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Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:50 am
by przecinek
You guys are giving really good and comprehensive reviews so I'll make it quick (I only have 5 minutes ... and I don't even need 5 minutes ;) ;) ;) )

First of all, the screendoor effect doesn't seem to be that much of a problem. Even after putting the rift on for the first time I didn't really notice it that much - I really had to look for individual pixels in order to see it. Motion blur is massive in the Tuscany demo, but other demos seem to be doing a better job at translating motion onto the screen.

Apart from that I agree with everything that has been said in the posts above. It's not just 3d. Downloading rift app torrent now.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:56 am
by Ashok
Got my Rift last night! Only tried HL2 for about an hour with no "calibration" using the default lenses, but I thought I'd share some quick impressions. I remember the short lived VR craze which I was a kid in the 1990s, and in 2013, VR finally REALLY WORKS. I approached the Rift with extremely low expectations after reading about the screen door effect (SDE), but I really didn't find it to be a problem. I would say, for anyone who hasn't received a Rift, the SDE is both overblown and underblown at the same time. It is really obvious and for me it doesn't "melt away", but oh my gosh... I'm in CITY 17 with Alyx Vance in the flesh! The in-game visuals look really nice when downscaled from 1920x1200, and the overall experience (3D, head tracking, etc.) is so immersing, I find the noticeable SDE to be a non-issue (not that I wouldn't mind a 440ppi revision).

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:40 am
by Ericshelpdesk
Playing with my rift for a few hours so far. No motion sickness whatsoever. edit - Played half-life for a while... there's that feeling.
I'm not having any problems running the demos I've thrown at it so far on my old well overclocked and freshly dusted GTX450.
I've been down the rift coaster and found the experience fun, but not nearly so pants wetting as the youtube videos would let on.
I played some TF2 and realize I need to mess with the settings a bit to make my cross hair smaller, but I really like the effect of being there.
VirtualCinema is going to be awesome when the resolution goes up on the rift, for now it's a neat tech demo.
Half life 2 is awesome! I felt like I was in city 17.
Currently trying to nail down everything I need to play minecrift since my kid is going to be all over that when he gets home.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:18 pm
by Evenios
Want to say again and to add some more after playing it for about 2 days now. My first impressions were it was really cool for the very first impressions (well the VERY first impression i had was woah wait no head tracking...had it not set up quite right and it did not have head tracking) but after i got that to work i really thought it was cool, however after that the screen resolution was really bad so much so i even had some second thoughts that night going to bed like uh i was not actually sure if i was let down or not...but after another go at at it and all i really like it. You actually can get over the bad resolution after a while. It DOESNT "Go away" however......not only is the screen door effect bad, its also that everything mostly even so in the distance is very pixely and that is the real problem.

Oh and another thing i think some of the blur issues people are having with the actually due to lack of vsync if you check your screen and then your seems for me vsync is disabled on both devices for me if i have both plugged that may be causing some of the lag.....but a minor thing.

overall though i think the biggest thing is the scale of things......i mean things look large buildings in minecraft or what.....the tuscany demo is nice...but the house isnt that "big" so.. but try things like castles and cathedrals in minecraft and they look huge its really unbelievable how you can look at the same object on a flat moniter and you know you can kinda see it might be a bit big..but putting on the rift and its just like night and day scale wise and other then real life virtual reality really is the only way to properly and realistiically show scale anyways. as its not just the 3d..but the wide feild of view and the fact you can physically look around makes it.

for that and just feeling like you are there the Rift is great. but i would not recommend hardcoregamers buy it yet or get one on ebay.....the resolution really is not that great.. but overall it is a great device but it is true...this is day zero for VR.....its just a start of whats to come!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:31 am
by Falan
Evenios wrote:overall though i think the biggest thing is the scale of things......i mean things look huge...

That's really nice to read its not something that has been mentioned overly much. I hope to use the rift with education alongside minecraft and it would be great seeing the scale of your creations. The demo I tried was good but you didn't see any large objects, dammit Evenios now im even more eager to get back inside a rift to view something massive :)

I ordered mine a couple of days ago its going to be a long long summer =(

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:10 am
by LNQ
Well the Dev Kit isn't really that special as many have said. It's a completely new experience and will revolutionize gaming. However, currently there isn't much to do with it and playing old games ported to the Rift, while fun, isn't a world changing experience.

I love the devkit and am happy I got one, but now it's back to waiting for a new DK, the consumer version and most of all, games developed exclusively for VR.

It's just the beginning of the wait, guys. We've a long long way to go still.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:08 am
by Azrafox
So, I managed to get a fellow forum member to demo the rift to me, travelled an hour on the train just to get there, but it was worth it!

I arrived at the flat kinda nervous and excited. The guy was really nice and helpful, and put me into one of the space demos (I think it was titans of space or something?) followed by other demos such as Tiscany, the roller coaster demo, Ocean Rift and the helicopter demo.

