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Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:01 am
by hal10000
The comparison to glass and kinect don't make sense. Quietboy better start talking with Viewsonic, Samsung, Apple, Dell, Lenovo, Vizio and Sony about banning porn on all monitors and tvs. This Rift is a monitor with a tracker and how they would they regulate what is shown in the rift without putting up MAJOR roadblocks to content and a big increase in cost.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:13 am
by Syko
even if Oculus want to ban them, how?
It´s not like Google Glass, where it has it´s own App Store.
Ban porn for Oculus could only work if they ban Porn for the whole PC xD

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:28 am
by Mystify
Even if we assume your views on sex and pornography are right, and I'm not saying they are, oculus still shouldn't ban it.

The encroaching trend for tech companies to create closed ecosystems is something we need to be fighting, not encouraging. Creating such a closed ecosystem is the only way to control content on the rift, and even that is unlikely to be effective. If anybody has the right to decide what appropriate content is, tech companies are not it. It restricts the freedom of ideas, which puts way too much power in the hands of a company. It is a restriction which could then be leveraged by governments to control ideas as well. Ideas and information have power, and that power should be in the hands of the people. It may seem innocuous for a game company to exert control over the content on their systems, but it represents a dangerous attitude. The existence of open systems must be preserved, and the rift should remain such an open system. Yes, this does mean that you can't restrict access to content you disagree with. But you shouldn't be restricting that access in the first place. It is not your place, or the place of anyone else, to decide what is and is not moral and to try to enforce it on others. Restrictions from law should be based on protecting people from being victimized, not based on enforcing morality. If you think what someone is doing is immoral, you should convince them it is a bad idea (hint: trying to ban it is not going to convince them, quite the opposite). You can't force them to do or not do anything. It is their right to do it, even if it is a mistake or a moral sin- it is their mistake to make.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:41 am
by Ericshelpdesk
hal10000 wrote:The comparison to glass and kinect don't make sense. Quietboy better start talking with Viewsonic, Samsung, Apple, Dell, Lenovo, Vizio and Sony about banning porn on all monitors and tvs. This Rift is a monitor with a tracker and how they would they regulate what is shown in the rift without putting up MAJOR roadblocks to content and a big increase in cost.

Pretty much this.

There isn't a rift app store with locked down restrictions on what can or can't be done with it. You can display anything you want to it just like your TV.

It's a monitor and a tracker and some tools that let it talk to a computer.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:08 am
by Vin
quietboy wrote:there are experts out there who says that pornography has big negative impact on society, increasing rape cases, child sex abuses.
Those experts aren't really experts. They haven't looked at any actual data. Since the proliferation of violent video games and internet porn, violence and sexual assault has gone down significantly across the entire world.
quietboy wrote:i hope oculus can and choose to be responsible with the contents. like google can ban the content for google glass, microsoft with the kinect. :D
As it's been said multiple times, Oculus doesn't have a locked down, approval only content distribution network. Could they? Sure, they can make it so that the head tracker only responds to specifically encrypted information that you have to send your app to them for the appropriate signing, but...
PalmerTech wrote: We will not do anything like Google did. Google Glass is a locked down platform, you can only run applications on them if Google approves them (Unless you hack the device). Oculus is not going to lock things down and require our approval for developers to use our device.
This debate is rather pointless. This isn't like Beta or VHS where the companies responsible are requiring strict licensing to utilize their platform. Oculus is adopting a rather free approach to allowing developers to utilize their HMD, which is fantastic. It's part of why I believe that they'll be successful.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:22 am
by Owen
What are they going to do, lobby congress?

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:33 am
by geekmaster
Owen wrote:What are they going to do, lobby congress?
Congress already proved to be a bunch of cowards (being swayed by biased "popular" opinion) by rejecting the "President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography", which pretty much concluded that pornography was more beneficial than harmful, regarding crime rates and such. Just like vin said. For details, see my post about this on the previous page in this thread.

