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One Eyed Hopeful
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Post by Silverio »

what is HMD?i know what is hmd,but i`m not have it,but i want buy it and i know it cheaper and better then 120hz lcd with something like useless nvision,if can add few words about hmd because i want buy it 1st time
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3D Angel Eyes (Moderator)
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Post by cybereality »

An HMD is a Head Mounted Display. Basically glasses with two LCD screens on them. The most popular model at the moment is probably the VR920. However something happened with the VR920 driver and I am not able to get it to work anymore. Not sure what the problem is. You can read a review I wrote of the VR920 here:" onclick=";return false; . Vuzix is also coming out with a new headset in a few months called the VR1200 which is the upgrade to VR920 and should have better driver support. You can also see this post I just made regarding the VR920/VR1200:" onclick=";return false; . Short answer is that the cheap HMDs on the market right now are not as good as you might imagine and your money is probably better spent on something like a 3D projector or 120Hz LCD.
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