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Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:59 am
by hotspoons
I finally got mine last Wednesday, and have spent at least 12 hours since then using it, which is more time than I have gamed over the past year. My impressions:
  • 100% lives up to the hype. I've never purchased something that lived up to all the hype surrounding it, except for maybe the original iPhone. This is that good.
  • The combination of a giant FOV, properly calibrated stereoscopic rendering that only needs to be pleasant from a single viewpoint, and head tracking sells what you are looking at is actually real to your visual system. I was completely blown away by this, and it isn't some novelty that fades after first use. So it is no gimmick.
  • The screendoor effect, while pronounced, tends to disappear completely for me after a few moments. I'm guessing its because my visual system is actually seeing the forest, not the trees, for the reasons in the bullet above.
  • The resolution, which I thought would bother me, is in fact much less of an issue than I thought it would be. I think 1080/1200p will be a giant leap forward, and will further sell your visual system on the reality of what you are looking at
  • Everyone I have shown this has had their mind blown. I normally start them in the cinema then put them straight onto the coaster. Most everyone screams on the first drop.
  • I have never been prone to motion sickness, but I definitely have problems with the rift. I made it 10 minutes my first time before my stomach started to go into knots, and now I can usually do about 30 - 45 minutes before I need to tap out for a while. This is mostly playing through half life 2, which is an entirely new experience. I don't get as queasy, but I get hot rolling sweats, which I suppose is motion sickness, which again I've never experienced.
  • Things with cockpits (heli-island, one of the space shooters) don't make me nearly as ill since I have a constant point of reference.
  • I'm most anxiously awaiting rift support in Project CARS. I saw one of their graphics engineers got his rift a couple of weeks ago, and has been cranking away on it. This will be awesome, especially for the reasons listed the bullet above, but also because it is kick ass
So, that's it. Awesome.

---Edit--- forgot a couple of things that are worth mentioning:
  • I actually don't remember anyone mentioning this, but if you have medium/long eyelashes, the optics tend to get covered with eye schmutz and grease every 10 minutes, requiring me to remove the unit from my head and wipe them down as the optics get blurry. My buddy Ryan had to back the thing all the way off his head because of his abnormally long eye lashes. Do they sell eye lash trimmers? Also, women wearing eye makeup will make your optics nasty, be ware.
  • Finding the sweet spot is crucial for having a properly focused/resolved image. It normally takes me a few seconds of wiggling to get it; otherwise, everything is out of focus, normally just in one eye. It still tends to be blurry around the outside, but it barely bothers me.
  • When getting the sweats from simulator sickness, the foam padding gets really moist. Ewww. I'm sure this thing is going to stink after a while.
  • I really only noticed motion blur in the tuscany demo, so maybe it is a software problem with that one demo? If I actually look for it, I can see it, but it doesn't seem nearly as pronounced as others have said. Maybe I got a good panel in mine?
  • The SDK really needs to provide developers a way to automatically detect a rift display via EDID or similar, and render to that screen, so I don't need to mess with resolution and monitor settings every time I want to play a game. Possibly, when the rift control panel that will store IPD, lens information, and other calibrations is released, have an option to automaticaly set a profile for your monitor to clone the rift display, and handle resolution changes and everything else automatically.
  • The display panel's GUI needs to be rifted so it shows up on both eyes

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:16 pm
by Jalaman
Very cool! I appreciate your notes on the screendoor and resolution - I've always expected I'll be in the camp that sees the "forest" instead of the "trees", so I've never really been worried about those two things.

The motion sickness I'm a little worried about, but I think I'm going to be fine. I think any queasiness I feel will probably simply be a result of overwhelming excitement.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:45 pm
by crespo80
about motion sickness: in my first Rift day, after having played some demos and having felt some unpleasant dizziness, I was almost scared to put the Rift on again! From the second day, just as everyone said, things started to go better, and I now feel slighty dizzy only when pushing too hard (like running too fast sideways) so I'm really enjoying my Half Life 2 experience, at the moment the only game I'm playing, so good 8-)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:50 pm
by hotspoons
Jalaman wrote:Very cool! I appreciate your notes on the screendoor and resolution - I've always expected I'll be in the camp that sees the "forest" instead of the "trees", so I've never really been worried about those two things.

The motion sickness I'm a little worried about, but I think I'm going to be fine. I think any queasiness I feel will probably simply be a result of overwhelming excitement.
I thought I would be fine too, as I've never had any problems in cars (I do amateur racing, which is supposedly the worst), boats, or planes, and only had simulator sickness on the mission to mars ride in Epcot, but mostly because you're spinning in a centerfuge and I pulled my eyes from the screen and looked to the side.

But I definitely have problems with the Rift, and I didn't think I would. Interestingly enough, on the Wikipedia article on motion sickness, one of the theories for why people get simulator/VR sickness is because your mind thinks its hallucinating and wants to expell the poison you ingested. But almost half of fighter pilots get ill in simulators, so I don't feel so bad. It seems to slowly be getting better.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:45 pm
by 3dvison
hotspoons wrote: [*]I have never been prone to motion sickness.
This is mostly playing through half life 2...I get hot rolling sweats...which again I've never experienced.
I just had to chime in on what you said above, because it sounds like I could have written it.
I also have never had a problem with motion sickness. And I have had no trouble with any demos I have tried so far.
But I found your post funny because the same thing was happening to me.. Half-Life-2 makes me sweat, when using the Rift...LOL.. This has not happened with anything else I have used on the Rift yet.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:00 pm
by hotspoons
3dvison wrote:
hotspoons wrote: [*]I have never been prone to motion sickness.
This is mostly playing through half life 2...I get hot rolling sweats...which again I've never experienced.
I just had to chime in on what you said above, because it sounds like I could have written it.
I also have never had a problem with motion sickness. And I have had no trouble with any demos I have tried so far.
But I found your post funny because the same thing was happening to me.. Half-Life-2 makes me sweat, when using the Rift...LOL.. This has not happened with anything else I have used on the Rift yet.
I'm also thinking its because I (continually) play it longer than any of the other demos I've played, but perhaps there is something with this particular game that makes me ill. Strangely enough, the air boat makes me really ill, I can only do 15 minutes at a time on that map, which I'm almost through. I'm going to recalibrate it and see if perhaps that has something to do with it, as I do notice more eye strain than with the unity demos which have default calibration.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:35 pm
by Valez
Don't forget to set your HL config read-only as soon as you have copied all the vr related stuff.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:54 pm
by hotspoons
Valez wrote:Don't forget to set your HL config read-only as soon as you have copied all the vr related stuff.
Somehow the ipd was different between the two config files. Setting it to the one from tf2 makes things really close make me go a little crosseyed, but I didn't get sick after playing for 45 minutes this time.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:36 am
by Runbmp
I'm been experiencing the same feelings as above. So far i'd have to say the Ocean Rift was absolutely amazing...

