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Mark Cuban To Resurrect Movie Theaters, NBA and 3D

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:27 am
by Silversurfer
So many 3-D topics on the net, or is it just me? reported today with the above headline here:

"Mark Cuban thinks he can save the dying business of movie theaters, which are steadily losing out to home entertainment options as televisions get bigger and video games and pay-per-view choices get better. His plan? Enlist the help of two even more archaic forms of entertainment, the NBA and 3D glasses.
Tuesday night's Dallas Mavericks game against the LA Clippers will be shown in 3D at the Magnolia Theater in Dallas. Cuban believes that the set-up, which consists of the Fusion 3D camera system from Pace as well as two super serious Sony SXRD 4K 10,000 lumens digital cinema projectors, will promote widespread 3D adoption since "watching sports, concerts and special events" in 3-D will be something that "only theaters will be able to offer." (He does add that Samsung and others are bringing it to TVs, but somehow that doesn't get in the way of his argument.)
Let's get real here for a second, Mark. There are about 25 people who still care about the NBA (myself included), and probably 14 people who have worn a pair of 3D glasses in the last decade. Finding a single person in Texas interested in doing both at the same time sounds next to impossible. You've already banned bloggers from your team's locker room because they said some things you didn't like. For a so-called technology pioneer, you sure seem out-of-touch. [Reuters]"

Article: ... -same-time

I can't keep up with all these quotes, maybe 3-D is becoming mainstream in a parallel universe - LOL


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:35 pm
by Freke1

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:01 am
by cirk2
I think with the right propaganda ( Consumer information ) He should be abel to fill a Cinema or Two, but Baketball is the wrong way... Sports are something to enjoy live, in a stadion with all the fans arround you, not in a silent chinema.
Movies are a better way, but they need the support from the movie Studios, not like HD-DVD :P
If Univrsal or someone like them, make an good film in s-3D and tell it loud out, the I-MAX cinamas would be overrun and more peopel get intrested in S-3D. But I think Universal would not chance their money, if we don't show them that there are many peopel that would see such a film.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:57 am
by Okta
I suppose the only difficulty with making mainstream movies in stereo now would be adding the cgi and visual effects. At the moment studios only have to work in 2d but i imagine adding cgi characters to a stereo movie would triple the workload.
Full cgi movies are another thing and so easy it should be default.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:15 pm
by cirk2
When you are adding an cgi character to a movie, the charachter is an full 3Dmodel.

And how it is placed in the movie? It is rendered and then cutted in, so you render with two cammeras simultan, then you got the character in 3D.

Ah I see whre is the problem... you have to place the cgi character in Depth, so you have to place it twiche each frame, one in left and one in right part.. that would double the work... But I'm shure thet they will find a way if they want to.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:59 pm
by Tril
They did it in Beowolf so it's definitely possible and they can already do it.

I don't think I would go to a theatre to watch a basketball game. I'm not a basketball fan so that does not really count.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:03 am
by cirk2
Beowulf is an Full CGI movie, so they only had to render it a second time...