My first impression when I put on the rift for the space demo - wow! It really is immersive, the screen door effect and resolution really didn't bother me at all. I'm one of those people who have been waiting for this level of immersion in Virtual Reality for years so I can say we're getting pretty damn close! I was even lucky enough to test out the hydra (which has convinced me to buy it) and the wizdish (which I actually found a bit uneasy as I kept feeling like I'd fall over!)

I can definitely say I prefer the demos where there is a more obvious point of reference - for instance looking at the ceiling in Tuscany the realism of scale was more obvious than in the space demos. Ocean rift was also particularly incredible, especially when you look up at the sea surface and see the whales above you. Luckily I also didn't get motion sick, but the roller coaster demo really made me feel like I was on one! The only time I felt a bit queasy was when the controls played up in the helicopter game and sent me spinning in constant circles! The only thing that surprised me a little was the field of view, as I'd heard reviews about that being the most obvious part of the experience (covering your entire vision) but I did see myself seeing the edges of the screen - I wonder if this was because it had not been set up properly to my eyes and IPD?

Overall an amazing experience, and I really can't wait now, even more than before. I'm really grateful for getting to try it first hand. I'll definitely buy the consumer version once it comes out even though I already have the dev kit, I'm really excited for the future in this field.


Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:42 am
by Ziggurat
First thing I tried in the rift was HL2.
I played for about 1.5 hours, and I thought it was like 15minutes.
I stopped when VR sickness got the better of me (ate salte peanuts to get over that)

The screen door effect was not at all that bad, I disliked more the fact that the pixels were so big, cant wait to play with the Rift in HD.
The 3D effect was stunning and beautiful, the depth felt like 1:1 compared to real life, not that crappy movie 3D.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:25 pm
by whelanweb
First of all I'd like to say a big thanks to fellow forum member joe ( JoeReMi ) for driving down to my house on his holidays to give me and my brother a demo of his rift. He stayed for over 3 hours showing us everything we requested you really couldn't meet a nicer guy.

This was my first VR experience so this is my short impression.

:woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :woot :D

Went on the rift coaster first. The FOV was fantastic and the 3D and tracking were spot on. The screen door was hardly noticeable as I was fully believing I was going up a coaster track. When going at speed I really felt like I was moving and getting the same rush as if on a real coaster. Words are hard to find how good this really is. My mind is blown and cant wait to see this in HD even though as the Rift stands right now this is just an all round great experience.

Next I was put on Titans of Space. I clicked through this fairly fast as we had a few people over getting demos and I didnt want to be holding anybody up but again this was fantastic. The scale of the planets and stars are amazing. I did notice slight blur when moving from planet to planet but because of the overall experience I didn't mind one bit. I would love to just spend move time in this demo with earphones on relaxing.

After our trip around the Solar System I go to demo a horror game where I walk in the woods ( cant think of the name right now ). I enjoyed this the most as I controlled the moment of my avatar. The sense of being at a real place was great and the girl that appears scared the crap out of me.

Following that we went to the Cinema VR demo. Again great demo but I can see why people are requesting HD as fast as possible. This will likely be one of the Killer Apps for the Rift when it goes public.

Anyway that's just my first impression. As the Rift stands now if it was released as it is with a disk full of short games it would be a massive seller. With Oculus making improvements over the next 12 months this is going to be a phenomenal success when it eventually gets to market.


Anybody know what the wait time is now if I order a Rift today. ( Trust me its that good ) :D

EDIT: I ordered my own devkit on the 31st July and got my processing email last friday. Looks like I will only be waiting in total 3 - 4 weeks from purchase date to actually receiving it. Best money I've ever spent if you ask me.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:16 pm
by falken
Got my Rift yesterday. The screen door effect is very noticeable, but easy to ignore. Can't wait for the high def version. My first experience was running the Blue Marble demo with Rush 2112 loaded as the background track. Jaw dropping to say the least. In my opinion this is the future of entertainment. I can also say that VRCinema is an awesome experience, and one of the best demos. I do believe it would be enjoyable to watch a full movie with the consumer Rift's high def screen.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:19 pm
by mgood
My Rift just arrived today, order 45760 to the US.

It's amazingly good even with the low resolution, subpixels, and gridlines ('screen door' sounds corny to me :D). The immediate sense of knowing what to do, and feeling like it's real, is.. amazing. I'm feeling a bit queasy after merely running through the Tuscany demo, Titans of Space, and Sci-Fi Corridor, though, so it's break time. I didn't think I'd have that issue.. I'll try a 'real' game shortly :D

The screen came with some free dust, which cleared out easily by removing the cups and using canned air. The lenses seem to have 'stuff' on them, perhaps from my very own eyes while I was adjusting things and figuring out how to easily don and doff the goggles.

The straps don't seem to go in any particularly friendly place for headphones, but I'll figure it out.