Lobbying works great, especially when sufficient funds are provided to "prove" your point despite the facts. Many lobbiests were once congressmen. There is plenty of money to be had before and after congress-critters swap sides in that partnership.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:20 pm
by Dilip
PalmerTech wrote:The Rift is an open platform, unlike Google Glass and the Kinect. Anyone can make whatever they want, they don't need permission from us.
@"NotReally"Quiteboy u are such a lucky dam you have Palmer responding to you by just creating one stupid thread man u are real show man people did bother to respond to you...

As i have confirmed mr.BUSY palmer still read this thread and can still find few minutes to respond out of his dame dame buzy geeky development cycle here are mine too few question, sir here i go

1) How many chances we can see Android Powered RIFT with NVIDIA TEGRA4 or Snapdregon
600/800 or Exynos 4412 studed in it which can be self sufficent other then taking output from

2) What if you ever go for DEVKIT2 , will you make it little bit future proof at least future proof till
consumer version??

3) I would love to see WHite LED backlit LOGO OF RIFT just like SONY DID WITH HMZ-T2 a glowing blue logo SONY that says its powered, You can keep color changing LED like notification lights in Mobile displaying content on/off , power on/off it will be cute what say??

4) Its very very tough to wait for consumer version >>>>Its not question :D

Please answer above questions too... if you can answer such silly things........ :lol:

My take on this simple...No close environment no controll so sorry green troll nothing can be done here.... any way i too live in hypcorate contry we have ban on porno we have good crime against women and we have second highest population... :roll: im sad but we can still access porn too.... :lol: :lol:

STOP WoRRYING don buy porno when you have ur rift..........its kind of tough though.....!!!!

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:24 pm
by KBK
Science proves nudity helps men de-stress ... -de-stress

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:34 pm
by Dilip
KBK wrote:Science proves nudity helps men de-stress ... -de-stress
This is crap issue do we need to advocate we support porn ....really not support+1

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:46 pm
by Dilip
BTW Google glass SUCKS why

1) only 24" display projected only for one eye...Yuck
2) Super Closed Echo system, few time back they say you can't resell too.. Yuck,Yuck,Yuck
3) They will check its only u using it

BTW this if MICROSOFT on XBOX ONE in E3 trust me such restrictions kill desirability,where they are now ON THEIR KNEES still i doubt they can put all back using back door over time so I WOULD NEVER BUY XBOX ONE>>>>

RIFT is 1000 time better to Google glass so no one should compare both here..... :mrgreen:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:54 pm
by Vin
Dilip wrote: RIFT is 1000 time better to Google glass so no one should compare both here..... :mrgreen:
VR and AR are completely different things and have completely different roles. Rift is 1000 times worse than Glass at being used while walking around in public or driving.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:41 pm
by android78
Dilip wrote:...
BTW this if MICROSOFT on XBOX ONE in E3 trust me such restrictions kill desirability,where they are now ON THEIR KNEES still i doubt they can put all back using back door over time so I WOULD NEVER BUY XBOX ONE>>>>
The announcement at E3 had me excited. Finally we were going to be able to buy our games at retail (shop around to get the best price, as opposed to over-paying for digital distribution) and be able to install all of our games to the internal drive so we didn't have to bother with changing disks. Because of the backlash due to not being able to trade in disks (which I never do, but to each their own), this feature was taken away. Now I'm struggling if I'll get a PS4 or XBONE first.
Dilip wrote:RIFT is 1000 time better to Google glass so no one should compare both here..... :mrgreen:
The rift is a Display and input peripheral, whereas the Google Glass is a platform. Saying one is better then the other is like saying My TV with its' remote is better then my laptop.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:31 pm
by Dilip
The announcement at E3 had me excited. Finally we were going to be able to buy our games at retail (shop around to get the best price, as opposed to over-paying for digital distribution) and be able to install all of our games to the internal drive so we didn't have to bother with changing disks. Because of the backlash due to not being able to trade in disks (which I never do, but to each their own), this feature was taken away. Now I'm struggling if I'll get a PS4 or XBONE first.
Really which part that....

