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Jackass3D Review

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:32 pm
by cybereality
So I just got back from seeing Jackass3D. Wow! I really wasn't expecting to enjoy it that much. If you have ever seen Jackass before, then you know what to expect. Yes, its dumb. Yes, its gross. But its funny as hell and certainly entertaining. Plus, I think they did a really good job with the 3D and they pull no punches with "gimmicky" 3D shots. Its a lot of fun, the whole crowd was cracking up at various parts. I liked it.

Now I will tell you the movie is really gross. There are shots of men doing diarrhea, swinging their bare cock around, sticking fruit in the butt, peeing on each other, etc. Its not for the weak stomached. But there are also a lot of other stunts that are not gross at all and are entertaining. They do stuff like hit each other with various objects, skateboard into a pool, throw people in the air and shoot them with paint-ball guns, play "hidden camera" gags on regular people, get into a ring with a bull, etc. Its all pretty funny stuff and each scene is quick enough as to not get played out. Again, if you have seen Jackass before you know what you are getting into.

In terms of the 3D, I thought it was really well done. The opening scene is a stereoscopic dream with some of the best 3D shots I have seen in recent movies. They use a lot of gag effects like using slow-motion while throwing buckets of paint, having confetti falling from the ceiling and jump kicking some dude in the face, all at the same time. The end scene was also insane, but I won't ruin for you (you really have to see it to believe it). Most of the other shots in the movie weren't as dramatic, but the 3D effect looked nice and added to the experience. However there were a couple of scenes shot in 2D, but these were mostly hidden camera type shots or head-mounted action-cams and its understandable they couldn't do them with a 3D rig. The vast majority of the film is in 3D, though. This type of movie is basically all about gags anyway, so I think the 3D is a natural fit. Certainly it made the movie that much more of an experience. I think it will go over really well with the kind of MTV crowd that likes this sort of stuff. Don't think I have laughed this hard in ages.

Re: Jackass3D Review

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:15 am
by Likay
That 3d is well done is a surprize! So it's certainly a must go! Have to say i enjoy the other episodes (incl mtv eps as well.. o.O). I have to wait until it's available in our cinemas though. :(