Starting games/demos is more awkward than I thought it would be, basically I use Win-P, go to 'real' screen only, load up the demo for the first time, figure out what I need to hit or whatever, then close out of the demo, Win-P again to Extended mode, put on the Rift, open the demo, use my ultra advanced brain powers to navigate the UI with the stereoified Rift display, and then play the demo. Maybe only Unity demos have this issue.. I'd try some more demos/games, but, I am feeling queasy, of a sort I've never felt before, motion-related.. I think.. or I've confused some primal element of my brain that wants Tuscany and planets and stars to not just appear and disappear around me willy nilly :D

Overall, this is amazing, and quite fun, and I'm eager to try.. the tons of stuff that's been released already. Somehow just following a butterfly around or looking up at rafters is fun, probably due to the novelty.. it's there, but it's not.. or is it.. yes.. yes..

I am definitely glad I made this purchase, and that VR is finally moving forward for the masses :D

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:30 pm
by Valez
mgood wrote: Starting games/demos is more awkward than I thought it would be
Unity - Make a shortcut with additional -Adapter X parameter. X is the graphics card adapter the Rift is connected to.
Unreal - F11 until application runs on the Rift.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:37 pm
by OzOnE2k10
Valez wrote:Unity - Make a shortcut with additional -Adapter X parameter. X is the graphics card adapter the Rift is connected to.
Unreal - F11 until application runs on the Rift.
I thought the Rift SDK is supposed to know which output it's connected to?
I was hoping this is all done via the EDID, to reduce the issues with multiple screens etc.?

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:05 pm
by jf031
Just got my Rift about 3 hours ago.

I was disappointed when I first got the Rift. I didn't really feel like I was actually in any of the environments (I was rotating my head around in pretty much every direction, so it wasn't lack of head movement), and I was focusing on the flaws in the display - the resolution is bad, the screen door effect was omnipresent, and the blur is very noticeable. Also, I tried the wrong demos at first - the Oculus C++ demos (OculusRoomTiny and OculusWorldDemo) jitter like crazy. I was wondering if there was something wrong with my Rift. I tried some other misc. demos (nothing of note), and then the "Oculus Street View" app, and they had smoother tracking (for Oculus Street View, get vr.js and follow the readme instructions to get head tracking working). Tried Minecrift at some point on a normal map and it was cool - I need to go back in and try one of the numerous awesome maps I've downloaded from Planet Minecraft. VR Cinema does indeed seem like being in a theater, but a higher resolution Rift seems pretty much necessary. Deskope is useful.

I was slowly improving in mood about it, and then I played HL2. WOW! It is hard to explain; I'm not fully immersed in the gameworld - I am always aware that I'm not in the world (I think higher resolution and less motion blur would go a long way to fixing this), but it does feel considerably more "there" than on a monitor. Plays extremely well with mouse and keyboard (mouse aim is easier versus on a monitor, btw); I was surprised how natural it felt to aim and move. Misc. note: sometimes I like to just stay where I am and look around the environment.

I notice the screen door much less than I did at the beginning, but the low resolution, and to a lesser extent, the motion blur, are still obvious. The resolution in particular seems to be the biggest barrier to more complete immersion. Head tracking is basically perfect (rotation-wise, of course - I can make myself a little sick if I lean in, etc.) in a lot of demos and HL2.

On controls and immersion: I've stood up a couple of times, but with no controls - I've mostly been just sitting down, and have always been using mouse and keyboard. I do have a Hydra, so I will try playing HL2 standing up, albeit with mouse emulation for the Hydra (looking forward to HLVR being ported over!).

All in all, I need to use the Rift more!

edit: Oh yeah, "motion" sickness. I was taking the Rift on and off my head for the first hour or so (various gripes + I was fogging up the lenses + sweating), so I never was using it more than about 5 minutes. I felt some sort of almost-queasiness, but I recently played HL2 for at least 30 minutes, and didn't even feel weird afterwards (although I had an extremely minor inability to converge my eyes for about 10 seconds - I have not calibrated via TF2).

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:14 pm
by Valez
OzOnE2k10 wrote:
Valez wrote:Unity - Make a shortcut with additional -Adapter X parameter. X is the graphics card adapter the Rift is connected to.
Unreal - F11 until application runs on the Rift.
I thought the Rift SDK is supposed to know which output it's connected to?
I was hoping this is all done via the EDID, to reduce the issues with multiple screens etc.?
Well, it's still early. I am confident that Unity and Epic will find better solutions.
HL2 is already detecting and using the Rift correctly, after all.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:22 pm
by oculusfan
I got my Rift this afternoon. Here are some thoughts and impressions after 2 hours (essay time).

- Immersiveness: Much better than looking at a monitor. Head tracking spot on. Field of view, while impressive, could be improved I think. Tunnel vision isn't the right way to describe it, but it is similar to that. I can tell I'm not seeing nearly as much as I do in real life.

