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Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:59 pm
by huntytigger
Sorry for my bad English at first,
I've bought and using these glasses. First day i couldn't figure out how to activate the 3d option. I have connected glasses from vga port. And tried several drivers, programs to can see in 3d. But nothing helped. The vga 3d option is for old nvidia cards and drivers. Nothing changes when i press the 3d button on glasses.
Luckily i have discovered 3d option is working on Video mode. When i connected glasses from s-video(RC,AV) port withs this basic yellow cabel my 3d button worked. I have watched some movies and there was a little 3d. But quality was not good. My glasses supporting 1024x768 resulation both in vga and av video connections.

My question is Why my 3D is working in only S-video (Pal and Ntc) mode? When i connect from vga, button is not working. Is it possible that 3d on off button work on vga connection also?

Re: Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:35 pm
by cybereality
Yes, as you have discovered, many of the generic HMDs were relying on support from Nvidia and they no longer support any of this hardware. I am interested to know what program and settings you used that did produce a 3D image. My only guess is that VGA mode uses frame-sequential (page-flipping) but Video mode uses field-sequential. They are similar, but there may be subtle differences which effect compatibility. In terms of the button not working in VGA mode, I believe that when you use VGA it gets the 3D signal from the cable (the DDC line) so it should be automatic. However that only works with the old Nvidia drivers with series 7 cards on Windows XP. I am not sure if any modern solutions will support this.

Re: Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:12 am
by huntytigger
In my glasses there are 3 video mode options:
1- Vga- Computer
2-S-video connection- With rca cable
3- ygbb... i forgot.. This is for play staion pocket connection.

I have an 3d on/off button on the glasses.

when i connect glasses with vga connection to my computer. Nothing happens i'm pressing 3d button but there is nothing changing on screen.
Tried first Nvidia drivers but my glasses not supported. Then tried Izdriver. I have tested every kind of 3d options but nothing changed on my screen.
Also when i connect vga connection there is nothing in the glasses menu about 3d.
When i connect my 3glasses to s-video connection vith rca cable to computer in the glasses menu appering 3d option. I can choose from:
1- Sidebyside 3d or 2-sequential 3d.
If i choose one of these 3d settings and turn on the 3d glasses screen is changing.
So i am downloading 3d movies in sidebyside 3d format. Then i play with my vlc player.
But instead of s-video connection i would like this 3d options could work in vga format also. Becouse my new computer doesn't suporting s-video connection with these glasses.
I am thinking that video quality can be better in vga mode than the s-video connection.

Re: Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:01 am
by cybereality
Yes, video quality will be slightly better with VGA than with S-Video. However those glasses are not high resolution, I'm pretty sure the native resolution is 640x480, so S-Video is more than enough. Also, if you are running side-by-side 3D mode, then this cuts the resolution virtually in half, so there is a lot of scaling going on no matter what. Not ideal, but I think S-Video may be adequate. I mean, its not the best quality, but at least it works. You should be able to use the IZ3D driver in side-by-side mode and play games like that. Also, you should be able to output S-Video with any video card provided you have the proper converters. There is also a setting you must change in the driver to allow TV-Out mode (which will provide the analog signal). But I am pretty sure it will work, although I haven't actually used S-Video in years.

Re: Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:57 am
by huntytigger
Yes s-video is outdated years ago. I wish they could produce these glasses with hdmi or dvi support.
If someone looking for buying these glasses i don't suggest.
Screen is kind a blur. Edges of the screen like shining and like out angled not flat. U probably can not read what is written on the screen.
Better to buy or make your self red, blue color 3d glasses and download 3d movies from internet(this will be alot more quality then these glasses). Or buy an expensive 3d system.
Thanks for the help. :D :D

Re: Ev920E Video Glasses with 3d and Vga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:54 pm
by cybereality
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Unfortunately a lot of hardware like this no longer works with modern computers and OSes. However the industry is moving toward more standardized formats, so hopefully we will not have this problem again in the future.