1) your cousin has to pay for your purchased game if you give him. After few
hours of play he has to buy it even if its your owned game...(Milking
Multiple Times..)

2) You Daily have to atlest once go online so that MICROSOFT can check your
XBOX'sInternal HDD or your unit will be like dead frog. If you are fighting on
borders(Troops) no conectivity sorry XBOX ONE is NOT FOR U

3) Microsoft will be big brother in your leaving room watching and recording all
your routine outside you ever know killing any thing near privacy in your
leaving room (im sure you never want it in your bedroom oPPs!!)

4) All weightage given being it how much every thing except a real game
console.Microsoft wanted to be jack of all its becoming living room king
desire tell me why the hell u buy console to make it SET TOP BOX.

My friend u must be Microsoft Developer/Console Game Giant Employee, only those were happy at E3 thinking microsoft going to rule living rooms and they can milk every titles n number of times........
Dilip wrote:
RIFT is 1000 time better to Google glass so no one should compare both here.....
i know people will read word to word, so have to eloborate, please get meaning of it....

1)RIFT plan to start at 300 USD = Google Glass 1500 USD thats 5 Times more

2)RIFT has more then 100 Inch display = Goole Glass the equivalent of a 25-
inch high definition screen from eight feet away thats way too less.

3) Rift dev Kit resolution 640X800 = Google Galss 640 x 360 has been widely
mooted. Commercial version of RIFT will be sure atleast HD thats 960X1080
per eye its way way higher then google glass ;)

4) Biggest Diffrance RIFT is OPEN PLATFORM = Google Glass 100% google
controlled closed eco system u are at googles mercy.,,.sorry devlopers
u need our permission for all.

5) You can sell your RIFT without permission form Palmer = Google Glass Sorry

6) Rift won't be used to shoot your POV = Google can see what u see then think what can they do :twisted: (Privacy is previlage people don value till it get Violated.. I Storngly Support,Care and want To Protect )

as RIFT is still in Dev. and nothing stops oculust to ADD CAM while in GOOGLE GLASS WHere U PUT Second Display - If u Put still Resolution and FoV SUCKS

I know we cant compare apples to organes but thats how this thread started :lol: :lol: :lol: See the SUBJECT my FRIENDS


My Point when RIFT 1000 times better was as Ristriction free,Economical and High FOV HD Device for VR &3D Google glass is none so again for me its 1000 times better.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:43 pm
by userwords
quietboy wrote:i think oculus should have strict regulation about sofwares. ban pornography. it bring more harm than benefit to the society.

Now dudes u see why religious sects mass suicides are not that bad. :twisted:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:47 pm
by boone188
People love Steam for doing pretty much exactly what Microsoft wanted to do. Have you ever seen those crazy Steam deals? Why can they sell stuff so cheap? Because the publishers know that the game will be consumed by only one user, so they don't have to share profits with GameStop.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:28 am
by PasticheDonkey
DRM was always required on computers, since at first disks (before that tapes) were so easy to copy, then installations were so easy to do. the solution was requiring the cd to be in the drive as a cd key in the cd era, and steam actually made that less bothersome. it's an automated digital cd key for an installed title. consoles on the other hand have a history of not requiring installations. people want them to continue on as if they act as if they don't need installation, even tho they are installing things to work. while still having the option of download games that work similarly to steam.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:43 am
by PasticheDonkey
on the thread subject. i concur with almost everyone here who didn't write the first post. i believe that insecure women don't like the competition porn provides, and weak minded men seek to curry their favour. these happen to be the sort of people with the great mental stamina required to effect policies often tho. they start a mental marathon just by not being able to run that fast. and because the issue is generational there always some one who's been running for a long time. of cause pro sex people often have new sprinters who can catch up when needed. it's just tedious that it continues.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:15 am
by quietboy
since you mention about religion. you dont have to be a religious person, its commonsense.