- Black bars at edges of peripheral vision: This was really bothering me. When I moved my head I saw the black bars move along with my view. Luckily after messing around with the dials that move the screen further or closer to your eyes, I found a sweet spot where I cannot see the bars, yet still get a good FOV.

- Resolution aka screen door affect: I was ready for it. Already knew about it. Not a deal breaker for me. Plus I know it will improve with the consumer version. Kind of hard to see some details...a little blurry here and there....small price to pay in my eyes (pun intended).

- Overall comfort/hardware: I was expecting it to be light weight. I heard others mention that it was even lighter than they expected. Therefore I expected it to be even lighter than I expected. Turns out its heavier than that, but right about where I originally expected. It is definitely usable. I could wear this thing for hours (already have). The foam isn't the most comfortable thing (I can feel the skin on my face becoming a bit irritated). Once again small price to pay.

- Motion sickness: Though I have never been motion sick before, I was cautious with my expectations since I had heard from others who, similarly, had never been motion sick yet still fell prey to nausea. I must have a stomach of steel. It takes a lot to make me puke and the Rift hasn't even phased me in the slightest. Eventually I threw caution to the wind and even started trying to induce some sort of nausea (TF2 Scout), but it has yet to happen. I consider myself fortunate.

- Positional Tracking (lack thereof): Honestly haven't even noticed.

- Controls: Not sure why everybody is hating on mouse/keyboard. I'm doing great with it. Xbox 360 controller is fine as well. I haven't hassled with hooking up the Hydra yet, but I'll get to that later.

- Overall (TL;DR): This is the future of gaming to me. I'd rather play like this than go back to a monitor. There is definitely lots of room for improvement, but I am confident that the Oculus team is already making strides to overcome the drawbacks.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:24 pm
by mgood
Valez wrote:
mgood wrote: Starting games/demos is more awkward than I thought it would be
Unity - Make a shortcut with additional -Adapter X parameter. X is the graphics card adapter the Rift is connected to.
Unreal - F11 until application runs on the Rift.
Awesome! Thanks for these.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:45 am
by spire8989
mgood wrote:
Valez wrote:
mgood wrote: Starting games/demos is more awkward than I thought it would be
Unity - Make a shortcut with additional -Adapter X parameter. X is the graphics card adapter the Rift is connected to.
Unreal - F11 until application runs on the Rift.
Awesome! Thanks for these.
I recommend you check out Deskope as well

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:47 am
by mscoder610
Quick thoughts from my first day before I forget:

Background info: I normally play games on my 50" plasma TV, sitting a few feet away. Normally 2D, but occasionally in 3D.
I predownloaded a ton of demos. The main things I wanted to try were the Unity Tuscany demo, and Half Life 2.
I'm near sighted (about -2.5 prescription in both eyes; wear glasses).
I'm occasionally prone to motion sickness, so I was ready with ginger root pills, and Dramamine.

0. Unboxing: Everything was packaged well, and super simple to set up. No dead pixels as far as I can tell. Kept the A eyecups on initially - it was actually a little tricky to put the headset on - my head is pretty big, and my glasses kept bumping into the foam on the sides of the unit. Set up desktop mirroring, with Rift + monitor / TV at 1920x1080.

1. Ran the OculusConfigUtil that comes packaged with the latest SDK downloads. Calculated my IPD as 68mm (I think it's 69mm so that's close), but I pretty quickly decided I would want to play without glasses, and tried to find the best eyecups for me.
Without glasses, A cups: Pretty blurry
Without glasses, B cups: Slightly blurry, but I can read most text. Screen door effect is somewhat minimized from the blur. This is what I ended up using for the rest of the day.
Without glasses, C cups: Clearest, but the screen door effect is super visible. I decided the slight blur of the B cups was preferable to these due to the screen door effect.

2. Unity Tuscany Demo: Definitely a good starting point. My IPD was automatically picked up from the config util. Good 3D effects, good atmosphere. A lot of the UI touches added in the latest revision were cool. Especially the sunflowers - walking up to them I got a very strong sense of depth, and it was fun to peer around from one side of the flower to the other.

3. VR Cinema 3D: Really feels like you're in a movie theater. The movie I was using for testing was a 3D SBS copy of Avatar. The sense of depth I got from the film was actually less than I was expecting.

4. VR Player: Again, testing with Avatar 3D. I feel like the sense of depth I got was better in VR Player (vs VR Cinema 3D). Have to reset the Oculus tracking a fair amount, so I got used to hitting F1 every 10 seconds or so while watching the movie.

5. Blue Marble: Another great starting experience for the Rift. No complicated controls to worry about, just peacefully drifting through space to music, with the ability to look around.

6. Sixense Tuscany demo: A bit underwhelming. Getting the Hydra calibrated to arm positions I expected from in the Rift was very challenging, so bouncing the basketball / etc didn't really work out well for me. I'll probably revisit this one when I can experiment with it a little more.

