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VR chat in s3d?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:18 pm
by iondrive
Can anyone get any VR-chat program working in s3d?

I guess the problem is that they run in the web browser and so use Flash or Shockwave or whatever. Anyway, here's a link to some you can try if you want:" onclick=";return false;

click on "Moon Base" and just choose a name for yourself. It seems like it's running in hardware mode but I can't get it to go 3d with iZ3d or TriDef even if I start the browser in the TriDef Launch window. Oh well, it's not that great anyway. Click the arrow on the bottom when you want to quit it.

--- iondrive ---

Re: VR chat in s3d?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:31 am
by yuriythebest
well, I prefer to use minoru3d-minoru3d video calls :)

Re: VR chat in s3d?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:12 am
by phil
I've always wished Second Life would render in stereo, that would be awesome. HMD head-tracking would be the icing on the cake.
Here's the (sort-of) feature request that has been hanging around for three years:" onclick=";return false;

Although there used to be an anaglyph version of SL available, it became out-of-date and therefore incompatible with the servers.

Vuzix also released a version that worked with the VR920, but it was no good at all.

It looks like people have managed to get SL working (to some extent) with stereo drivers though: ... life#p1767" onclick=";return false;

Re: VR chat in s3d?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:33 pm
by iondrive
Hi all,

I wonder if anyone is willing to try to get this MMORPG running in s3d at this point in time? If so, try the SherwoodDungeon MMO:

I remember playing this in interlaced mode so I know it used to work but I forgot if it was OpenGL or directX9 or below. I was using old-school drivers and was surprised to see this work in a browser window. I can't test it myself now since my main gaming rig is offline for maintenance and this laptop I'm on has only a geforce-2. I guess it's not important. Oh wait, that is unless this website decided to have something similar as a VR-chat place. Maybe people would just kill each other. That would suck. Or maybe not.


--- iondrive ---

Re: VR chat in s3d?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:09 am
by lnrrgb
I've always entertained the idea of a 3D chat system, where your "avatar" was created from the specs of your PC, and those specs then detailed a spacecraft. So beefier rigs ended up as cooler looking starcraft. Certain brands could be attached to engines, or capabilities, for your craft. Gotta dream I guess:)