Global statistic about rape cases: tallying sheer totals, Europe and the Americas consistently top the charts ... -rape-data ... 22622.html
Ahem. "Reported".

Also, many would argue that Iceland is an "Elected Dictatorship" - hardly a typical 'western' country. Mind you Australia do some whacky things too, with green blood and stuff in video games.

its coming....UK reportedly wants internet filters labeled as 'default-on,' true or not ... efault-on/

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:01 am
by Alejux
What's the point of creating the Matrix or the Holodeck, if you can't use it to have sex with supermodels?! This thread makes no sense! :shock:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:24 am
by Marulu
FR3D wrote:i will never understand the american ...

weapons / guns and war is ok - killing people is everywhere and normal - like in the old "western" movies

but they have problems with love and sex ?!

i prefer the good old europe - there it is the other way round .... :D

best regards FR3D

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:21 am
by colocolo
Alejux wrote:What's the point of creating the Matrix or the Holodeck, if you can't use it to have sex with supermodels?! This thread makes no sense! :shock:
dont call me a pervert. I am just male. :lol:

Supermodel Haptic Feedback.
Or use just two water ballons. (they feel just like real balloons) :shock:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:57 pm
by zerax
squibbfire wrote:Internet wouldn't be what is it today without porn...big driving force!

that's what she said..
Can't resist...

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:42 pm
by mickman
Nothing beats knocking off the odd porn around the fireside on a cold winters night .

I can't see how any of this has anything to do with the Oculus Rift ?
hhhmmm.... ban porn... that's interesting.

Especially since so many games rely on porn. I personally feel porn is under rated.

I can't think of a single game played where you start without porn... Black or White it doesn't really matter as long as you have some porn you'll still have some control around the table.... yes ?

Perhaps we could reduce the porn movement... but its already quiet restricted so why restrict it even more ?

But I do like the fact we're able to chat about good ole fashioned games in this day & age of high tech gaming...

Check ....... Your Move !

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:03 pm
by bobv5
"its coming....UK reportedly wants internet filters labeled as 'default-on,' true or not "

I hope they are prepared for the fact that they are going to get between horny teenaged boys and porn. Perhaps breeding a new race of super hackers is what they intended to do?

Of course all that will really happen is more proxy use. They are pushing people to dark nets. Seems like a mistake to me. The Pirate Bay has been banned in UK. As well as a bunch of other torrent sites. What did it achieve? It spawned add sponsored pirate proxys, run from countries not affected by UK law.

The best a porn ban can achieve is to push people to underground porn. Pushing people from highly polished, visually perfect, legal, sex between a man and a woman, to , other things. If you are breaking the rules by viewing the porn, what does it matter if the porn depicts illegal acts?

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:41 am
by GeraldT
expert says - porn good against prostate cancer
expert says - porn good for establishing platform and driving sales
me says - I can find expert for every opinion needed
me says - I am looking forward to first real good porn on Rift
me says - prudes should go where pepper is growing and let me enjoy VR in any way I see fit

expert says - me right :mrgreen:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:51 pm
by Frito
Marulu wrote:
Wow, that person is such a screaming little critter, how can people make a living doing this?


I think we should ban the internet, because porn. :D

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:58 pm
by geekmaster
Frito wrote:... I think we should ban the internet, because porn. :D
No! Not the Internet!

All we need to do is ban cameras! After all, if guns cause crime, then cameras must cause pornography... Right?

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:05 pm
by Vin
geekmaster wrote:
Frito wrote:... I think we should ban the internet, because porn. :D
No! Not the Internet!

All we need to do is ban cameras! After all, if guns cause crime, then cameras must cause pornography... Right?
Only depraved people own cameras.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:25 pm
by mrgrey
geekmaster wrote:
Frito wrote:... I think we should ban the internet, because porn. :D
No! Not the Internet!