7. Rift Coaster: First applied the settings here: ... 255#p29172 . But I went with 1920x1080 for the res.
Lots of fun. My stomach did start to feel a little strange after doing this twice, so I took a break at this point.

8. Titans of Space: Another good starting demo. Very impressive sense of scale. Tried out the positional (Hydra) tracking in it; didn't feel like it changed a whole lot.

9. Team Fortress 2: Had no intention of playing this multiplayer, but I wanted to do calibration and get everything set up for HL2.
Added the -vr flag to launch options, and started offline practice mode (no coaching). The picture / 3D/ depth was already good without any setup, but I went through calibration anyway (vr_calibration in the dev console. NOTE: You should do calibration with desktop res = TF2 res = 1280x800, or the IPD measurements will be incorrect).
Enjoyed running around briefly. Tried some of the different moveaim modes, but stuck with vr_moveaim_mode=3 which is the default (aim with mouse, turn and look with the Rift).

10. Half-Life 2: Spent a while getting this setup, but the game experience is very very good. The sequence when you're escaping to the rooftop at the beginning (before you meet Alyx) was super impressive. While walking on the wooden planks, I looked down and almost felt vertigo. Fell off the boards once, all the way down to the ground, which was a very strange sensation. Just barely got to the part of the game where you get your crowbar, but I feel like I could easily replay the entire game of HL2 like this.
Started the game sitting down, but discovered that immersion shot up quickly when you stand up to play.
HL2 Setup:
- Opened 'config.cfg' in [steamdir]\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg. Copied all the vr_ lines into another file.
- Created 'autoexec.cfg' in [steamdir]\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\cfg, pasted in all the vr_ lines from the TF2 cfg. Most important is vr_separation_user_inches. Also, add 'vr_separation_toein_pixels 0'.
- If you want to use the Hydra, set up a profile in Motion Creator 2. I've uploaded mine if anyone wants to try it: ... 20Rift.mce
Left joystick is move, right joystick left-right will turn you. The right controller is set up with Mouselook, so just aim with it to aim your gun in the game.
- Add -vr to HL2 launch options, and start the game.

Still need to try: Museum of the Microstar, Iceland, Heli-Hell, First Law, Parrot Coaster, Hydra Deck, Alone in the Rift, Anteworld / Outerra, Ocean Rift, Delta Draconis, ORPlayer, and plenty of other things I'm sure

Overall I had a lot of fun experimenting with all the different apps and trying things out.
No lasting effects of motion sickness, after testing from 3:30p-1a with breaks - did take 3 ginger pills throughout the day, and 1 Dramamine Less-Drowsy (just in case).

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:46 pm
by Visual Knight
my 71 year old father tried the Oculus! His impression is priceless.


Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:05 am
by cybereality
Not quite the grandma, but still good.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:23 am
by Zoide
mscoder610: You mention mirroring a 1920x1080 resolution. Shouldn't you have used 1920x1200? Otherwise the ratio will be different from that of the Rift's 1280x800 native resolution.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:31 pm
by mscoder610
When I'm not Rifting, my primary display is my 50" plasma HDTV, which is limited to 1920x1080, so I'm limited to that for mirroring.
I haven't found a way around that, if anyone has any ideas let me know. (The TV is connected over HDMI, video card is ATI Radeon 7950).

I agree 1920x1200 would be better since it's 16:10.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:34 pm
by cybereality
The Unity demos seem to adjust for the real aspect ratio regardless of what resolution you run at. So while 1920x1200 may have slightly better quality, it won't effect the aspect ratio if you use 1080P.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:58 pm
by learnedhand
mscoder610 wrote:Quick thoughts from my first day before I forget:
I enjoyed your write-up. Thanks!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:22 am
by Tirregius
Just a thought on the topic of resolution -

My intuition tells me that 1080*1920 could be a better choice. Downscaling from a resolution with a less common divisor, in theory, should produce less interference noise. If we are going to downsample, ideally we want something like double the resolution in both the width and height dimensions, or, if that's not possible, a resolution that has a very low common divisor so as to minimize those interference issues.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:01 am
by Zoide
Could we revert back to the old thread page length? I feel that these ultra-long pages are getting annoying. Every time I see a thread has been updated, I click on the links only to see the very same page as the day before, and the day before, and the day before that... and then have to scroll through dozens of old posts to get to the new ones. I don't mean to be whiny, it's just that pretty much every other forum on the Internet has shorter pages and this one always seems out of place with regards to that.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:22 pm
by jf031
Zoide wrote:Could we revert back to the old thread page length? I feel that these ultra-long pages are getting annoying. Every time I see a thread has been updated, I click on the links only to see the very same page as the day before, and the day before, and the day before that... and then have to scroll through dozens of old posts to get to the new ones. I don't mean to be whiny, it's just that pretty much every other forum on the Internet has shorter pages and this one always seems out of place with regards to that.
You've been here for almost two years and never noticed the yellow arrow to the left of the thread title?

edit: I decided to go with an insulting way to inform you because it's pretty funny that you never paid enough attention to notice that.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:46 pm
by Tirregius
I received my Rift at 7:30 pm Pacific Time, following a notice from UPS that the estimated time of arrival would be 4pm at the latest ... I was on pins and needles at work after texting wife at 7pm to see if it was delivered, and she responded "nothing." I thought at that moment, "Oh my God, this thing is never coming."