There's some spoilers... so I wont reveal to much. However you'll know when you see it. I recommend going straight into the download and not looking at the forum posts. ;-) ... =29&t=1374

I found out of all the demo's I've tried it has the best balance overall. Its slow pace, has many elements that shows off the sense of scale in VR. I highly recommend it!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:38 pm
by LNQ
Can the foam pad be removed easily? If yes and it gets sweat-stink on it, put it in a freezer for a day or so and it should be pristine again.

Pro tip: you can do this for clothes as well. Use a plastic bag.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:40 pm
by nateight
I highly doubt I'm going to say anything new with this, but here goes. I enjoy writing, so this will be looong; if you aren't starving for some fairly detailed scrutiny of the Rift, for once I won't be even slightly offended if you jump down to the TL;DR.

For reference, I'm 33, 6'4", ~165 lbs., no history of motion sickness (though I can't say I've ever even been on a boat), I've been a faster-the-better FPS player since such things existed, ~64mm IPD (self measurement said 65, TF2 app said 63; I may have to take another crack at it), and I'm nearsighted with a prescription of -3.0 diopters in both eyes (which makes me unable to read normal text at farther than a foot or so uncorrected, but my optometrist tells me I have nigh-superhuman "potential vision", and with the right lenses I really can see better than most eagles). Not counting the Battletech: Firestorm pods (which do count as a form of VR in my book, but definitely aren't in the HMD category), my only previous experience with VR was a Sony Glasstron PLM-A55, which got used a grand total of maybe two times and has been collecting dust for ~5 years (you want to see a screen door, oi). I've had my Rift for about a week now but have only had time to spend maybe three or four total hours with it, running through some demos the first two days and mostly playing TF2 and a little Minecraft yesterday.

My overall first impression of the Oculus Rift: This is definitely the start of something huge, but only the start.

Weight: Between bouts of squeeing, the first words out of my mouth when I first picked up the headset were, "Oh my God, it's a featherweight!" It looks like something that should weigh twice as much as it does, and the fact that they got the overall weight of the device down this low is really a testament to the Oculus engineering team. I haven't gone for any marathon sessions yet, but I don't expect to experience much neck strain even with prolonged use - my Rocketfish SRS headset weighs about as much as the Rift, and even with both on I forget I'm wearing them pretty quickly.

Smell: Why are people talking about this? There's a slight petrochemical odor as with all new electronics; when I bought a mic stand a month or two ago and had to leave it in the garage for a week to air out I was worried I had acquired a sensitivity to weird product smells, but the Rift isn't offputting at all. It's not exactly pleasant, but it's not anything like nauseating - I actually found myself deliberately enjoying "New Rift Smell" at one point, and if the Oculus Store sells an air freshener like this I'd be in for $5. :lol:

Initial setup: For reference, my primary gaming/development box is a Dell XPS 720 upgraded with an nVidia 660 Ti (great card for the money, IMO), 6GB of Corsair DDR2 XMS RAM (would be 8GB, but I had a stick go bad on me), and an SSD just barely big enough to hold Vista Home Premium x64 SP2 (yeah yeah, I'm trying to track down a cheap Win7 COA) with my games loading from a mechanical drive. It's a little pokey in the CPU department, but considering my friend essentially rescued it from the trash pile a year ago, it's handily exceeded all my expectations of what a desktop can be (the four monitors definitely help with that). Adding the Rift would've been a zero-installer, no-drivers-required cakewalk, except for the fact that I use a Levetron Mech4 keyboard, and its system tray app that enables the macro features totally conflicts with the Rift's head tracker. After 20 minutes of anguished searching, I found a cybereality post saying that some Logitech middleware can cause similar conflicts, and things work perfectly once I kill the keyboard app process. Most users will plug the thing in and it will work with zero fiddling - I'm just lucky I bought this keyboard more for the Cherry Blacks than the macro stuff!

Screen door / Resolution: I went for the Tuscany Hydra demo first, and upon getting the headtracking working, I definitely felt like I'd gotten a screen door wacked into my eyeballs. It's perhaps not as horrible as my Glasstron, but that's not saying much - you can easily discern every individual pixel you see, and it's clear that you aren't even seeing all that much of the screen. I started with contacts in, the A cups, and the housing as close to my face as possible for maximum FOV, and later switched to the C cups with the housing halfway out and no corrective lenses. The former was extremely clear, the latter slightly blurry but probably better than adding glasses to the mix, and in both cases the resolution of the Rift is its most glaring weakness. That said, it's just as easy to ignore as it is to focus on. Minecraft may be particularly susceptible to this problem because it's all hard edges and 16x16 textures, but anything more than a couple dozen meters away resolves to a jarring blob of pixels and knocks me out of the moment. Many of the demos and TF2 with lots of AA were better suited to the low resolution, but it's still something you can't think about or you're suddenly seeing pixels instead of images. I had a few moments in TF2 where I was somehow reminded of playing Diablo 1 on a tiny laptop screen - the art and style come through, the animation is fluid, and the cartooniness makes it very easy to see what the developers intended and be completely in the moment, but if anyone wants to nitpick, they might never see anything but the pixels. At this resolution, navigating an extremely familiar environment like 2fort or an old Minecraft world feels great, but when placed in a totally alien environment I'd spend a lot of time wondering what exactly the hell I was looking at. Put a 1080p panel in here and actually use a large majority of the screen's real estate and it really might fly as a consumer device that very few people will complain about; ~720p and the "wrong" size panel make this something hard to recommend even to serious VR enthusiasts, but it's entirely adequate for early game development.

Stereoscopic 3D effect: Sweet mercy, this is awesome! My total life experience with 3D imagery is being great at resolving Magic Eye pictures and seeing Avatar one time, and having a stereoscopic experience in the Rift almost entirely makes up for the low resolution. What was once an image on a screen becomes a place inside the Rift. I laughed like a madman the first time I reached out to touch a candlestick in Tuscany - I hadn't plugged my Hydra in yet! With virtual hands inside a virtual space, totally new and thoroughly compelling experiences are possible. Even if the effect is sometimes subtle, nothing can prepare a person who has never experienced 3D gaming. Minecraft is perhaps the best possible example on this one - that is how big a cubic meter is, that giant thing?! It feels like a completely different experience inside the Rift, and may even get me back into the game despite how stupefyingly boring it is to knock down a mountain with a shovel, even in glorious 3D.

