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3D BR Demo

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:07 am
by magestik
Hello guys,

Someone on Ubuntu-fr forum gave me this link :" onclick=";return false;

You can download, for free, an iso image of a Demo 3D Blu-Ray !
You can "mount" it with a software (I don't know an english software which do this, sorry).

The video is real HD and 3D ;)

I hope it's in the right forum.
I apologize for my english, I'm just a young french :P (If you find some mistakes in my English, tell me, so I can learn ^^)

Thank you,


Re: 3D BR Demo

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:10 pm
by Fredz
Nice find, I'm downloading the file right now. Could be helpful for ffmpeg devs and others as a reference material for attempts at BD3D decoding.
Did you find a way to watch it on your PC ?

Re: 3D BR Demo

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:53 pm
by magestik
I don't like Windows :p So no. But it could be usefull for testing (on both Windows and Linux).
For FFMPEG, yes it can be used for creating the codec... A Windows Codec already exists ... Mickeyjaw and I are going to create the Linux codec !

I think there is no protection (no AACS). However the AACS directory is full ^^

Re: 3D BR Demo

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:19 pm
by Fredz
You could still try to convert the video to a side-by-side format on Windows (or Wine) and watch it using the modified genlock Linux module.

Good luck for writing the Linux codec, but I think you are quite underestimating the complexity of the task though...

Re: 3D BR Demo

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:44 am
by magestik
No we already have a source code ;) Maybe it will be very hard ... at least we'll have tried. For the conversion, I think it's possible but I have a Zalman monitor so I don't need Genlock (I've made a simple software which use mplayer's command for playing side-by-side video).

Re: 3D BR Demo

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:37 pm
by mickeyjaw
Yeah there is a reference codec for MVC available as a source-only distribution: ... ftware.htm" onclick=";return false;

There are already a windows binaries of a patched version of this code floating around that will extract the 2nd eye from a ripped 3D BR disc, and output raw YUV data (I think) ready for encoding. Performance is crap from what i hear, getting ~5fps on a core i7, although I suspect the code is single-threaded. I have obtained the patches and built a linux binary with a simple ./configure and make, but have yet to test it. I don't have access to my linux box ATM, but would love to run this disc through it as a test.