At 730pm, she finally texted me that UPS had dropped it while she was tending to the children - no signature - just left it on the porch. Finally - the crazy adventure of waiting for this baby was over!

After watching a dozen or so un-boxings - I felt like I already had done it once the time came.

Everything was there - all of the cables, adapters, etc.

Getting it plugged in and working was a cinch. Win 7 sees it as a standard input device and a standard display. It needs no other driver software.

The trouble I personally have, is that I run a triple screen setup with (3) 1024x1280 panels. I chose them for iRacing because I have limited desk real estate and they still afford me a nice 106-deg horizontal FOV. These monitors aren't bad for mirroring the Rift @ native 1280x800 - it's a native sol'n for them. But for just about everything I've tried, 1080p looks to be the best resolution to choose. It does not appear to introduce significant latency and the down-sampled image reveals more detail. Even running in native 1280x800 with 4x supersampling AA looks worse to me - too soft and lacking in detail by comparison. If I had to guess I'd say the Pre-warp shader done at a higher resolution makes a big difference to the quality. Tacking on a supersample AA process after the pre-warp is done won't increase detail - just serves to soften the image it seems.

So I'm attempting to run everything at higher-than-native 1080p, but here's where the trouble starts for me. None of my 5x4 monitors will take a 1080p signal, so I have to run extended desktop. Some apps like it, some don't - the 3DVirtualCinema for example, produces significant graphical artifiacts in extended mode, so I'm forced to mirror the displays in 1280x800.

Switching back and forth between mirrored and extended modes has proven to be a royal pain in the ass. Changing modes usually means the desktop icons all get rearranged and sometimes end up on the Rift. After getting everything functional again, I usually have to change the display settings again for the next app only to have everything FUBAR again! What a pain. I don't have $120. burning a hole in my pocket for a 1080p panel right now, but I know that is the Sol'n.

OK, on to the meat and potatoes...

... Of course, the first thing I did was boot up Tuscany, with the 0.2.3 SDK.

I was immediately impressed. I expected the color quality to be much lower than I experienced. I imagined having your face plugged into a tablet screen would result in a ton of useless real-estate between picture elements, creating a bland image. I was actually pleasantly surprised that the colors were quite vibrant and judder and blur, while apparent, were not deal-breakers for me. Just a little of head movement, and the gaps between the pixels disintegrate.

Immersion level was fantastic. The perceived distances seemed correctly presented with no calibration done. AMAZING. I expected messy parallax settings and/or a need to precisely calibrate IPD - no such issue - it just works (I did measure my own IPD with a mirror and tape measure and came up with 65mm.)

Field of view is excellent, given that the user can get those lenses right up to your eyes. The field of view just about matches the horizontal field of view of my triple screen setup - I'm guessing I'm easily getting 100-deg horizontal (of course, my monitors have a measly vertical FOV of about 26-deg lol.) I can imagine for some folks, this number will vary due to facial geometry or optical needs. I have the housing set for the closest eye-lens proximity possible, and it seems to be "just right."

On the topic of resolution - If you find a contrasty area of the scene and try to hold your head as static as possible, the pixels look quite large. You can look at them individually. But, that being said, that is not generally how you are viewing things in VR!! Start to move your head in subtle ways, and your vestibulo-occular reflex "scrolls" the screen around in front of your eyes and the pixels dissappear, revealing significant detail behind them - and, mind you, this is how you are generally looking at everything 98% of the time. These are hands-down the best visuals I've personally seen in a VR device.

That said, the resolution is certainly it's biggest issue. Not because of the lack of "environmental detail" but due to the inability to resolve things like gauges and distant detail. I can't wait to try iRacing with the Rift, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath. The lack of resolve for distant details, which is absolutely essential for something like iRacing, might be a dealbreaker in the Rift's current form. Don't get me wrong - you can and will lose yourself in the dev-kit. It is very good. It transports you. But it needs to be improved for SOME applications.