Motion blur: The jury is still out on this one. In Tuscany Hydra (which AFAIK is based on Unity Tuscany, which others have similarly complained about), the blur associated with even slight head movements is terrible, it smears everything I see completely out of focus. Holding perfectly still, even turning with a Hydra thumbstick, everything looks fine. I believe Doc Ok's friend when he says there isn't blur being deliberately injected into this demo, but I'm hopeful that whatever is going on here is a software limitation (geekmaster's suggestion about rethinking the rendering chain will hopefully be fruitful). The blur was a dealbreaker in Tuscany Hydra, but I never noticed anything so bad in any of the other demos I tried (and I worked may way through a good portion of the Rift List). If blur like I experienced in Tuscany Hydra crops up in many more games and can't be excised, the Rift is probably dead as a consumer device, but considering I only even noticed it in that one instance, I'm hopeful this won't be a major stumbling block. The issue definitely deserves more scrutiny, though.

Headtracking and control: The Hydra is great, maybe even "necessary", and Oculus's 1000Hz baby really is what VR was searching for all these years; maybe things would be different if I tried some headbanging, but I never really felt any lag in my view changing, it "just works". That said, something that may be drift did interfere with a couple games, primarily Museum of the Microstar. I never experienced any of the horrendous lag some people have reported there (upgrade your computers!), but for much of my walk around the museum, W sent me almost 45º to my left. It was weird, possibly correctable, and probably contributed to my slight nausea, but it didn't stop me from clicking on all the signs. I wanted to dismiss this as an artifact of MotM, but in an hour or two of TF2 using mostly non-keyhole vr_moveaim_mode 5, I occasionally felt like "forward" wasn't quite forward, but everything was fine again upon respawn. Perhaps I'm just not used to all these additional layers of control and we can chalk this up as an instance of PEBCAK, and even if it was tracking drift, I doubt any of the stuff I tried is yet correcting drift with the Rift's magnetometer. I played Proton Pulse for ~20 minutes, loving every second despite needing to stretch off to the left more than was sometimes comfortable, and when I took the Rift off I was shocked I had swiveled almost 180º from where I started! I expect this will be a solved problem once developers integrate the recent SDK additions into their code. I found I missed translational tracking far less than I expected - I never once made a "forbidden" movement despite doing lots of looking around my environments - but it's clear the experience would be that much richer with it. There is clearly a ton of work yet to be done in the field of VR control, and while it may be annoying to some that we don't have ideal control schemes just yet, as a hobbyist hardware hacker it's kind of thrilling to be part of that search.

Nausea: Going into Tuscany Hydra, I thought I'd be one of those "freaks" who never experiences any amount of discomfort, the prize at the end of a lifetime of "training" myself in FPS games (yes..."training"). I never reached for my vomit bucket, but I did feel a little "weird" those first couple of days. It's not quite like nausea for me, a minor knotting of the stomach but nothing bordering on barftown, not a headache, but a totally unfamiliar and ever-so-slight tickling going on in my brain. The talk of "rewiring" is apt, I think - I told my brain to expect some strange stuff going on, and after less than an hour of demos, it said, "Dude, what are you doing to me? I think it's time for a break now." Going back for over an hour of TF2 days later was easier, though - perhaps it was the lack of contacts, proper IPD correction, or just some junk food I ate that first day, but I felt like I could do a full 3-hour session of TF2. I stopped only because I don't have time for gaming, only "testing"; I'm still hopeful I truly am one of those vestibular freaks. If that's true, though, I still felt something, and that's not a great sign for mainstream adoption. We'll see what happens with the addition of positional tracking; I think we can reach a point where a majority of gamers don't have any problem adapting to VR, but I still think a sizable (and probably very loud) minority will be scared off by their initial experiences.

Ergonomics: I have a Roman nose ("it's roamin' all over my face!") and what is colloquially referred to as a "giant melon head", and while I may represent an outlier in these categories, from my (semi-gigantic) perspective, the Rift could use some improvements in the comfort department. The "max FOV" configuration of contacts in, A cups, housing in is effectively unusable for me - less than an hour of this left a series of marks on the bridge of my nose that didn't disappear until the next day, and the Rift pressed into my eyebrows in a fairly uncomfortable fashion. C cups, no contacts, housing slightly out, and headband adjusted to keep the Rift away from my nose left it mostly unmarked, but still hurt my eyebrows a little; a slightly larger strap would probably help me, because there's nothing I can do to keep the Rift from feeling too tight on my head. I also worry about all kinds of gunk building up all over the Rift - even when it's not digging into my nose, the Rift can still end up touching the end of it, the air vents perhaps curtail sweating (and without being very distracting in a well-lit room) but that will probably change, and even with one of my bamboo-fabric Rift bandanas (on sale soon!), all kinds of junk gets on the lenses. Some of this is unavoidable, but a redesigned interior suitable for use with Neanderthal eyebrows and some kind of washable or disposable face gasket would be very welcome.

Integrating a Rift into a complex PC rig: Those able to operate the Rift in some kind of mirrored display mode have it easy; those of us who already use all our video outputs are in for some trouble. I added a cheapo unpowered DVI switch to my rig, but it only solves the cable juggling problem. I apparently have to reboot if I want to switch from using my 720p LCD TV "monitor" to using my Rift, and when I do, the nVidia control panel and Windows totally forget I ever had this stuff set up the way I like it. This is perhaps less Oculus's fault and more nVidia's, but I hope Oculus is leaning on them to provide a less annoying eventual solution than rejiggering everything three times a day. If the consumer Rift is a 1080p device and can be made to work with a DVI or HDMI splitter, that may be acceptable; splitting a 1280x800 signal is currently useless because they simply don't make non-tablet monitors of that resolution. I'd really like to see the control box turn into a splitter/switch for later revisions, something you plug an out from a video card into along with the input for one of your monitors, and magical chips inside turn the control box into a pass-thru when you want to use that monitor, no rebooting and no resolution shuffling necessary.

TL;DR: The Rift, for all its individual parts shaped by slow evolution, really could be the start of this VR revolution we've been waiting for. It's got some significant technical problems, and while Oculus is keenly aware of all of them, some of those problems simply won't get fully fixed in the near term. For me, the biggest problem of all is one I didn't even mention yet: There's hardly anything to do with the Rift once you have one! Most demos I've seen are things I'm thrilled to have spent 10 minutes with but not anything I'd want to load up again; Proton Pulse may be the one and only "game" available that was built for the Rift, and even that had its roots in a 2D monitor. Shoehorning things like Skyrim and even HL2 into VR sounds good on paper but ultimately presents a great many challenges for too few rewards. The hardware isn't perfect, but it is here, in our hands, doing exactly what it says on the tin. What the Rift needs most isn't minor hardware upgrades, what it needs most is software built for, around, and in VR.

