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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:27 am
by Chiefwinston
I took the family to see MegaMind last night. It's another great kids animated 3D movie. I'll buy it when it comes out on 3D blu-ray. The 3D is good and great in spots. The convergence is tame- but I understand why they choose it to be. Overall it made for a great evening with the family.


Re: MegaMind

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:47 am
by cybereality
Yeah, I saw Megamind too. I thought it was fun. Again, the 3D wasn't super impressive, but there were a few pop-out moments. Overall a decent movie, entertaining. Probably the most impressive thing was the preview they had for the the Justin Bieber in 3D. I'm sad to say it, but the 3d effect looked really good. Don't think I would be caught dead seeing that in the theaters though.

Re: MegaMind

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:53 pm
by Chiefwinston
Haaa ha, yes the Bieber 3D show looks interesting. My granddaughter is going to make me take her to it. She made me see the Hanna Montana, Jonas brother concerts in 3d. And she has Justin Bieber posters in her room, so she's already making plans for it. Wish me luck.