Next up - Outerra

This is AWESOME. I can sit at my desk and get the complete sensation of being in a Sessna or a Jet. Looking down at the scenery, while lacking fine detail, you really feel the altitude, scale, etc. The world in the Rift running Outerra is every bit as big and tangible as the real world. I'm finding that I'm pretty tough in the motion sickness department, but this one can get me a bit. I don't particularly like the flight models here, and some weird or unexpected behavior has seemed to induce some motion discomfort. Run this one @ 1080p with the FXAA on in software. Looks plenty good. The resolution reveals itself in the inability to use any of the gauges other than the artificial horizon. Edit: The gauges can be seen and used to a degree, however you cannot read the values on the gauges. So I poorly worded the previous statement. For example, the Airspeed Indicator can be used to get an idea of safe operating speed, as you can see that the gauge is pointing within a certain range, but there's no way to "read" the values on the gauges. Give us some positional tracking so we can lean up to the panel!


You can go to a slightly low-res, huge theater from you desk chair. Slick. Great first tech demo.

Titans of Space

Wow. Breathtaking. Cathartic. I showed this one to an 11 year-old with just a passing interest in astronomy. I'd imagine she might look over my shoulder at a program about planets and stars for all of 20 seconds and then lose interest and walk away .... she sat at my desk for more than 20 mins absolutely riveted and reading back all the facts about the planets stars and moons. There is nothing at all out there that can give you this experience. Nothing.

Anyhow, I have to run into work, but I know how much I enjoyed everyone's write-ups, so there's one of my own. I'm sure I can think of more to write but it will have to wait!


Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:31 pm
by Tirregius
Tirregius' impressions part 2:

OK - I'm back from work. Here's a bit more. I left out quite a bit due to time. Let's get right to it.

Half Life 2 VR

Valve - I love you guys. I love the Source Engine. This is coded by some folks who not only love good visuals - they must also have an obsession with latency mitigation. There is no better example (at least for users with similar hardware to mine - see addendum to follow this post for details) of how fast this HMD is than HL2 (or more broadly, probably any Souce Engine stuff.) This seems to me to be the most flawless implementation of the head tracking so far. It is absolutely spot on. I'm not sensing any prediction weirdness, lag, overshoot...just fantastic.

I've played through Half Life 2 quite a few times. It ranks up there with my favorite gaming experiences, ever.

Playing this in the Rift feels like leaving my house and entering City 17.

After a session playing HL2 in the Rift, taking off the HMD is the equivalent of warping back home. This is what gaming should feel like! I was gone! From the claustrophobic crawls through the vents to shoot-outs with looming buildings and towers - the scale is real. You ARE there. You feel yourself part of the game.

The visuals are perfect for this dev kit. Although a bit dated by today's standards, they look quite nice. The relatively simple geometry in the environs are a very good fit for the dev kit. I do feel like things look "pretty good" at a distance, here. Very, very playable. For me personally, it is the best way to experience this game. The trade-off in visual fidelity in the dev kit for the total visual immersion is an easy choice to make.

I would love to see a couple of the movement mechanics updated for VR, such as the ladder climbing speed, and some of the "abruptness" of the movement in general. While I probably have a stomach of steel, after an hour or so, I get a bit fatigued by the movement. It really is hard on the visual system. A bit of tweaking to some of the platforming sequences would make it SO much nicer for those long sessions. I can see how some folks are going to really have to work up to this one. You can feel the disconnect from the inertial systems in your body, here. It is quite pronounced. For me, it does not result in feeling sick, but after a time it feels fatiguing, to the point that I need to take a break after an hour. I can imagine, over time, that will improve. Heck - it hasn't even been a week that I've been able to travel to City 17 to play HL2. It's bound to take some practice.

Gaming is going to change thanks to Oculus. I think Valve knows it, as do many other devs out there.

I mean this seriously and I'm not saying this to be hyperbolic: Playing Half Life 2 on a monitor is about as attractive an option as watching the new Superman movie on my phone, versus going to the IMAX theater to see it. I just don't want to play it on a monitor any longer. There's no comparison between looking at a picture of City 17 on a screen and GOING THERE. I do feel very fortunate that I have the stomach for it, right off the bat.

I cannot wait to see what comes down the pipe in the coming months. The rabbit hole is bound to get deeper. I hope I can start a personal VR project some time soon, but at the moment work/money issues are demanding that I spend most of my time on what pays, now.

For those of you still waiting - hold on to your hats - it's really good VR. For those of you who are a bit put off by motion issues - keep at it and I'm sure, little-by-little it will get easier. You'll get your "legs." If you love games, it's a worthy endeavor.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:35 pm
by Tirregius
I'm running:

Z77 ASUS mobo
3570k @ 4.2 GHz
8 gigs DDR3 1600MHz
ATI Radeon HD 5850 1GB (1.5 TFLOP'ish single precision) still hold up pretty well!!
Win 7 64bit

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:05 pm
by brantlew
@Tirregius: Nice. Really enjoyed the review and I seem to never tire of reading them. I share your thoughts about HL2. It really is spectacular and I hope every Rift developer pays attention because it goes to show that you don't need insane 4k resolutions and giant rigs to produce compelling content. I've seen a lot of content at nearly double the DevKit resolution and it all looks nice, but it's not double the experience. Focus on the immersion and all that graphical fluff becomes irrelevant.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:09 pm
by Zoide
jf031 wrote:You've been here for almost two years and never noticed the yellow arrow to the left of the thread title?