The thing the Rift is most lacking is US.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:49 pm
by RoTaToR
nateight wrote:I enjoy writing, so this will be looong
YES! :lol: TL;DR ... i only need to get something to drink and eat... come back later... ;)

First i was afraid by the "Wall of text". Nice Impression & Summary! You nailed it with the lack of software/games. There is a lot to do.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:57 pm
by Mystify
I was surprised by how well my computer handles the cable swapping. My normal setup is 2 identical monitors in extended mode at their native resolution. When I unplug one and plug in the rift, it now switches to the the rift's resolution and puts it in duplicate mode. When I swap the coords back, it returns to extending in native resolution. I don't know how I managed to get it to do this, but it is great and works exactly as I want it to.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:13 pm
by Caine
Great write up, thanks :)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:26 am
by Evenios
nice long write up sir! and you provided one bit of infomation i would never think about the issue with a keyboard with macro software. I have a logitech G110 keyboard so we will see. good to know though if i end up having headtracking issues just close out that program.

I am not too worried about the resolution it may not be perfect but to me i think as long as it has full color 3d (not the stupid red + blue glasses) and nice head tracking and wide feild of view it will be cool and who knows hopefully a newer version with a better screen will come before the end of the year that would be nice!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:55 pm
by DeeKej
The department's Rifts haven't shown up yet (still a few weeks out probably), but today a underclassman of mine came by our ongoing LAN with his Rift.

..this thing really is the future.

I could do a long write-up, but it's the middle of E3, and as a game dev student I don't want to miss too much of the discussions going on. :mrgreen:

Basically, some 15 people got to try it today, all trying different demo's. Riftcoaster, Alone in the Rift and the Tuscany demo (with Hydra) was the favourites. Mixed reactions, but a whispering "..awesome" from each person trying it. The only negative feedback was on the display (resolution, not enough update frequency) and some on the lack of positional tracking. We do however have a few new purchases of Rift's being placed tonight. :)

I did however get the time to test some more demos (since I'm kind of the one the most excited about the Rift here), and tried out the Tuscany demo, Alone in the Rift, Riftcoaster, and Titans of Space.

I personally quickly forgot about the screendoor effect. The resolution didn't bother me at all after just a few minutes, and had a great time in the Rift. I really wish I had the money to buy one for myself, but the promise of me borrowing one of the departments Rift's over the summer makes it a little easier to not have a private one.

Again, we're all excited after today (though some, including me, a bit nauseated :P ), and convinced that this is the future. Looking forward to making and playing great games on it from now on.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:51 pm
by rrrobot!
edit: woops, wrong thread.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:26 pm
by Caine
Just got my rift this morning, and all I can say is it wildly exceeded my expectations. Nothing else I can really say that hasn't been said a bunch of times already. For those who are still waiting, have faith - when it arrives it will be worth every bit of the wait.

Can definitely see this taking over :)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:56 pm
by PasticheDonkey
so first impressions are that i think because of my brow, eye lashes and cheek bones i'm not getting the best FOV; i can see the circle of the rifts lens edges very easily. resolution is getting up close to an old 480i tv bad; you can see the red; green and blue elements of each pixel. lack of motion blur on most demos seems to make a weird jittery world. lightness and head tracking is brilliant; i find myself being natural in head movement. could do with saturation controls. the rift coaster drop looks damn vertical. there was dirt on the screen but removing the eye cup was easy and the provided cloth did the job of cleaning it. blue marble is so beautiful it made the res really stand out as a bad thing. seeing that in the future will be amazing. i think i started breathing like i really was wearing a space helmet.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:14 am
by Leahy
Not sure I have very much new to add to all that has been said so far but some thoughts,

First off plugged my Rift in it detected the screen immediately, I tried the tuscany demo and "HOLY CRAP!" I've been addicted to reading comments about this since last April and no amount of words can really describe the experience sufficiently. I normally use a left hand gamepad for gaming but was too impatient to plug it in and map the inputs so searching for keyboard blind then the keys was oddly more difficult than I had imagined. Even searching for the the mouse was a bit much
It's 40 Celcius here so as soon as I put the Rift on my forehead I need to take up the Oculus cloth they provided to clean the lens. It's as essential as the cords in my case. That said I walk out on the porch and look around particularly at the ocean and at that point my fan turned back my way and it really felt like I was feeling a cool breeze off of the ocean.

Next Museum of the Microstar, I see the little red globs floating right in front of me and proceed to walk out of the room then right off the edge falling and am transported back. I walked around a bit then noting that to read the text on their signs I had to stand still a moment at let it focus. Maybe it's just me and my familiarity of altered perceptions from my college days but once I start moving around I didn't seem so much to interpret the screen door and motion blur as faults of the Rift but rather that I just seem to be in a simulation where I have poorer vision.

The screen door is very well named, if you want to know what it's like it's exactly like if you look outside through a screen, if you focus on looking at the screen you certainly see it but once you stop looking for it and focus on what's beyond the screen you stop seeing it. That said I'd call the Rift's resolution good enough and can imagine 1080p to be just fine and anything more is going to quite demanding for most peoples graphics cards for the time being.

Next I have a collection of 3D films and didn't get vrcinema to work right away so I tried out VRplayer. (I needed to change my folder options to show extensions in order to properly rename the movie file to .avi.) What I tried in VRPlayer was an IMAX 3D and DAMN IT'S AWESOME!!! It's a bit weird when you look at the very bottom or top but those fish are really close! Then I tried the Hobbit and skipped ahead a bit, what I saw was a close up of Gandalf's wrinkled face and then a dwarf's ugly nose occupying the majority of my FOV so I tried it in VRCinema and it looked much better. I only wish I could levitate so I could get just a little closer and avoid the well simulated craning your neck to see the screen at an angle from the front rows.

I tried the rollercoasters and tried the Parrot coaster first, this was the only instance I had with VR sickness, mostly just a slight queasy feeling and sensation of anticipation before the turns that is quite similar to what I would feel in reality. The original coaster was just simply fun without any sort of dizzyness.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:09 am
by zoost
Mine arrived yesterday. I'm in the Netherlands (the delivery guy told me he delivered a lot that day). First I had a lot of troubles to connect mine to my laptop. I use HDMI out and have a windows 8 laptop with 2 graphics cards. One integrated intel board and a Nvidia GT650. It was impossible to get them mirrored. A real pain, because i have to switch between panels all the time. It took me some time to realize that there is no solution to this problem. If anybody knows how to deal with this, i'm more than happy if you let me know.