All we need to do is ban cameras! After all, if guns cause crime, then cameras must cause pornography... Right?
Ban eyes...if we didn't have them we wouldn't see the pornography

oh wait...where would that leave us with the rift :?

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:27 pm
by Drewbdoo
I was just thinking about this issue and being reminded of many an argument I've had in the past about porn with a friend whom you'd might consider a militant feminist. One of her points was that Porn was a last resort for some women, forced to sell there bodies. Not that I agree with that point at all, but it would be much harder to make that point against a digital avatar :lol:

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:30 pm
by Likay
Guns doesn't cause crimes. People do. Guns do however help in making the consequences worse though.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:36 pm
by Likay
In some unconnected way i think the problem with porn has to do with people as well. So ban people! All of them! Not one single should escape! And ban the rifts too so the banned people have a surrogate. Problem solved! Universe saved!

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:25 pm
by geekmaster
Likay wrote:Guns doesn't cause crimes. People do. Guns do however help in making the consequences worse though.
I would rather be killed with a gun than with a baseball bat. Getting killed with a spoon would be even more painful. Let's just ban everything. Then we will be safe. Or not...

Come to think of it, death by porn might not be all that bad, compared to the alternatives...


Or would it? The person in that photo above needs a Rift! ;)

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:48 pm
by Likay
I don't know. If there's a fight it's kinda better to use fists only (when the ultimate standpoint has to be made...). It doesn't matter so much who wins but the parts will probably also laugh at the sake when the bruises are gone. When knifes or guns are involved it changes the whole situation to a larger scale of misery.

I have to agree with you about choosing a death of choice though. Just that when there is a fight, most often noone really have to die. ;)

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:13 pm
by android78
Drewbdoo wrote:I was just thinking about this issue and being reminded of many an argument I've had in the past about porn with a friend whom you'd might consider a militant feminist. One of her points was that Porn was a last resort for some women, forced to sell there bodies. Not that I agree with that point at all, but it would be much harder to make that point against a digital avatar :lol:
It's always interesting to get different opinions. Maybe I've just got very liberal female friends, however most (not all) women I have spoken to about it actually watch porn themselves (either by themselves or with their partner/s). I'm sure that there is a portion of the 'actors' who are in porn as a last resort, but there are certainly many who are in it by choice also. I think that societies expectation that 'porn is for men' seems to be changing and allowing women to feel more comfortable to express their own sexual interests (as has seemed more acceptable for men until recently), which is to me more of a feminist success then trying to prevent men from watching it, which would seem a double-edged sword.
One interesting thing about avatars is that it may be used for profiles, since there is no such thing as an age of an avatar. Where is the line between a young looking female avatar and a child avatar? How will the courts determine if it's a depiction of a child or not and hence legal or not?
The issue of rendered pornography is actually more complex then it would appear on the surface.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:46 pm
by yoshithedog
android78 wrote: One interesting thing about avatars is that it may be used for profiles, since there is no such thing as an age of an avatar. Where is the line between a young looking female avatar and a child avatar? How will the courts determine if it's a depiction of a child or not and hence legal or not?
The point of banning child porn is to protect children. What point there is in banning virtual characters of some "age"?

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:10 pm
by Likay
Where goes the line of differing what you can do in a sim and in real life? Will the events merge in peoples brains so that they apply what happens in the virtual world to the real world? Will it increase the danger of child abuse or will it relieve such individuals and decrease such criminality?
I agree with Android that it's a diffuse land. And honestly it's the first time i've heard about and try to gather some thoughts about it.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:27 pm
by comham
android78 wrote:The issue of rendered pornography is actually more complex then it would appear on the surface.
And not new to VR.

Re: oculus should ban pornography like google glass did

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:21 pm
by cybereality
Alejux wrote:What's the point of creating the Matrix or the Holodeck, if you can't use it to have sex with supermodels?! This thread makes no sense! :shock:
^ This.