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Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:44 pm
by Likay
S-3D testimages:

Posted by Freke:

Posted by Yuriy:

Parallell image posted by Werner Bloos:

Crossview image posted by Werner Bloos:

DDD image

Personally i like Freke's image because it's easiness to figure out the image. The best one is Werner Bloos though.

Anaglyph testimages:

My own anaglyph testimage. Easy for direct comparisons:

AntiCatalysts first anaglyph testimage:

AntiCatalysts enhanced anaglyph testimage:

Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:53 pm
by cybereality
I think the images posted above seem like a good place to start. Black on white ghosting is the most obvious, although different colors may react differently and should be tested as well. I think the test should also include real world examples such as photographs or game screengrabs that highlight various problem situations. This could be for more of a qualitative analysis.

One problem to address, though, is that different solutions have different problems which cause the ghosting. This means one static test may not work for all solutions. For example, the Nvidia 3D Vision 120Hz monitors seem to have ghosting only on the top 1/3rd of the screen. So a test that had objects in the center of the screen would get a passing grade even though the monitor had problems. Similarly, the Zalman Trimon has ghosting but in different areas depending on where you sit. So do you test the best case scenario or the worst?

If you need any Photoshop help putting this together I would be glad to lend a hand.

Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:14 pm
by budda

Here is one way to do a ghosting test.

Use two images in a stereo pair, where one image is totally black and the other image is the image being tested for ghosting.

When shown in field sequential 3D, the test image is flashed and then allowed to decay whilst the black image is shown.

To best capture the decaying image - the ghost image - take a photo through the shutterglass corresponding to the side showing the black image.

The aperture could remain open for some time to build up the ghost image if necessary.

Alternatively, use a fast camera without the shutterglasses, and trigger it with vertical synch for exactly the frame time length of the test image. Photo editing software can then be used to analyse and display the ghosting at leisure.


Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:19 am
by Dom
Hi this is the first time I have seen the ghosting tests and they seem adequite as to follow a chart for remebering but what about posting or saving the screenshot with the actual ghosting peramerters on your screen and area without the need of a flash camera photo behind the glasses.

I suppose there could be made a mouse cursor with a grid pattern pink static test, ghosting test that will let you save the ghosting positions on your screen with a mouse click marker in the crosstalk areas and then invert the image to show and highlight the ghosted part. Also showing a numerical value of the space between the crosstalk from 1=excellent to 5 being bad/blurry. ;)

Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:57 am
by BlackShark
Neil, can you make a new section in the downloads or in the gallery for all the ghosting tests so that we can grab copies easily without having to search throughout the forums everytime we want to find them ?

Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:32 am
by Neil
I will add these to the guide section. That should work well.


Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:28 am
by AWoods
Last month I presented a paper titled "Understanding Crosstalk in Stereoscopic Displays" at the 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) conference in Tokyo.
The paper was also repeat presented at the SID (Society for Information Display) annual Symposium in Seattle USA.
The paper covers definitions of crosstalk/ghosting/leakage as well as methods of measurement, a summary of the mechanisms of crosstalk, simulation of crosstalk, crosstalk reduction, etc.
The 11 page technical paper can be downloaded for free from:" onclick=";return false;


Re: S-3D Ghosting Tests

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:49 am
by Fredz
Very informative article, thank you !

Reading it, I was wondering if an equivalent of M3GA for 3D displays/glasses would be feasible using the crosstalk measurement test charts you mentionned.

I was quite surprised by the chart on figure 5 showing transmission vs time response of an example pair of LCS 3D glasses. Is it real data or only an example ? Because the rise time looks quite bad (several milliseconds apparently)...