The rift itself. What I noticed the first time is the FOV. the Tuscany demo was incredible. the feeling you are inside the room is fantastic. I especially liked the candles hanging from the roof. the 3d is great. very natural. Tracking device works perfect. But most of all it is the large FOV and the sense of scale that impress me the most. I had to show my wife and kids. They all were impressed. (o, wow). My youngest (6) stood up and wanted to walk towards the garden. Great!

The screen door is present but not very annoying. Although in combination with the low resolution it is annoying. Altogether very promising, as a proof of concept it is a success, although I wonder if you can really play games with it in this state.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:13 am
by Valez
zoost wrote:[...] I wonder if you can really play games with it in this state.
Of course you can. HL2 and Doom3 in VR were by far the best gaming experiences I ever had.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:10 pm
by Rickardo69
What can i say that has'nt allready been said before . NOTHING i guess but lets say it anyay

Res very low like promised , Screen door very noticeable, These two factors are very easily and quickly forgotten and forgiven when strapped in for a few mins.
Motion blur is the killer for me because without it it would be so much better and really wish there was something we could do about it.

That said even with the negative's it really is such an immersive experience like nothing ive experienced before.
If the consumer version irons out these problems which it should then the rift is going to be a truely amazing product.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:26 pm
by spire8989
Rickardo69 wrote: Motion blur is the killer for me because without it it would be so much better and really wish there was something we could do about it.
This is what I'm worried about, but I knew I was ordering a dev kit. There's a quote from the recent MTBS3D editorial article about the HD rift though:
We asked Kris if he noticed any motion blur similar to the first SDK, and he couldn't give an answer on it. He wasn't looking for it, so it's probably a good sign that it wasn't an obvious artifact!
So that's got to be a good sign if he didn't notice the motion blur somehow, right?

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by mr.uu
Just had 4h+ tried the Rift.

Did connect via HDMI, cloned FHD primary monitor onto the Rift. Played with 4xAA on HD6950, all fluent.

Screendoor and low resolution was very noticeable. Did hope for my brain will somehow forget about it, but did not happen. Anoyed me the most.
Motion Blur was noticeable but no big issue for me.
Tried vrcinema with many 3D movies. Workes best with animated movies (e.g. Puss in Boots). Can imagine to be outstanding with (much) higher resolution display. Probably more than FHD needed.
Also tried Cartoon-world (great experience for my friends and kid), did want to grab that flowers... Resolution dimishes a little if you go really close to the objects.
Then First law. Oh this cockpit! Awsome! You really think you are in there. Tried to roll around some asteroids because some of you said it was a neat experience to do so, but for me the texture was up close not good enough...
Then many other (10+) rift demos.
Night Demo is awsome because the two anime girls look (very close up) so 3D! Amazing. Almost couldn't get my eyes off the one who is constantly moving her body...
Museum of the microstar was my last one. After getting flashed about the texture and 3d-quality (awsome, that piece of wood and that piece of coal, etc!), i was feeling a littly dizzy in my stomach (finally...). Probably was the framerate (all goodies cranked up) and/or me moving alot around the museum...
Yes, almost forgot about Qbeh! What a great experience! Nice setting and visuals (textures) beside great gameplay. Was the first one which grabed me for almost an hour and i was always thinking: what would it be like with a 4 or 8k display? WOW! (Also valid for vrcinema)

Tried also a lot of vireio games. But was to lazy to configure, which is very necessary for a decent experience. Saw nowhere 3d depht. Will try HL and many more tomorrow.

Oculus needs definately to get the DK2 out ASAP! The DK1 is to unfinished for developing, imho. Just a nice gizmo, far to many restrictions (most anoying: resolution - at least for me)

But still with FHD panel not good enough for beeing the killer hardware everybody waiting for. The goggles-view was VERY pronounced despite using A-Cups and screen at closest position possible, leaving marks at my nose and eye-holes, not comfy...

Will try with Hydra tomorrow, but not seeing positional tracking as oh sooo important. Just give me an 4-8k panel and bigger, better lenses and it will sell like bread.

Yes, the cromic aboration color shifting is also very visible if you look a little out from center. Demos with correction (Titans of space) were MUCH prettier!

So, cu tomorrow!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:56 am
by torc
My rift review after a whole day spent on it:


No nausea at all just a little strange sensation the first 5 minutes.

What Rift needs for the consumer version:

Positional tracking and 1080p panel.

That is all.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:47 pm
by wileythecoyote
Ok. I've had it for a few days now.

First thing that came to mind when I put it on and fired up tuscany followed by hl2 was: "OMG this resolution suuuucks!"
Yep! The resolution and screendoor effect are really bad. I wasn't expecting much, but it was quite much worse than I anticipated.
It's like playing tomb raider on ps1 with your nose stuck against your telly in the late 90's :D
Now the next thing that I'm waiting like a little child for christmas, are those sharp igzo 7" 1200p panels to emerge.

The tracking latency was a bit more than I expected as well. There's slight muddiness when you turn your head - it's kinda like your character was under water...

The unit was actually quite comfortable to wear despite it's weight and dimensions.

BUT, despite of the devkits shortcomings, gaming on the rift has been THE most mindblowing experience since 3d graphics!
It's amazing to actually feel like you are in the gameworld. First try at hl2 I just stod still and watched those camera drones fly by. I didn't even feel like annoying the combine guards (at first - of course I threw a can at one and run like hell later) 'cos I was truly intimidated by them.
It's wondrous to sense the scale of things, feel vertigo and be much much more aware of your surroundings than ever before in a game (and this coming from a guy who has eyefinity and headtracking setup).

A few words of warning for those testing their rift for the first time:

Make shure you have your IPD calibrated! I played tuscany for 20 minutes with wrong IPD and as a result I couldn't converge in the real world for half an hour!

Keep breaks and take it of as soon as you start feeling weird and even if you don't, I recommend taking at least 15 minute break each hour at first.
I played for too long (2 hours straight) and I ended up feeling strange for the rest of the day. I guess it has something to do your brain learning to interpet this inadequate sensory data it is receiving and having difficulties integrating it to real world sensory input later.