edit: I decided to go with an insulting way to inform you because it's pretty funny that you never paid enough attention to notice that.
OMG!!! Thanks! I swear I'd never noticed that, and I'm not being sarcastic. I'd definitely give you karma if there was a "Thanks" button like at the XDA forums. :)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:19 pm
by Direlight
@Tirregius: Nice. Really enjoyed the review and I seem to never tire of reading them. I share your thoughts about HL2. It really is spectacular and I hope every Rift developer pays attention because it goes to show that you don't need insane 4k resolutions and giant rigs to produce compelling content. I've seen a lot of content at nearly double the DevKit resolution and it all looks nice, but it's not double the experience. Focus on the immersion and all that graphical fluff becomes irrelevant.
Hl2 sounds very fun, might try tomorrow. Does the higher res version help long distance depth?

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:02 am
by brantlew
@Direlight: Well it helps long distance clarity for sure. But the feelings of depth and "place" are already there with the current Dev Kit. It's like putting on your glasses - you didn't feel any less "there" with your glasses off. It's just that now everything is nicer to look at. You can play the game better but it's not a fundamentally new experience like going from monitor to Rift. To get the same "jump" in immersion you have to tap the other senses. Audio is huge. Going through tech demos like Tuscany is great, but not nearly as impactful as the the ones with good audio. The audio in Titans of Space is great and I think a big reason that demo works so well. Another big jump comes with locomotion which quite simply invests your whole body into it. And while I haven't experienced it personally, I imagine tactile sensation adds a huge amount as well.

But now I'm straying off topic...

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:33 am
by Direlight
Well it helps long distance clarity for sure. But the feelings of depth and "place" are already there with the current Dev Kit. It's like putting on your glasses -
Opps, I was too vague.
I've only tried a few demos but so far, the dk1 has serious problems doing accurate long range distance. On my 3d monitor, mountains look very far, on the rift stuff just ceases to look far away after a certain point(about a mile). I assume this is either the demo, and/or the resolution. Its kind of weird, close up it's mind blowing 3d, far away looks fake and too close. Very obvious in God Factory, planets look like beach balls (hard to explain,lol).

I wonder how much of a hazard would that be for epileptic people.
I have one of these and it seems like it flickers less then regular displays. I hate flickering tv images, lights, etc. so I'm pretty sensitive to that.

Some of the motion effects are spooky it's so smooth. Smoothness I think is as, or more important then resolution for the "immersion effect". Kind of like low quality silent movie can be more captivating then a high res slide show.

Rift has the (short-to-medium) depth and scale down pretty well though even in dk1.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:04 am
by Tirregius
Direlight wrote:
Opps, I was too vague.
I've only tried a few demos but so far, the dk1 has serious problems doing accurate long range distance. On my 3d monitor, mountains look very far, on the rift stuff just ceases to look far away after a certain point(about a mile).
Interesting. One of the depth cues humans use is "differential pattern-density." Stereoscopy is not very good for picking up depth cues past medium distances. Differential pattern-density refers to the visual system's extraction of depth information from the progressive decrease in pattern details and increase in pattern frequency as depth increases. For example, as rocky mountain features get further from the viewer, the patterns and features become smaller, denser, and less detailed. Due to the Rift's relatively low resolution, there is a hard limit to the depth at which this cue can aide the eye's depth perception. Perhaps this "flattens" the experience for you. I find that in programs with very good methods of simulating light-scattering, such as Outerra, Large distances are easily perceived in the Rift.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:11 am
by Direlight
I suspected I just wasn't getting the depth cues, so I tend to agree. I can testify to advanced lightning adding to depth too.

Star Citizen (that's right i'm mentioning it again!) in dx11 mode @ 1080p should help us see if we can get "long range" views.

Sliding lens idea thrown around the forum, might also help (eye separation)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:01 am
by nnamd
My first impression. Nice but for consumer version even if it drives the price up they are going to have to get some very very good PPI screen. I also think the screen will have to be above 60hz. That may be the reason some people feel a little sick. I cannot play a game where I move around a lot at 60hz. I have GW2,Everquest,Runes of magic all set to 120hz.
I have another VR thing from awhile back and I could never get the sweet spot with it. I had no problem with the O.R. I think they are on the right track.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:37 pm
Was able to try the rift out today. only got a few mins with it will get more time after work but here my initial thoughts. First the resolution was better than expected and while the sde is noticable i am able to filter it out after a few seconds. the fov was a little underwhelming. will experiment more at home but even with a cups practically pushed into my eyeballs could still clearly make out the borders. Almost like wearing blinders. Still very positive first impressions, my dad loves the potential of vrcinema, and i look forward to having more time with it after work.

Also no hint of motion sickness so woot!