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Headplay and Bluray3D?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:32 am
by DasGeraet
I was proposed to ask here for my problem, so i hope it is not discussed yet, because i don't find the thread about it.
So ive bought a new Headplay, and now i try to figure out its capabilities.
I understood from what ive read here, that using the 3D-gaming feature is only possible under WinXP, and then its only easy with a Geforce 7000 series, so no 3d-gaming with my GF280 win7 desktop-PC. Lucky me ive got an old laptop with a GF7600 and enough free space to add winXP to the running win7, so i could try this.

But now to my question.
Ive got the Avatar 3D-Bluray in a MKV-file. The file itself is not that important, but the question is: is it possible to convert the 3d-Bluray in a format which can be read or played by the Headplay? I was told that the Headplay runs 800x600 flipped avi-videos (ok, avi is only a container-file, so what is the actual codec used?). So the task would be take the bluray-3d-file, downsize it to 800x600 and convert the 3d-information to flipped side by side.
Was anyone capable to do something like this or play such a video via PC through the Headplay-VGA port? Or is there a video-editing tool to do such a task?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Headplay and Bluray3D?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:58 pm
by cybereality
You can't play Blu-Ray 3D directly on that headset. You will need to convert it to side-by-side format first, then you can play the side-by-side movie with the Stereoscopic Player. You can use this program to convert a Blu-Ray to the right format:" onclick=";return false; . If you already have a side-by-side MKV file, all you need is the Stereoscopic Player and you should be good. You can try setting it to software page-flipping or on older versions there was an Nvidia mode (not the Nvidia 3D Vision mode, which is for newer hardware). The Stereoscopic Player will resize it to whatever your screen resolution is set to, however if it plays choppy you might want to use a program called SUPER to reduce the resolution so it will play faster (and thus not lose the sync of the eyes).

Re: Headplay and Bluray3D?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:35 pm
by Okta
The only time i have tried software page flipping with stereoscopic player was with my vr920 and i couldn't get it to keep sync until i selected the vr920 option in glasses. I am considering trying out my sharp xr-10x dlp projector in software page flipping but have my doubts it will sync. It seems to be an issue of video bandwidth. bit rate, and cpu power.

Anyone have any more experience?

Re: Headplay and Bluray3D?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:29 am
by Fredz
Software page flipping can't work perfectly, you will have occasional or frequent eye inversion depending on the load on the CPU (due to system tasks or other applications running).

Software page flipping is done in user space and is dependent on when the kernel scheduler gives CPU access to the application, you don't have any garantie to have a timely timeslice (ie. at least each 8.33ms for 120Hz page flipping). You need to use a real-time kernel or to write a device driver connected to the IRQ of the GPU to get reliable page flipping.

The NVIDIA 3D Vision option in Stereoscopic Player is based on the second technique and rarely or never misses a vertical retrace. If you have Windows XP and an older NVIDIA GPU this option does still work with the most recent version of this player, so you can try that. If you have Windows 7 and a recent NVIDIA GPU you can also try the 3D Vision emitter emulator which should also probably allow reliable page flipping. It seems the AMD HD3D implementation also allows 120Hz page flipping on some ATI GPUs, but I don't know if it can be used to play 3D videos.

Re: Headplay and Bluray3D?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:38 am
by Okta
Thanks for that clearer description Fredz, at least i understand what i was finding in practice now.