For a final product I'd wish for:
Lots and lots more resolution - something like 3100x1500.
Adjustment for the lenses - focal length and IPD and I'd wish the rift would sense your mechanical settings and relay them to the software.
Less weight and size so we can lose the over the head strap and make the other one slimmer
Positional tracking.
Higher refresh rate.
Slightly less laggy tracking.
Mechanism that allows you to just flip up the lens and screen assembly so it's easier to view the real reality. It could be just a spring loaded hatch and a couple of magnets holding it down...
Usb powered control box. (think usb should be quite enough to power the tracker and the screen)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:25 am
by PasticheDonkey
wileythecoyote wrote: For a final product I'd wish for:
Lots and lots more resolution - something like 3100x1500.
Adjustment for the lenses - focal length and IPD and I'd wish the rift would sense your mechanical settings and relay them to the software.
Less weight and size so we can lose the over the head strap and make the other one slimmer
Positional tracking.
Higher refresh rate.
Slightly less laggy tracking.
Mechanism that allows you to just flip up the lens and screen assembly so it's easier to view the real reality. It could be just a spring loaded hatch and a couple of magnets holding it down...
Usb powered control box. (think usb should be quite enough to power the tracker and the screen)
i totally agree with you on mechanical IPD adjustment . i have high IPD and you just don't get the right effect when you're outside the exit pupil of the lenses. makes the FOV really narrow and the overlap too great. needs a system like binoculars have. i'm currently trying to think of the simplest working modification i could make that would still work with the software as is.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:00 pm
by Falan
Well we got back from Rezzed about 3 hours ago and wanted to share my experience with the oculus rift for the first time even if I don’t own one yet. This will be a long protracted post possibly with nothing at all new to add so it probably isn't worth reading by anyone - there's the disclaimer! =D

Ok so about a week ago V8Griff posted on the demo a rift post saying that he would be attending the Rezzed gaming convention in Birmingham with Ether One who has been using his own rift to integrate with their game. I thought this would be a fantastic opportunity so booked me and the wife some tickets and started counting down the days. I can’t ever remember having so much anticipation about something, not even Christmas as a kid, well possibly but it’s so long since I felt this way it’s hard to remember being 37 now. Last night was the worst; I went to bed around 10 wanting to get up early for the 3 hour drive or so down to Birmingham in the morning not wanting to be too late and to arrive at the venue around 11am. I kept having dreams last night about the rift it was really weird, my subconscious was going nuts I think, anyway I didn't get much sleep and neither did the wife she was keen to point out several times on the long drive the following day lol

It was touch and go whether we went at all, I nearly cancelled it. The reason was because for me this is probably the last big thing, that last big hit that once it’s over, it’s over. I have always loved gaming since I grew up starting with my little vic 20, since then I have devoured every new technology around gaming that I could afford. This was always going to be 'the end of the line' though for me, I can’t see anything ever topping VR or AR so really after I experience this what is left to look forward to? I know nothing is ever so great a feeling as expectation; it’s always the same isn't it as soon as whatever you want arrives there's always a slight sense of loss. I wanted to just keep that feeling I guess as I have been following the rift so closely for so long I almost didn't want to ruin that feeling of great expectations, what if it’s just, well, crap.

My own attempts at any kind of virtual reality stop at sitting in the virtual woods in The Hunter, the 32inch monitor pulled so close in an attempt to get as close as possible, my TrackIR set to 1:1 tracking so that slight head movements try to accurately mimic real life movements, the room blacked out and noise cancelling heavy headphones. It’s not great but it’s as close as I can get with the room and budget I have. It’s actually quite good sometimes I get fleeting moments when you could say I feel immersed.

Ok anyway back to the big day, we get down to the NEC arena to where Rezzed is taking place with only 45 mins delay due to an accident. After a trip to the loo which was more anticipated than a go on the rift at that point we wondered around looking for the biggest queue – which it was naturally any game there showing off a rift had huge interest. The Ether One queue took about 2 hours 30 minutes with each person getting a timed 4 minutes each. We stood around chatting and eventually I was next to the last guy, I was a little put off by the reactions, people sort of coming out rubbing their eyes saying ‘yeah it was good, im dizzy’ but no jumping high fives. Anyway I watched the last kid in front’s timer run to 4 minutes then he was taking it off and I was sitting down on the little black stool.
I had spoken to one of the Ether One team in the queue and so I knew who V8Griff was but I didn’t introduce myself yet even as he helped me on with the headset, I didn’t want any distractions. No real adjustment it was a little loose perhaps but just get the damn thing on me and punch it in! lol

Ok the first thing I noticed was the black screen, lots of lines, not irritating just there quite visible, waiting like me for something to happen. I still couldn’t have any greater anticipation at this point, I was so up for this moment. There was some text on the screen I think I didn’t read it, I could see the borders quite big around the outside, I felt a pang of disappointment? Maybe I’m not sure suddenly the black just disappeared, melted away and I was sitting on a chair in a large room. F**k I’m there, I’m inside the room, I look around taking it all in, holy sh*t it’s all true what they say, you’re really there I’m sitting in a room completely alone, I can hear voices in the real world but they are disembodied now around me. I turned around 180 and can hear laughs, afterwards my wife said someone said ‘we’ve lost him’. I couldn’t believe the tracking on this thing, it was like a divers mask, not terrible in any way and not really obstructive but it perhaps wasn’t adjusted fully, I have long eyelashes but didn’t feel them touching anything the whole time.

The immersion was immediate, and total. Screendoor? I have no idea how high people’s expectations were but mine were extremely low regarding graphic quality but this was sh*t hot, ok not great but certainly not like ‘oh my god I can’t make out sh*t’ It was there but it didn’t matter, and every second I looked about it mattered less and less. Anyway back to that chair, I looked down and I had no legs, that was never something I thought that would have bothered me, but it did, it did now I was not just watching on a flat screen but now I was inside someone else looking about. You have no idea how frigging creepy that feeling is by the way. It’s like you really are inside someone else, it reminds me of a very old game called ‘Captive’ where you remotely control 4 droids on a laptop which you use to break your real body out of prison. I guess I always wondered how that would feel being detached, well that’s it, that’s exactly how it must have felt.

