic only anyways, so no loss there.

Now I just need a 2nd projector.

And dolby or polarized filters.

And glasses.

And maybe a new screen.

And a de-mulitplexor.

And a new receiver.

And actually a new projector to go with my 2nd projector.

Hey, I'm almost there!

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:13 am
by BlackShark
I have never tried to do multiplayer on the same screen but as a dual-projector user, I can definitely say that ghosting is there and if the two pictures are different enough, it will show up. Showing a bright picture in one eye and a dark picture in the other eye is a simple test I sometimes do and crosstalk is obvious.

Left 4 Dead is a game with lots of contrast : some very dark areas next to bright lights, this is the worst possible scenario.
Even with the highest grade silverscreens, the pictures will interfere with one another if you go the polarised route.

If you really want to do this, Dolby/Infitec might be a better option, although I would actually recommend to just use a separate screen for the second projector.

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:17 am
by xhonzi
BlackShark wrote: although I would actually recommend to just use a separate screen for the second projector.
But think of the benefits! I don't have two home theatres, and nor do I have a room for a 2nd screen. And it's way more fun to have 4 people in the same room yelling at the same screen (and each other) than it is to use the headsets. And I wouldn't have to move my 2nd PJ and then realign it once I bring it back to the 3D rig.

Sure, there will probably be some ghosting- epecially in the high contrast screens. I'm hoping not enough to ruin it.

It seems easy enough to make some LL or RR monovision glasses from linear polarizers... but I'm thinking it would be considerably harder with dolby glasses. Both physically (can't just swap and reverse the lenses) and picture-quality wise. Won't both pictures have some pretty funky colouring?

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:51 pm
by Likay
I'm just in the beginning of my own dolby/infitec experience so i can't say i'm experienced yet. The colordifference is best described as a mild form of retinal rivalry that you can see using anaglyph so some adjusting is needed.
I can imagine that the effect of colordifference is degraded if both eyes shares the same type of lense. Maybe it will even work decent enough without trimming the colors but i guess it's all about individual preferences.
I have posted an unrelated post here with some images.
Remember!: These images are absolutely raw without colorcorrection and also projected on silverscreen (my original screen) for testing purposes. Just pointing out so you can make some rough evaluation. I haven't gone any further in my tests though.

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 pm
by xhonzi
The colours through the dolby filters on the right eye look decent enough. Don't know about the left.

Re: Do you use your dual PJ rig for 2 consoles on one screen

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:33 pm
by xhonzi
Heyy...." onclick=";return false;

Sony announces 3D TV with "Two Player Mode".

Though, after a moment's thought, I have to say... how hard is it to get another 24" screen? My 128" projection screen- it's hard to come by 2 of those in the same room... but 24"? Really? Is it worth it?

But if it all works with one console and one copy of the game, maybe there's some value there... Still, I'd rather be able to use a 3DXL or something and split it to two different screens. Or have dual HDMI outputs like the PS3 was going to have. Back when it could levitate.