The room suddenly gets smaller, panels float down and make an orb around you. Oh yeah! The 3d…it’s not like ‘pop’ its 3D!!! It’s just like ‘oh yeah I’m actually there and its 3D in reality, not popping out at you but just like sh*t the ceilings falling in!’ Now the frigging orb is filling with water, I almost feel like getting up out of the seat to avoid drowning, some woman who’s talking through the whole demo on a screen in that room starts telling me not to panic, I’m not panicking, I’m not listening either though. In reality I’m licking my lips and gasping as I look around and muttering I found out later lol

Now I’m in a woodland area, the controller an xbox one is handed to me from somewhere back in the real world and I get chance to walk about. Left is move and right is turn I think. I’m dizzy after a few seconds, not unpleasant but something deep in my brain is being triggered. All those years of twitch gaming don’t mean poop, right now my brain is thinking I’m in another world and I’m moving but I’m not moving so something wrong. The graphics lag quite a bit as I turn, I’m not sure if it was lag or blur but the screen needs to settle. I can’t see this being a great experience yet for FPS games that are fast paced. That’s fine though, that’s just fine it’s in the post, just give it time. I stop under a tree and really appreciate how high it is, I wonder over to the fence and gaze out over the sea, I appreciate the low resolution now the view is lighter but it doesn’t bother me. I carry on walking down stairs; the stairs feel strange gliding down them, again dizziness and I’m guessing sickness after prolonged use. I spazzed out or something with the pad and ran towards the ledge rather than walk and was annoyed at the slight lurch in my stomach as I felt the height was real. I gazed down through the slatted wood bridge below me and at the water cascading down the mountain. F**k this is real it’s really here, then it wasn’t as I was pulled back out into a noisy conference centre, 4 minutes is up.

I think the first words I said to V8Griff was ‘ wow that was f**king amazing’ which I should apologise for really, I couldn’t believe it. All this waiting and anticipation and its right there for the taking, I think I’m still holding out for the second dev kit if it ever arrives. I know people who have rifts might not recognise any of the pure delight I witnessed today and be hung up on the graphical issues but for me it’s all about the immersion and it is just a pure delight. My wife just said ‘yeah it’s alright’ after it so go figure lol I should have pushed her off the stool for some real immersion! She really enjoyed it though but wants me to wait for the next version I think.

There were more rifts on display there, I think 2 showing the underwater submarine one and another with the operation + hydras but we had had enough, with queue times of over 2 hours for another 5 mins we headed back up the m6. It had been in all about 10 hours, 350 miles for 4 mins each. I would have queued all day for that experience.

The Ether One team were excellent, giving out free promotion items and trying to keep everyone upbeat waiting. They were patient and the first look at Ether One was amazing. The first 2 minutes you’re stuck in a chair was perfect for adjustment into the rift and their game looks amazing. I did get a stab of pride walking away when I overheard a press guy trying to jump the queue, ‘no these guys have been waiting for over 2 hours you’ll have to queue up too or wait till after 6’ Nice decent bunch and can’t wait to see the full game. V8Griff you’re a star for letting them use your rift mate well done and it was great meeting you, you must have been standing there all weekend but still enthusiastic with us cheers :)

Guys the rift is incredible, for me it’s everything I hoped for and it’s only going to get better, it’s got its limitations but it’s a fantastic glimpse at what’s to come, as first impressions go I was blown away!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:08 pm
by cybereality
Awesome! Great review!

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:11 pm
by Tirregius
Falan wrote:Well we got back from Rezzed about 3 hours ago and wanted to share my experience with the oculus rift for the first time even if I don’t own one yet. This will be a long protracted post possibly with nothing at all new to add so it probably isn't worth reading by anyone - there's the disclaimer! =D
Ignore the disclaimer!

Good read, Falan. It's been a long wait. Once in a while my anticipation is reignited. Thanks for that.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:02 am
by Visual Knight
Didn't get my rift yet... HOWEVER - My coworker let me barrow his, and I can say is - at 1280x800 with it fully going around your eyes- THIS IS BETTER THAN WHAT WAS OUT. Compared to the screen now-a-days think of placing your face in front of a PSP- thats the resolution of the Oculus Rift Dev Kit---- Developing 3D objects and textures for this is going to be awesome and I can't wait until my 2 rifts come in! Screen doesn't bother me- I'm impressed with the tracker and it gives me allot of idea's.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:05 am
by V8Griff
Falan wrote:LOTS!!! :D
Wow what a review, thank you so much for that and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'd have happily adjusted the Rift for you if you felt it wasn't quite right as obviously it's difficult for us to know if it's feeling right, but it sounds like you thought it was worth it anyway.

You did indeed make the most of your time in there and you really did take advantage of the 3D world, I think the photos your wife took must show you looking everywhere. :D

I didn't realise just how long everyone had to wait but the queue was that long both days, all day, so much so that we realised we'd have to limit the queue once we were approaching closing time so that we didn't have guys waiting for a hour or so only to be told it was too late. (That was a bit of experience from my Virtuality days) It was an intense two days with both being 8 hours and you just have to get on with it but it is hard on the legs, another insight into the amazing time the Oculus guys have been experiencing at shows.

The great thing about watching VR though is each session is different as it's up the player as to how they interact, whether it be just mostly staring ahead as they do in normal play (Flat Screen Syndrome I call it ;) ) or as Falan did, looking around and really taking advantage of 'being there'.

Overall the impressions that we got from everyone was positive, we had one ortwo people feeling a little queasy but that seemed to pass very quickly and the majority like Falan just got in there and 'went for it' :lol: I'm intending to use a VR sytem as a marketing & promotional tool so it was great to see the interest it generated is still as intense as it was back in the '90s.

A great example was when I spoke to some guys very early in the day (about the 6th players of the day) and I said 'You must have started queueing the minute you walked in the show, did you know what you were queueing for?' and they just said 'No, we saw the queue and joined it 'cos we thought it's got be for something good if there's a queue already' :lol:

So thanks again to everyone and especially Falan for his great insight to his day and I'm glad you felt your trip was worth it. You definitely deserve the 'Most committed to try a Rift award' :D

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:01 pm
by Evenios
Got mine today (from an ebay order though) US. First impressons were...after i got it set up right...was pretty awesome and cool in the tuscany demo headtracking worked well, didnt see any ghosting /blur. 3d is good but as some others said kinda like its not that in your face.. it works but its not overly "noticiable?" in a weird way? The thing is though the biggest flaw and i think a bit dissipointment is the screen is bad. Its not just a few people who just like to complain. it technically says its like 1280 by 800 but it really should not be classifed as HD at all. Im glad i got it ..not so sure i am glad i got it from ebay but heck truth is better now then to wait a month or more only to find out the screen isnt the best anyways.. but def gonna get the next version whenever they update the screen for sure.

Right now i say for those who are a hardcore gamer and what do not get the dev kit. You will most likley be let down ....if your a dev then you may like it and get use out of it. but quite honestly i think a new screen is definatly needed. The two things i like for it so far is i liked the tuscany demo and the minecraft mod ....both arnt perfect but ive enjoyed running around in minecraft in the Rift.. the scale of some of the larger buildings people have made are pretty cool and the in game settings with the mod is pretty nice.

I like skyrim as well though the tracking seems a little off in it rotates a tad much when you move.. and you cant use the gamepad with headtracking for now with skyrim.

hopefully VorpX will improve that.

overall you do get a wow impression the first time you try it but i think honestly after that you do start to see some of the issues. but i will say i dont get any headaches and i have not gotten any motion sickness. though a tiney bit dizzy a few times slightly (it seems to me you can feel a little dizzy actually if you have a game/.demo that has no motion tracking at all) overall though i say the Rift is great for devs out there now and those who just cant wait to see the future of VR. for the rest however its best to wait for dev kit 2.0 or the consumer version i think they will be a overall better experence.

also i find that the weight of the unit could be toned down even more. it feels a little unconfertable on the face but if they use a smaller screen as it looks like the HD prototype does maybe that will help

def an interesting experence thats for sure i think it has good and bad points but overall does show promise. but quite honestly the dev kit at least is a tad overhyped is great but it needs just a tad more work before it becomes "the best thing since sliced bread" :-)

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:06 am
by Nedo
Thx Evenios for the write, but honestly i prefer Falan's first impresssions! ;-D

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:43 am
by Arni1984
Hi Rifters! Say ... Has anybody of you are having problems with focus, due to the lack of adjusting the distance between the lenses? I mean - adjustment of the distance between the eye in RIFT.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:37 pm
by Rickardo69
Evenios wrote:Got mine today (from an ebay order though) US. First impressons were...after i got it set up right...was pretty awesome and cool in the tuscany demo headtracking worked well, didnt see any ghosting /blur.
Everybody who's tried the Rift experiences the low res and the screen door affect but the motion blur isnt experienced my all , Why is this do you think and is there something that can be done to eliminate or improve it ?

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:04 pm
by Runbmp
Falan, you mention you were handed a xbox one controller... so I'm guessing its going to be compatible with PC then... much like the xbox 360 wireless remote...

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:41 am
by Falan
I just thought I would add a bit more about the actual viewable area for those that haven't had chance to try the rift yet because I for one was quite confused about what to expect with the concave lens'.

When you put the rift on you don't experience the flat screen in front of you like you normally get with monitors. When I play The Hunter on a 32inch screen I move the screen around using TrackIR but at times I only move the screen a small fraction and then use my eyes to search around the entire view. I had impressions on doing the same in the rift but it just doesn't work like that.

The area in the rift you can actually see clearly is quite small and if you keep your head still and try to focus around the edges in the periphery it’s too blurred to make out any details. This sounds horrendous but in reality it just feels 100% normal and due to the 1:1 perfect tracking your head compensates. I actually think your brain is helping to make the experience even better without you realising, like a duck swimming smooth on the surface but kicking like mad under water.

Imagine holding your eyes locked in your head and only being able to move your head to move your eyes, it’s kind of like that only it’s not as awkward in the rift because your brain accepts the limitations and compensates automatically I guess. It’s so natural in fact I only realised when I forced myself to look sideways having read about it in a previous review, after that I forgot all about it again.

The 'sweet spot' is pretty forgiving as far as I could tell, the rift was not firmly held tight to my head but I didn't notice any focus issues, you just wiggle it round and it’s in focus fast at the start and that's it. I’ve heard with Sony’s HMD you need to tweak the thing for hours and a slight mm out and it’s off, the rift appears to lie at the opposite end of the scale then.

As a note to people’s different views on the graphical side to the rift I feel there’s two camps, one more focused on image quality underlining their overall experience and the other camp with immersion being the priority. I lean quite heavily towards the immersion which is why my initial experience was so mind blowing for me. I can play games with poor graphics though, even now, so long as gameplay is good so maybe it’s just down to personality. I can appreciate anyone in the first camp just thinking the rift is just awful at the moment which is why you get these conflicting impressions.

I do want excellent graphics don’t get me wrong but I know that will just happen as a matter of course, it’s inevitable as Agent Smith would say. I was terrified that the Oculus Rift would fail to deliver on immersion, that it would just feel like I was moving my head around with a monitor stuck to it, but it’s not like that at all. What I experienced was total immersion like I was really peering out through the eyes of some droid in the future, albeit one with slightly s**t eyeballs and running on old software  When I close my eyes I can jump back to that room it was such a great feeling.

I actually feel honoured to have had such a great first experience with the rift though which I doubt many people who are really looking forward to trying it will get. What should have happened is I should not have told the wife about the rift (who banned me from ordering one in April due to a previous spending spree of mine) and pre-ordered, it should have arrived sometime soon. I would have been extremely excited unwrapping it full of all those expectations I wrote about. Then I would have spent the next 3 hours trying to get the damn thing to work getting hotter and hotter. The also inevitable punch-up with the long suffering wife who will try her best to get it working before finally getting it running on a laggy cr*p computer swearing and frustrated, get motion sick and only see the flaws because I’m now so p*ssed and irritable nothing short of Dev kit 7 could make me happy before balling it up and hurling it all out of the window lol

Instead I had V8Griff with all his years of experience with VR making sure everyone at the show had the best experience possible with the Ether One team demoing their fantastic new game in what was a very short but very sweet near perfect first time. Maybe that helped contribute to a positive first impression with the rift as much as anything I didn’t think about that till now.

I think the motion blur is made worse by different machines running it and other settings, it will be there for years to come to some extent as people like Geekmaster have gone to great lengths to explain but I believe people experience it to a different degree due to the variables.

Re: First Impressions From Rift Owners

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:34 pm
by Trabbi
Falan wrote: As a note to people’s different views on the graphical side to the rift I feel there’s two camps, one more focused on image quality underlining their overall experience and the other camp with immersion being the priority. I lean quite heavily towards the immersion which is why my initial experience was so mind blowing for me. I can play games with poor graphics though, even now, so long as gameplay is good so maybe it’s just down to personality. I can appreciate anyone in the first camp just thinking the rift is just awful at the moment which is why you get these conflicting impressions.

That's why I hope the low resolution and screen door effect hopefully won't bother me too much. I just finished Zelda Twilight princess on my fullhd tv after almost 70hours, although I could play it with easily an emulator in 1080p on my pc. Maybe it sounds a bit stupid, but I love playing on my game consoles, I would never play any game on an emulator if I can play it on my game console, no matter how bad the graphics or the resolutions are.

Of course a higher the resolution is better, but it's not the most important thing to me, it's all about the overall experience.